Choose one WebQuest to complete during class.

Make sure your answers are written in RED!

WebQuest 1: Batting Average

1.  What is a batting average?

2.  How is a batting average calculated?

3.  Calculate the batting averages for the following players.

Ken Griffey, Jr / 600 / 173
Sammy Sosa / 625 / 180
Tony Gwynn / 411 / 139

4.  Order the batting averages in column 3 from least to greatest.

5.  Compute the batting averages for 25 players in the 2008 season.

6.  Find historical player stats for 20 baseball players from the 2009 season.

7.  Compute the batting average for each player.

8.  Create a table for your results.

9.  How does a batting average measure a player's performance?

WebQuest 2: Earned Run Average

1.  What is an Earned Run Average?

2.  How is an ERA calculated?

3.  Gather pitching stats for Earned Runs (ER) and Number of Innings Pitched (IP).

4.  Calculate the ERA for each pitcher.

5.  Create a table for your results.

6.  How does an earned run average measure a pitcher's performance?

WebQuest 3: Win-Loss Percentage

Win-Loss Percentage is important data for any team. For example, WL% can be computed for a baseball team. However, WL% is also used in other sports. Try our Lessons on Understanding Percent, then do the following:

1.  Look at win and loss data for teams in football. For example, the NFL.

2.  Compute the WL% for five teams in a league, five in a conference and five in a division.

3.  Create a table for your results.

4.  Look at win and loss data for teams in basketball, for example, the NBA.

5.  Compute the WL% for ten teams of your choice.

6.  Create a table for your results.

7.  What other sports use WL%?

8.  Is WL% always expressed as a percentage? Explain your answer.