(Code 4531006)

Person in charge for

the programme:

Jelena Staburova, prof., Dr.hab. hist.

RIGA, 2007


I Application for the re-acrediation of the study program 4

II Self-assessment of Master’s study programme “Political Science”. 6

1.  Introduction 7

2.  Aim and tasks of Master’s study programme “Political Science”. 8

3. Content of Master’s study programme “Political Science”. 9

3.1 Proportion of courses of category A and B. 10

4. Organisation of Master’s study programme “Political Science”. 10

4.1 Basic conceptions of organisation of the Programme. 10

4.2 System of knowledge assessment. 11

4.3 Consulting of students. 12

4.4 Financial, materially technical and methodical provision of the

Programme. 12

4.5  Admission regulations. 12

5. Practical implementation of the study Programme. 13

5.1 Methods and forms of studies for Master’s degree 13

5.2 Procedure of study process. 13

5.2.1 Modular system as the main form of study process. 13

5.2.2 Difficulties in implementation of study process. 14

5.2.3 Necessary corrections. 14

5.2.4 Perfection of the Programme. 15

6.  Comparison of RSU Master’s study programme with one of

academic Master’s programmes implemented in Latvia and two

abroad. 15

6.1  Comparison with Master’s study programme in political

science of Faculty of Social Sciences of the University

of Latvia. 15

6.2  Comparison to Master’s study programme of Birmingham

University (Great Britain). 16

6.3  Comparison to Master’s study programme of Central European

University. 17

7. Students. 18

7.1 Participation of students in scientific projects and conferences. 19

7.2 Participation of students in perfection of study process. 20

7.3 Results of questioning of employers. 22

8. Academic and administrative personnel. 23

8.1 Research work of academic staff. 24

8.2 Overseas lecturers in the Programme and co-operation with

universities and organisations from abroad. 25

9. Summary SWOT analysis. 26

10. Possibilities and threats of outer environment for implementation

of the Programme. 27

11. Perspective evaluation of the development of the Programme. 27

11.1 Competitiveness of the Programme in academic environment

and labour market. 27

11.2 Plan of development of the study Programme. 28

III Course planning and course descriptions of Master’s degree study programme in “Political Science” 29

IV List of academic staff and their creative biographies 44

V Appendix 87

Diploma standard 88




For the Re-Accreditation of the Master’s Study Program “Political Science”

Name of the Study Program Political Science

Code of the Study Program 4531006

Duration and volume of the

Study Program 2 years; 80 credit points

Address and phone number Dzirciema Street 16,

of the higher educational Riga, LV-1007

institution 7457605

Registration number

of the higher educational

institution 3341202042

Place and way of the Realisation RSU Faculty of the European Studies

of the Study Program Full-time studies

Admission requirement Degree of Bachelor of Social Sciences or Humanities

Degree obtained Degree of Master of Social Sciences in

Political Science

Name of the higher educational Riga Stradins University (RSU)


Authorised person: Dr.hab.hist., prof. Jeļena Staburova, professor of Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and person in charge of the Master’s Study Program “Political Science”.




1. Introduction

Contemporary world politics is getting more and more complicated, and with this, political science becomes particularly significant. From the former analysis of power and structure of power elements political science has developed to comprehensive theories that help to forecast action of a human as a political actor and of institutions in the global and multicultural world. Political science has obtained interdisciplinary character, merging with sociology, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, religion and history.

Together with the development of the theory of politics, people’s interest has grown in politics as a means which helps to understand daily political realities better and more profoundly. Particularly great interest in political science has been shown by youth of Latvia, which can be explained by a specific road of Latvia to independence and joining the European Union. Regardless the fact that several universities of Latvia offer programmes in political sciences students’ needs are not satisfied.

