Engineering Economy: Applying Theory to Practice, 3rdEditionby Ted Eschenbach

Corrections for 2nd printinglast updated August28, 2011

p. 67, Exp. 3.8 last line, 2,09,608 should be 2,019,608

p. 90, 3.79, in last line change 4.37 to 4.40

p. 124, 4th line of equations change 10 to 20 in 600(P/A, 6%, 10)

p. 131, Exp. 5.11, 2nd line, increase by $2K or 4% per year. Not or 4K, per year.

p. 143, 5.47 (b), change $100 to $25

p. 164, last line of Exp 6.12b, should be comma not period in $144,748

p. 183, 1st line, Should read: If the present worths at i1 and i2 are opposite in sign,

p. 192, 2nd line of 1st paragraph, switch values and i so that reads: NPV(i,values)

p. 203, 7.39 (a) 4th line, replace “cost of the loan?” with “loan rate if fee is added to the principal?

p. 268, Eq. 10.1, replace × with −

p. 268, Eq. 10.2, Stafter × should be St − 1

p. 270, table at top of page, year 2 & 4 entries for MC O&M should be 1900 & 3800 not 1950 & 3600

p. 314, 11.36, insert before final question mark: , if the budget is about $1M

p. 354, 1st line of solution to Exp 13.2, insert 0 so reads .091

p. 358, ATCF column of solution, years 1 to 4 should be +, so delete minus signs on 1200, 5520, & 912

p. 467, 16.33(a), insert “be” so reads “likely to be more accurate?”

p. 500, 17.42, replace (Problems 7.19 and 9.48) with (Problem 9.23)

Minor corrections for 2nd printing or 4th edition

p. 121, 2nd line from bottom, no space after ( and P & A should be italic

p. 131, 6th line from bottom, no space after PW = −40K

p. 155, Exp. 6.6, 30 year time horizon is used in solution, but not mentioned in problem