Undergraduate Joint Consultative Committee
Minutes of the meeting held on 28th February, 2017, Small Meeting Room, Gibson Building.
Present: Mary Marshal, Director of Undergraduate Studies (Chair), Moritz Adam
In attendance: Fran Roach (Secretary)
Apologies: Hilla Wait, Johannes Zachhuber
1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes were approved as a correct record.
2. Matters Arising
(a) Town Hall Meeting. The plan is to have a Drop-in model instead of Town Hall Meeting for all 1st years. Confirming at what point decisions are needed from students is not yet decided.
(b) Faculty Website. The Faculty are working hard to get rid of the gremlins. MA said he had heard no comments from students
3. Junior Members’ Business
(a) MA asked whether it might be possible to find some space for Undergraduates in the Faculty. He pointed out that the Graduates had 2 spaces, but there was nothing for Undergraduates. He suggested it would be very helpful, especially between lectures. The DUS apologised, but there is limited space in this building.
Action point: DUS will find out about what is planned for the new building
(b) MA questioned whether a more flexible form of assessment might be possible to enable students to perform better. DUS explained that on the new Curriculum there are different ways (e.g. 2 shorter essays; 1 short essay + a shorter exam etc.)
(c) MA asked whether students studying Greek were slightly disadvantaged in comparison to those studying Hebrew, as a result of the differing rubrics for offering gobbets in each language. The DUS was pleased to report that this inconsistency did not exist in the “New” curriculum but that, unfortunately the rubrics for the existing FHS were now unlikely to be changed but that examiners are aware of the differing pressures placed on candidates offering Greek and Hebrew.Then something about specialising in Biblical Studies, but my notes don’t make much sense!
4. Report from the Director of Undergraduate Studies
(a) Nominations to UJCC. The DUS hoped for a full complement of Student Representatives next term, especially to make things more equitable.
(b) FHS Handbook – this has now been to USC and will be shared at the Faculty Meeting on 2nd March
5. Any Other Business
The DUS on behalf of the Faculty thanked MA for his hard work and dedication.
6. Date of Next Meeting:
Tuesday 16th May, 2017