Student Examination Procedures
Winter 2007
In order to ensure the academic integrity of exams, students are asked to:
- Place all cell phones/ personal audio equipment and other electronic devices in bags
- Place all bags and personal belongings in a designated area in the room. No personal belongings can be brought to the exam desk.
- Place student ID on the upper right hand corner of the desk for verification
- Have no pencil cases on desks only writing utensils
- Have no food or drink during theexam unless medically required. (If a drink is needed, an invigilator will assist you).
- Remove hats while writing the exam unless required by religious observance
- Conduct the exam in silence
- Be registered in the course to write the exam
- Raise their hands to ask a question, use washroom, or request additional supplies
- In the case of an emergency, leave all exam materials on the desk and follow the instructions of the invigilator
- Maintain all academic integrity standards during an exam (see for details)
- Not leave the exam within the first 30 minutes, not enter the exam more than 30 minutes after it has begun or leave the exam within the last 15 minutes
- Not have any materials on the desk other than those designated by the instructor (i.e.: formula sheet, calculator etc…)
Please Note:
- If an electronic device is found on your person during an exam, it will be confiscated and returned to your department/school. In order to retrieve it you will need to schedule an appointment for a discussion with either the instructor or the Chair/Director. This discussion may result in a charge of academic misconduct.
- You will not be permitted to begin your exam until you comply with the rules/procedures and, depending on the situation, failure to comply may result in you being charged with academic misconduct.
- Check your exam schedule very carefully. On some daysthe starting times for exams do not follow the pattern that was used for the December exams.
Also, please note the following:
It is strongly recommended that you not bring to the examination room any valuables that you do not wish to leave in your bag at the front of the room.
Coat racks will be supplied outside the exam hall.
There will also be a paid coat check ($2) for those students who wish to store their coats more securely.