MARCH 2, 2015

Open meeting

President, Kay Kelley called the meeting to order Monday, March 2, 2015 at 9:00am in the Sewing Room at Orchard Creek Lodge.

Secretary - Gail Cretcher was called to present the minutes of the previous board meeting on February 2, 2015. A correction that Pat Barnhill was indeed present at that time was made. Theboard approved with correction and accepted the minutes.

TREASURER - Sharon Magnusson reported a balance of $9026.64 as of 2-28-2015.

Present were

Pat Barnhill Barbara Appleby Christine Younger Sylvia Feldman

Kay Kelley Twila Miller Kris Volker Nancy Rich

Rebecca Hoetger Darlene Caudillo Gretchen McCarthy

Gail Cretcher Clareen Bolton Victoria Hildebrand

Sharon Magnusson Bev Johnson Shirli Lent

PRESIDENT - Kay Kelley reminded us of the Club Expo on March 12 and called on Christine Younger who told us that she will be trying to feature some of our lesser known groups such as rug making and beading etc. Kay reminded us of a change of date for the May board meeting. It will be held on Monday, April 27, 2015. There was discussion regarding voting members of the board. Kay stated that the vote of the executive board reflected the opinion of the board members at-large.

PROGRAMS - Darlene Caudillo told us that at the March General Meeting our speaker will be Pamela Day who specializes in handbags. She also told us of a prospective speaker who works with incarcerated women to teaching them sewing and quilting.

TRAVEL - Rebecca Hoetger announced that Mercy Retreat is full with a wait list. Zephyr Retreat has 14 signed up. There is $125 deposit to sign up. There will be an orientation meeting for Mercy attendees on April 9 at 4:00pm at OC sewing room.

MEMBERSHIP - Kris Volker reported a total of 258 members.

HISTORIAN - Barbara Appleby announced that Jane Carhart would be our featured artist for this month.

MEETING FACILITATOR - Victoria Hildebrand will be gone for a few weeks due to upcoming surgery.

SPRING LUNCHEON - Gail Cretcher (for Betsy McMullen) The reservation flyer will be published soon. The Sunny Singers will be the entertainment for the affair.

WORKSHOPS -Twila Miller announced that Sue Pharis would teach a class on quilting March 14 from 9:30 to 2:00pm. Barbara Allen will teach a class on knitting an Entrelac Scarf on April 18. On May 16, Judy Doughty will teach a class for a charm quilt.

LOGOS - Shirli Lent is looking for a new logo printer. Pat Barnhill will assist in the search.

Next General Meeting: March 10, 2015

Next Board Meeting: Monday, April 6, 2015, OC Sewing Room 9:00am

Respectfully Submitted

Gail Cretcher, Secretary