AP Physics B Classroom Expectations

Mr. William Isel Rm: 324 757-648-5600 Ext. 78466

Parents and students can contact me at school by email.

All handed in work must be done in PENCIL.

Required Materials:

Students are required to have the following items on a daily basis: Textbook, notebook, graphing calculator, pencil with eraser and at least two pens (or pencils) of different colors **A graphing calculator will NOT be provided

Classroom Policies:

1.  Obey all PAHS Student Handbook policies

2.  Be respectful at all times

3.  Keep activities and discussions to the topic being discussed (ie. no horseplay, etc.)

4.  The teacher work area is off limits to students unless given permission (front desk, computer, etc.)

Student Evaluation:

§  A weighted point system will be used to compute the student’s final grade. Points will be assigned to each assignment, which includes the following types of assignments: homework, laboratory activities, chapter/unit evaluations, quizzes, writing assignments, and portfolios. The lowest homework grade for the quarter will be dropped. All grades will be placed into one of the four categories:

·  Major Assessments 30%

·  Minor Assessments 30%

·  Labs 30%

·  Homework 10%

§  All tests and quizzes are to be taken using pencil. Taking a test or quiz in anything other than a pencil is not allowed and will result in a reduced grade. Tests will be announced far enough in advance to allow sufficient time for study.

§  Student’s handwritten work must be legible. If not, it will be marked incorrect when evaluated.

§  With the adoption of parent portal, parents can view the most current grade for their child at any time. Grade updates are posted by Wednesday evening of each week. Parents are advised to check Parent Portal weekly for grade updates. Major tests, essays, projects, and research papers may take longer than one week to grade.

§  Extra Credit is available periodically throughout the course.

§  There will be a cumulative mid-term and final exam. Each will count for no more than 1/7 of the semester grade »14%. A letter grade will be assigned based on the Virginia Beach City Public Schools

§  Grading Scale:

Range / Letter Grade / Points
93 - 100 / A / 4.0
90 - 92 / A- / 3.7
87 - 89 / B+ / 3.3
83 - 86 / B / 3.0
80 - 82 / B- / 2.7
77 - 79 / C+ / 2.3
73 - 76 / C / 2.0
70 - 72 / C- / 1.7
67- 69 / D+ / 1.3
64 - 66 / D / 1.0
Below 64 / E / 0.0

Pinnacle Gradebook:

Z=0 points for the purpose of grade calculations…but the assignment can be made up
0=0 points for the purpose of grade calculations…the assignment can NOT be made up
(blank)=nothing, zilch, nada. It is not calculated. This assignment/lesson has not been taught/entered.

Homework Assignments:

Homework assignments are given at the beginning of every chapter. It is the student’s responsibility to check the due dates and to have assignments turned in on time. Homework problems are not usually solved in class. If the student has any questions they should ask a classmate for help or schedule an appointment with the teacher. Complete solutions will be made available to students. It is the student’s responsibility to take advantage of the opportunity. Homework will be graded according to the policies above and below. Homework assignments will be collected at the beginning of class. If a student is tardy to class, the assignment is due when the student arrives.

Properly doing your homework is essential to success in AP Physics. Homework can be graded in any one of the following ways. Be PREPARED.

1.  Correctness

2.  Completeness

3.  Select problems for correctness

**In the past students have handed in incorrect solutions with correct answers. I consider this cheating. Trying to trick the teacher will result in immediate loss of ½ of the assignment’s value minus regular point deductions. If you don’t know the solution you should make an honest attempt and turn in incorrect answers with incorrect solutions.

Unit Assessments:

Unit assessments will be modeled in a format similar to the AP exam, which includes multiple choice and free response questions.


Labs will range from 45-90 minutes in length. Each lab will require a lab report. Please refer to the handout for lab write-up procedures. Complete lab reports will be due the class day following the lab. All labs should be emailed to the teacher ().

Because of the nature of labs, most CANNOT be made up. The student may be required to complete another assignment.

Makeup Work:

When possible, students should notify the teacher of an upcoming absence so arrangements can be made for the student to receive the work during the absence. If that is not possible, STUDENTS are responsible for making arrangements with the teacher to make up work on the next class day after returning to school. The make up work will be due the following class except in cases of extended absences. Students may also check the pahsphysics.iselations.com class page for posted assignments.

AP Exam:

Students are required to take the AP Exam, which is scheduled for Monday, May 10 at 12 noon. Successful completion of the exam can equate to cheap college credits. You can save from $200 to over $3000 in college tuition.

Additional Help:

Additional help is available during and after school by appointment.


Approx. 1 chapter every weeks or approximately every 3 class sessions

It is recommended that students read at least 3-4 sections ahead as a minimum in preparation for the next class.

Equation Sheets:

No equation sheet will be allowed during tests and quizzes. If you do the homework assignments, the equations should come quite naturally.

**Parents are reminded that all student papers, tests, etc. are the property of Princess Anne High School and the instructor. These items may be sent home at the teacher’s discretion. Any parent wishing to view any materials shall contact the teacher.


§  Students should arrive on time to class each day. You should proceed to your seat and immediately begin working on the posted assignment.

§  If you are late to class you should quietly go to your seat, get out your notebook and begin taking notes. If there is a lab or some other activity please see the teacher for further instructions.

§  The Virginia Beach school board has adopted a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for cell phones in the classroom. Cell phones should be turned off before entering the building and remain off for the entire day. Any student caught with a cell phone in the open or suspected of using a concealed cell phone will be reported to their administrator.

§  As tempting as it may be, PLEASE DO NOT touch anything on the front desk.

§  “Share point” will be used. Students may be required to turn documents and assignments in to the teacher using share point. The document should be in a Microsoft office format (Word, Excel, etc). Microsoft Works or Word Perfect is NOT a suitable format. If you are using one of these programs, you should save word processor files as a .rtf (Rich Text Format) or as a “Microsoft word 97-2003” format (.doc). Students that do not have Microsoft Office and/or internet access at home can also access these resources via the computer lab.

§  Quia.com and pahsphysics.iselations.com will be used extensively in this course for assigning tests, and quizzes and disseminating information. Internet access will be required. If you do not have internet access at home, you can use the computer lab at the school or go to your local public library.

§  You should raise your hand if you have a question or need help.

§  The teacher dismisses the students not the bell. You should remain seated until the teacher dismisses you.

§  There is no need to ask permission to sharpen your pencil. You should proceed quietly to and from the pencil sharpener without talking to or otherwise interrupting other students.

Tips and Advice

I strongly encourage you to form study groups. Physics can be very intense. Most people will struggle with at least a couple of concepts throughout the course.

Don’t wait to ask questions because later concepts build on earlier concepts. Get help early and often. DO NOT wait until the day before a test to ask for help.

BE PATIENT – learning physics is a process that takes time. Physics will challenge you to think “outside the box.” This does not come naturally for most people. If you are having trouble, don’t give up…keep trying.

DON’T CRAM – Complete all assignments on time and review ALL course material on a regular basis. Cramming may work well for classes that require a factual understanding. However, physics is almost all application with few facts. Understanding the concepts and knowing how to apply those concepts will serve you best.

______(print student’s name)

I have read the AP Physics Classroom Expectations and the PAHS Student Handbook.

I will be on time to class each day with the required materials and complete all assignments.

Student Signature______

Student email______

(please print legibly)

I have read the AP Physics Classroom Expectations and the PAHS Student Handbook.

Parent/Guardian’s Signature______

Parent (H) (____)______

Parent (C) (____)______

Parent email:______

(please print legibly)