Ravenswood Surgery PPG Meeting–20 April 2017

Attendees –
Susan McDonald (Chair)
Lorna Batchelor
Tricia Dickson
Muriel Hume / Apologies –
Dr Guy Woodroffe
Karen Rankin (Scottish Health Council)
Margaret Mitchell
Laura Ramsay

New members

Tricia and Muriel were welcomed to their first meeting of the PPG.

Minutes of Meeting of 16 March 2017

The minutes were confirmed to be correct.

Matters Arising

Lorna confirmed that the poster had been given to the school for display in the new Forfar Community Campus. The newsletters had been distributed as previously agreed. Copies were still available within the surgery waitingroom.

There was discussion of the work required to attach copies of the newsletter to prescriptions, and expressions of willingness for PPG members to take on this task in future. This led to discussions over the challenge of maintaining strict patient confidentiality within the PPG, as members were hoping to interact with patients in a variety of ways. Lorna would discuss the issue with the doctors, with a view to asking PPG members to sign a confidentiality agreement before taking on any tasks exposing them to patient details. Specific mention of patient confidentiality would also be incorporated into the Terms of Reference. (Action: Lorna)

Susan explained that work on identifying funding sources for the PPG was in hand and ongoing.

Next newsletter

It was agreed that the format and layout were eyecatching. Distribution to public places such as the library had achieved two new members. Positioning within the Practice was discussed, to encourage patients to take away copies – Lorna would investigate the cost and feasibility of a perspex holder/ rack in the entrance area before the next issue. (Action: Lorna)

Content of the June issue was discussed. The practice were keen to help patients understand how the Practice was working to try to meet patient demand. It was agreed that a section on the role of the reception team would be useful – perhaps “A day in the life of...?” There might also be a section on how the PPG was developing, encouraging readers to respond with suggestions of what the PPG could do to help them. Any suggestions on the newsletter content could be shared with Lorna and Susan initially. The plan would be to have a draft version by mid-May at the latest.

Action Plan

The amended Action Plan was discussed, and generated discussion. Members were keen to help the Practice by keeping leaflets and posters updated. This was acknowledged to be a big task but would really benefit the Practice team and patients.

Tricia commented on the need to improve diversity of the PPG; her husband was a Men’s Shed member and that might be an avenue worth investigating.

Any other business

None raised.

Date of next meeting: Thursday 25 May 2017 at 1pm