
Sanctus Retreats

in the Bulletin and Parish Web site


Coming soon! Sanctus: a retreat for average Catholics!

Our parish is offering you a chance to make a wonderful retreat. Have you ever wondered whether your life journey was leading you to true happiness? Have you ever thought you would like to connect more with the spirit of the Risen Christ? Have you ever wished you could learn how to live your faith more fully?

Let the Holy Spirit touch your heart by sharing your belief and faith in this marvelous one-day retreat experience. It’s called Sanctus which is the Latin word meaning, “holy.” Yes, you are called to be holy. The Second Vatican Council made this a huge part of its work in the 1960s. We are all called to holiness.

Sanctus: A retreat leading all to greater holiness


This retreat asks and responds to the following questions about God and the Christian, Catholic faith to which we hold:

  • What are the highlights and challenges with my own journey of faith?
  • How has God touched me during my lifetime up to this point?
  • What does it mean to “die in Christ”?
  • How do we live with self-giving love and why would love make us happy anyway?
  • How can we live with “holiness for life”?

Sign up now!

Share a bit of good food, some talking about your faith, and a dose of great friendship with fellow parishioners. [Here give the time and place of the gathering, how to register, the cost, and so forth.]


Adult Catholics Who Love Their Faith

Sanctus Retreat

Are you one of these? Do you wish you knew more about the teachings of the Church? Do you want to be more articulate in talking about what we believe? This is your lucky day! Here at [name of parish] we are offering a wonderful, one-day retreat which is the answer to your prayers!

Let the Holy Spirit touch your heart by sharing your belief and faith in a retreat designed to help you learn about self-giving love and the Paschal Mystery.


The word in Latin means “holy” and this retreat is a response to call of Vatican II that we all embrace our “call to holiness.” Everyone is called, including YOU. Learning what this means and how it can change your life forever is the goal of this retreat. Share time with your fellow parishioners. Come to this retreat in order to GIVE not to GET.


This retreat asks and responds to the following questions about God and the Christian, Catholic faith to which we hold:

  • What are the highlights and challenges with my own journey of faith?
  • How has God touched me during my lifetime up to this point?
  • What does it mean to “die in Christ”?
  • How do we live with self-giving love and why would love make us happy anyway?
  • How can we live with “holiness for life”?

Sign up now!

Share a bit of good food, some talking about your faith, and a dose of great friendship with fellow parishioners. [Here give the time and place of the gathering, how to register, the cost, and so forth.]


We warmly welcome you to Grow your Faith

Sanctus: a retreat on holiness

CCD may have ended for you when you were in 8th Grade. Or you may have graduated from a Catholic elementary or high school. But Catholic faith formation is a lifelong process. Here at [name of parish] we adult Catholics are returning to study, learn, and share about our faith together. We’re offering a wonderful and life-changing retreat that will lead you to deeper life in Christ.

Let the Holy Spirit touch your heart by sharing your belief and faith in a Sanctus Retreat.

Sanctus: a retreat leading to greater holiness for all


This retreat asks and responds to the following questions about God and the Christian, Catholic faith to which we hold:

  • What are the highlights and challenges with my own journey of faith?
  • How has God touched me during my lifetime up to this point?
  • What does it mean to “die in Christ”?
  • How do we live with self-giving love and why would love make us happy anyway?
  • How can we live with “holiness for life”?

Sign up now!

Share a bit of good food, some talking about your faith, and a dose of great friendship with fellow parishioners. [Here give the time and place of the gathering, how to register, the cost, and so forth.]