USP Travel Grant Application

Overview: Undergraduate students who have been accepted to present research or creative projects at academic and professional conferences are eligible to apply for up to $500 in travel support through the Undergraduate Scholars Program to help offset costs of conference-related travel. Any travel funding awarded by USP will be transferred to the student’s home or research department to ensure that funding is disbursed in accordance with department and university policies.

Instructions: Please fill out all sections of this form completely, attach required documentation (outlined in section B), and return to the USP Office in 130-J Gaines Hall. USP requires that all students applying for travel funding do so under the guidance and supervision of a faculty mentor. Your faculty mentor/sponsor must complete and sign Section E. prior to submission.

A. StudentInformation

Name: / Date:
Hometown / Mailing Address:
Major: / Expected Graduation Date:
Term: Fall Spring Summer Year: 20______
Year in School*: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior *Graduate students are not eligible to receive funding through USP.
Are you, or will you be enrolled as a full-time* undergraduate student during the term of your travel?
Yes No *Students must be enrolled as full-time undergraduates at MSU at the time of travel. Students traveling during the summer do not have to be enrolled in summer classes if enrolled full-time the semesters preceding and following that summerterm.
If no, please explain:
Was your project funded by: USP INBRE Other MSU Program Mentor-funded (check all that apply)
If funded by USP/INBRE, what was the most recent academic term in which you received funding for your project?
Year: 20___ Term: Fall Spring Summer
USP often highlights student research and travel awards on its website. If awarded funding, do you give USP permission to include information about your travel award on the website or other USP materials? Yes No

B. Conference Information

Name of Conference/Meeting: / Locationof Conference:
Dates of Conference:
Will you be presenting or co-presenting at the meeting? Yes No
If YES, please attacha copy of your abstract and confirmation of acceptance.
If NO, please attach a one page justification of your purpose for attending.*
*Funding is typically only awarded to students presenting or co-presenting research at a conference. In exceptional cases, funding for non-presenters may be
awardedat the discretion of the Program Director.

C. Travel Justification/Explanation

Briefly describe the purpose of your travel and how it will advance your academic or professional goals:

D. Budget & Travel Information

USP Travel Grants provide up to $500. Will you be applying for additional travel funding from another source?
Yes No *Students applying for supplemental funding will not be at a disadvantage for receiving USP funding. Seeking supplemental funding is encouraged. This information is collected to help USP coordinate funding appropriately with other programs/depts.
If YES, please check all that apply:
Academic College ______Academic Dept. or Research Center ______Faculty mentor
Off-campus sponsor(s) Other ______
Estimated Travel Expenses:
Expense / EstimatedCost
Registration Fees (if applicable):
Transportation(airfare, rental car, or mileage)
(check current mileage rates at
Lodging(# of nights x cost per night):
Meals(do not include meals covered by your conference registration fee):
(check current per diem rates at
Other(airport shuttle, cab, etc):
TOTAL Estimated Expenses*:
* Please outline all travel expenses, even if they exceed the $500 maximum provided by USP.

E. Mentor Information(to be filled out by faculty mentor or sponsor)

Name: / Email:
Department: / Academic College: / Phone Number:
Briefly describe your role in mentoring the student’s research project and/or sponsoring this travel:
Are you a co-author on the presentation? Yes No
Please briefly comment on the student’s preparation and ability to successfully participate in the trip:
If awarded a travel grant, USP will transfer funding to your department for disbursement. Please list the following departmental contacts with whom we should coordinate the transfer and related approvals.
Department Accountant Name: / Accountant Phone:
Accountant Email:
Department Head Name: / Department Head Phone:
Department Email:
By signing, I indicate that I have reviewed and approve the student’s conference abstract, travel budget and justification. I agree to work with the applicant to ensure that the research/creative project will meet the professional standards of Montana State University and of my discipline.
As the faculty mentor/sponsor/supervisor for this student travel, I agree to provide assistance in assuring that the student complies with departmental and university travel requirements.
Signature: / Date: