PTO minutes fromSeptember 19, 2017

Members present: Lisa Bottom, Marcy Driscoll, JoAnn Lovensheimer,Jennifer Brue, Shawna Lankheit, Michael Estes, Julie Sullivan, Patty Reams, Denise Bayless, Terri Miller,Veronica Schweitzer

Opening Prayer L. Bottom opened the meeting with a prayer.

Lisa read the PTO Officers for 2017-18

Minutes The minutes from the May2017 meeting were read and were approved as written (D. Bayless approved and T. Miller seconded. None opposed.)

Treasurer Report Marcy read the treasurer’s report.She reviewed May, June, July and August. As of August, we have an opening balance of $2,609.09. Our ending balance is $2,974.57 with the available balance of $1,424.53 as we have set aside funds for Accelerated Reader.

Marcy also confirmed Rose Mary Fangmeyer completed the audit this summer. Amounts and bank account info have been verified. Only one check was outstanding which has since come it. She noted this was the best audit she has done. (J. Sullivan approved and M. Estes seconded. None opposed.)

School Report

Mrs. Schweitzer noted the joint meeting to schedule all events worked well. Our next PTO meeting scheduled for 10/17 will also include the other groups so we can check in on the events that have been scheduled.

The school is going through the accreditation process this year. This will include surveys to be completed by students, teachers and parents. Mrs. Schweitzer is creating a binder for all necessary categories such as finance and curriculum. Accreditation is done every five years. Linda Groh and James Hubbard from other schools will do the accreditation visit on March 8, 2018. They will talk to teachers, students and Mrs. Schweitzer during their visit and will verify the binder is correct. Once this is completed, the binder will be sent to the state.

The move to the Sycamore app seems to be working well. She is working on how to import progress reports ahead of next week. The cafeteria menu can also be found here.

We are moving to a new testing vendor, MAP as Terra Nova did not send results from last year. They have a growth test so they will be given in Fall and Spring (and maybe Winter if they can find time). These tests are done online.

Fr. Matt is still assisting with our computers. In fact he was in today.

Candy sales and magazine sales went well. The Day of Fun for the students’ reward is scheduled for next Tuesday September 26, 2017. Lisa Faulhaber is planning the event.

Children’s Theater is performing Pinocchio during Catholic Schools Week for Student Appreciation Day for $125.

AR bill will be due early October.

Xavier has a reading program to log books as well. Logging them is not user-friendly so Marcy will see if information can be imported.

Mrs. Schweitzer reviewed several events upcoming:

-Pet Blessing is scheduled for 10/4 – we have early dismissal at 1PM that day.

-Pumpkin painting is scheduled 10/5

-Health screenings will be done on 10/10 for height, weight, eyes and hearing

-Picture day is 10/19 in the morning and Schoolhouse symphony is scheduled in the afternoon

Committee Report


-Skating parties to start on October 8, 2017 and run monthly. It will be from 4P-6P

-Family Pumpkin Carving October 13, 2017

-Quarter Auction is tentatively scheduled for November 11, 2017 although it may be moved to November 10, 2017 because there is a parishioner birthday party in Fleming Hall on November 11, 2017


-No report

PTO raffle:

-We have received $600 in ticket sales to date. We will put fliers in the bulletin this weekend. Break even amount is $900.

Old Business

Discussed adding people to the Remke’s program as St. Anthony receives funds quarterly based on dollars spent.

Skyline is providing $200 in gift certificates for us to sell. They noted they would provide 2-3x/yr.

Discussed moving Gold Star nights from monthly to quarterly.

Chick Fil A night is scheduled tomorrow, September 20th.

Canvas painting night scheduled September 29th. To date, have received reservations for 12 people.

Texas Roadhouse night scheduled for October 24th.

Halloweenfestbeing co-chaired by Shawna Lankheit and Kim Estes Moorman. It is scheduled for Saturday 10/28. Tentative time is 12N-3PM.

-Jo Ann will contact Kristie Chisenhall to see if she has a binder of information

-PTO closet in the parish center has the games and remaining prizes

-Lisa B. has a list of volunteers that signed up at parent night

New Business

Xavier basketball fundraiser:

-Xavier will provide a minimum of 50 tickets for $10 per ticket. PTO can add a fee to the tickets and will print them with the total amount.

-Lisa to follow up to determine if some of these will be handicapped-accessible and also request a different game perhaps in January as December 16this too close to Christmas.

Lisa B. asked if PTO could cover CPR training for the teachers (total is $70). If we have funds in October, bill will be paid then.

Shawna suggested we check into selling Chef Barone pizza or hoagie kits.

Denise Bayless said she would call Cincinnati Parent magazine for more information regarding the ad for Open House. We don’t want to advertise too early since our Open House is in February.

Terri Miller will review items needed to create a yearbook and may head that project. She’ll report back to us.

Shawna Lankheit may follow up with Debbie Chiarelli on details of Scrips.

Split the Pot.

Denise Bayless won Split the Pot


Motion made by L. Faulhaberto adjourn and seconded by M. Driscoll