Maya, Aztec, Inca: Tree Rubric

CATEGORY / Master / Apprentice / Novice / Untrained / Score
Drawings, Symbols, & Diagrams
25 points / Drawings, symbols, and diagrams are recognizable, detailed and colored accurately. Overall, the drawingsenhance the main idea of the content. / Drawings, symbols, and diagrams are recognizable and colored accurately. Overall, the drawings explain the main idea of the content. / Drawings, symbols, and diagrams are recognizable and reasonably accurate. They mostly match main idea of the content. / Drawn objects are difficult to recognize AND/OR not accurate. They often times do not explain the main idea of the content.
25 points / The tree has been crafted with great care. The lines are sharp, colors clear, cutting crisp, and text aligned. No smudges, drips, tears or erasures, or grammatical errors are seen. / The tree has been crafted with some care. Most lines are sharp, colors clear, cutting crisp, and text aligned. Smudges, drips, tears or erasures, and grammatical errors are few and do not detract. / The tree has been completed, but it appears a little messy. Smudges, drips, tears or erasures, and grammatical errors detract from the overall appearance. / The tree looks hastily thrown together or like it was wadded up in a desk. The tree seems quite messy and full of grammatical errors.
Thematic & Content
50 points / The tree fits the theme of the assignment and all of the info is accurately placed. At least 7 differences and 5 similarities among the civilizations were explained. / The tree fits the theme of the assignment and most of the info is accurately placed. At least 6 differences and 4 similarities among the civilizations were listed. / The tree fits the theme of the assignment. At least 5 differences and 3 similarities among the civilizations were evident. / The tree does not fit the theme of the assignment. Less than 4 differences and 3 similarities among the civilizations were on the tree.
Collaboration and Teamwork
Not part of the grade – for feedback only / The group worked well together with all members contributing significant amounts of quality work. All group members participated in discussion and actively listened to others. / The group generally worked well together with all members contributing some quality work. All group members participated in discussion and actively listened to others. / The group worked fairly well together with all members contributing some work. Most group members participated in discussion and actively listened to others. / The tree appeared to be the work of only 1-2 students in the group AND/OR there was little discussion, working together or active listening. / TOTAL: