PNW IC Council Meeting

11/15 -11/16

Change to Character

  • Invite Alaska/ non-voting membership
  • Replace OR & WA teams with NW type 2/ ODF/ OFSM
  • Majority decision making
  • NWCC Repository/ Share point

Information sharing at IMT

  • 211 system => PIO Group
  • 211 national information system
  • helps connect to local resources needed
  • Assistance for everything
  • Computer and phone service
  • Nation wide
  • Deliberate Risk process (Noel & Shawn) how to close the loop ICs
  • Present difference between OSFM and Washington State Patrol

Action items

  • EMT reciprocal agreement for Washington checklist for both states => issue to bring forward to IC council Brian
  • How do we share Life First => SORO office is working on it
  • Contractor association
  • Other federal agencies
  • Support joint team training with ODF and OSFM recommendation to PNWCG =>Chris
  • Add PNWCG to White Paper on ODF and OSFM IMT operating guideline
  • Integrate while deployed on incidents
  • Working agreements
  • Welcome packets for both states
  • Canada =>may just start with WA and OR
  • State Mobilization, Configuration act =>general how to
  • Task Group => Lead Chris, Mariana, Bill March 1st Target
  • Can GEO board follow up on ADS (deputy IC) ability to sign delegation of Authority?
  • National Direction = > Policy needs to be clarified
  • Brian to GEO board
  • Cow contract => Eric Knerr will send a note to Katie Mergel

Team Financial Support

  • Deliberate support for all teams by PNWCG
  • What is the standard in hardware and software support
  • create common package
  • IT team equipment maintenance
  • What is the big picture
  • Develop standard and propose to PNWCG
  • What are the gaps in team needs
  • Task Group => Lead Ricky, Chris , DJ and Ken Paul March 1st Target

Changes in National Team Configuration

  • Short/ Long Teams
  • Template selections meet mob guide (Brian to Geo board and share at team training)
  • Liaisons
  • Resource Advisors
  • Multiple Jurisdiction
  • Local Resources => i.e. Structural liaison
  • Local resources => structural liaison share white paper

Tactical Objectives

  • SOP’s expectations for non-team DIVS, no standardizing for all PWN IMTs, (share info Brian will share, team meetings)
  • Teams have some document or handy dandy provide to non-team DIVS Brian will work out how
  • Medical Information -9 line share information Brian Goff will contact NWCC for repository
  • Clarity of terminology
  • Medical personnel standard is based on the equipment information and standards will be shared info at team training
  • Designation of helispots (terminology not using medevac) this is in place but will be reiterated at team training
  • IHC help/ feedback > Brandon O’Reilly will pass information through National IHC steering committee


  • National type 2 IA crew contract awarded late summer => CO in Boise
  • Agreements awarded based on; crew performance, Crew leadership, designated dispatch location and safety programs
  • All type 2 IA crews required to have 4 wheel drive vehicles
  • Working with DNR to use VIPR resources by providing a DNR clause
  • While making it clear for resources
  • Soliciting Ambulances and EMT
  • Projected to increase in number of resources over the next years
  • Still able to use local Ambulances and EMTs through EERA
  • Soliciting Satellite Internet

Life First

  • Rail Fire Example
  • General consensus and buy in on the Rail Fire
  • Interviews on the ground provided honest feedback
  • Engaged in dialogue and mindful actions
  • How do we reach non FS personnel? See Action Items


  • Desire to work with OFSM and Washington State Patrol make PWN working agreement
  • Support a welcome packet
  • Potential for joint team training See Action Items
  • Ability to make local connections and work together smoothly with law enforcement and local fire chiefs
  • Helpful to identify stake holders and how we can support them

GEO Broad

  • Confusion on team financial support => work with PNWCG to develop on paper
  • Rotations => start with initial calendar, then work of a rotating list, with teams to the bottom upon returning from assignment
  • Mobilization Guide to start with rotation but will not include a calendar
  • Unable to change ICAP closing dates
  • Needs for successional planning and training in order to fill teams in the future
  • Need to create agreements to for non-agency personnel to fill in with teams => start with state agencies first
  • Washington and Oregon State have filled with fire service personnel
  • Master Agreement is a National Effort
  • Available training for those who need 420 and 520
  • Anticipate logistical difficulties during August’s Solar Eclipse in Central and Eastern Oregon, if there are fire incidents


  • Many retirements in 2016 => 2017 staring with many new staff

IHC Representative

  • What works well
  • 204 Control Operations, Work assignments => TASK, PURPOSE and END STATE
  • Useful to guide work
  • Ensures everyone is on the same page
  • Medical Resource Summary
  • Create one spot for all medical information, provides clarity
  • What would be helpful
  • Incident Objectives that relate to work that is being done on the ground
  • Creating more consistency between non team DIVS
  • Common terminology used for medical resource make sure they are identified by level of care that they are able to provide
  • Terminology on helispots ( not using medivac)
  • Creating a standard for 9 –line use, limiting radio traffic for non-emergency/ green incidents
  • Designate helispots when there are unlimited options to reduce confusion in an emergency situation
  • Managing 2:1 in real time
  • Risk Assessment Process => teams are good at asking for feedback and closing the loop
  • Overall trend is improvement
  • Reach out to other regions and IC councils to pass on information through National IHC steering committee

Teams AAR

  • Consensus that having recourse advisor liaison in place was helpful and needed
  • Difficult to roster a team for more than 3 months
  • In off season IC call down list is reasonable
  • OSFM does roster there team year round
  • There is a need to be able to respond for all natural disasters
  • Issues with not getting COW => See Action Items
  • New DNR Kitchen work well
  • Trend to turn range over to team from the Agency
  • Would like to keep agency range personnel involved
  • Flexibilities in teams to ramp up and down quickly