Faculty of European Studies (1998-2000 Faculty of Social Sciences, 2000-2002 Institute of European Integration, since June 2002 Faculty of European Studies) of Riga Stradins University (RSU) started implementation of the Academic Study Programme for the degree ‘Master in social sciences’ in political science with specialisation “Political Science” in August 2003 (acad. yr. 2003/04). The aim of designing the programme was to encourage training of academically educated specialists in political science in Latvia, using a comparatively new teaching system – modular system, popular, for example, in Scandinavian countries. The programme envisages students’ active individual work, as well as involvement of well-known academics and specialists from Latvia and abroad.

The programme in its four-year long existence has proved its efficacy and has received students’ support. In the study process students’ suggestions are taken into consideration, therefore the content of the programme is constantly being renewed. The Programme fully corresponds to the principles of Bologne Declaration, ensuring development of competitive labour force, obtaining of civil education, acquisition of values of European culture and democracy, increase in students’ and teaching staff mobility and promotion of intensive scientific co-operation in the framework of European Union (EU) programmes.

Self-assessments are a compulsory part of the programme from the very beginning of its existence. They are realised annually in the form of a written self-assessment report done by head of the programme, as well as by students’ evaluation of the quality of teaching and methods applied in the subject to be studied, which is performed after completion of a subject.

2. Aim and tasks of the Master’s study programme “Political Science”

The strategic aim of the academic educational programme is acquisition of theoretical knowledge and research skills, preparing for independent scientific work in the chosen branch of science.

The aim of Master’s study programme “Political Science” is to prepare highly qualified specialists in the domain of political science, who know political problems of Latvia and other European countries and the world, who can apply contemporary theories of political science in analysis of specific issues; who are able to carry out scientific studies and apply their knowledge in research and practical work.

Master’s study programme helps to acquire knowledge in political science which may be further applied in research environment. The Master’s degree envisages profound and wide knowledge in the domain of political sciences. Having obtained this degree, graduates will be able to continue further education for PhD degree. Academic Master’s degree in political science enables a person to orientate in academic discourse and discuss professional issues in circles of both professionals and laymen. Graduates can independently, systematically and critically formulate and analyse complicated scientific problems. They can also improve their competence and specialise, choosing corresponding practical work.

In addition to knowledge corresponding to Bachelor’s degree, a graduate of Master’s degree study programme will be able:

·  to analyse political processes at higher level;

·  to apply independently different analytical methods and assess politically complicated problems;

·  to reveal profound knowledge and additional understanding of complicated aspects of politics;

·  to reveal broader academic perspective.

The Programme promotes possibilities of co-operation with international scientific, management and political organisations. Topicality of the Master’s study programme is determined by current trends in European and world politics, changes in political situation in the world, involvement of the countries that have regained independency after break-down of socialism, in global policy in new quality, necessity to solve practical problems in domestic and foreign policy in Latvia, applying results of theoretical studies. Topicality of the Programme is increased by necessity to develop a stable political system in Latvia, the Baltic countries, the European Union and world.

Tasks of Master’s study programme:

·  to render theoretical knowledge of research theories and methods in politics, their varieties and connection with other disciplines;

·  to teach students to carry out independent scientific studies, based on contemporary methodological and methodical principles;

·  to develop critical thinking and ability to forecast development of political processes,

·  to prepare students for further studies for PhD degree, forming a positive motivation in relation to obtaining a scientific PhD degree;

·  to acquire topical problems of EU politics, as well as trends in development of the EU;

·  to render knowledge of specifics of policy in Latvia in comparison to other European countries and the world;

·  to teach to evaluate place of Latvia and other Baltic countries in political and social environment of EU;

·  to teach to understand connection between politics and culture;

·  to reveal possibilities for studying of politics of Russia and Asian countries (China).

Master’s degree study programme has been elaborated, analysing the programmes offered by other higher institutions of Latvia and European countries in the domain of politics, abiding by regulations of the state academic educational standard in Latvia.

3. Content of Master’s study programme

In general, the Programme has been designed so that it would give Master’s degree students idea on intellectual standards, used in contemporary political science, as well as on challenges and trends of political science, thus making their way to the final test – Master’s paper, and further – to studies for PhD degree. Therefore, in the programme, a significant place is taken by methodological and theoretical courses, based on Western liberal-democratic philosophical tradition.

The central circle of problems in the Programme is related to research methodology of politics and methods of data procession. Firstly, two significant courses should be mentioned: “Quantitative political analysis” and “Qualitative methods in political science”. Although all courses of part A deal with research methodology in political science, the Programme also offers a separate course “Social investigation: methodology and methods”, which gives systemic and summarising view on basic conceptions of cognition in politics.

The theoretical paradigm is dominating in such courses of the part A as “Theories of contemporary politics”, “Political economics”, “Social theories”, “Theories of comparative politics”, which give outlook on disciplines and sub-disciplines of politics. This list should also include a course from part B “Political anthropology”. A course from part A - “Comparative democratisation” acquaints with regularities of westernisation of political institutions.

The part B is mainly comprised by courses, which are more related to concrete issues, firstly, EU (“Germany in European integration processes” and “Relations between EU and Russia and their perspectives”) and post-communist countries (“Problems of development of post-communist countries”). The course “China in contemporary global processes” offers introduction in politics outside framework of European politics.

Thus, the study Programme has been developed so that methodologically theoretical courses would be in balance with descriptive courses, and courses focusing on Europe in balance with those which give broader geographical and cultural perspective.

3.1 Proportion of A and B category courses

Of total 80 credit points in the programme subjects of part A comprise 40%, but of part B - 20%. In addition, part A includes (20%) writing and defending of Master’s paper. See Table 1

Table 1 Proportion of A and B courses by credit points and number of subjects

A or B category / Credit points / Subjects
Number / % / Number / %
Part A / 40 / 50 / 8 / 61
Part B / 20 / 25 / 4 / 31
Master’s paper (partA ) / 20 / 25 / 1 / 8
Total / 80 / 100 / 13 / 100

4. Organisation of Master’s degree study programme “Political Science”

4.1 The basic conceptions of organisation of the programme “Political Science”

Master’s study programme is envisaged for full-time students and is implemented in 4 semesters (2 academic years). Master’s study programme is comprised by theoretical courses and Master’s paper. To complete the studies successfully students must listen to all theoretical courses, pass examinations, prepare and defend the planned projects and Master’s paper. For completion of the latter, time is planned in the 4th semester.

The study process in the Programme is organised by modular principle, which means that students consecutively acquire study subjects: having completed one subject (module) students are offered next subject. At the end of each subject students take an examination and receive the final mark. Each module lasts for 5 weeks, i.e., during 4 weeks the students attend lectures, prepare presentations, participate in seminars, but the 5th week is examination time. Regardless that modular principle is well known in the world in Latvia it is not spread. Thus, RSU Department of Political Sciences offers an alternative form of organisation of study process for Master’s degree students of Latvia. As students’ inquiries reveal, they consider modular principle as an advantage. The modular principle envisages intensive work of both students and academic staff. It also makes easier involvement of specialists, both from Latvia and abroad, in implementation of the Programme.

Within a semester a student totally masters four courses. Amount of courses is expressed in credit points. One module equals 5 credit points. Total amount of Master’s study programme is 80 credit points, including 60 credit points, or 75%, that are envisaged for theoretical courses of parts A and B and 20 credit points (25%) – for preparation and defending of Master’s paper. Credit points are received for each acquired subject if evaluation is positive. Subjects included in the programme are divided into two categories: A – mandatory, B – compulsory optional.

Master’s paper is of research type and should be with original direction in the chosen branch of science. Master’s paper contains independent conclusions of a Master’s degree student and suggestions. In the course of writing the Master’s paper a student may consult a supervisor of the work. In order to help a student to write a qualitative work and acquaint them with the procedure of defending the Department of Political Science organise pre-defending in front of expert commission. After presentation of Master’s paper members of the commission together with the student and their supervisor of the work discuss it and look for solutions how to improve it.