Moving Forward Together

Staff News

We say goodbye to Miss Kuhlwilm who, having successfully completed her probationary year, is moving to Tomnacross. We wish her all the best and thank her for her contribution to Mulbuie over the year.

Our support allocation for next session has been reduced significantly and so sadly we are losing Mrs Macpherson as PSA. I wish to thank her for all she done in the past two years to support the children in their learning. Gill will still be playground supervisor at Mulbuie.

Moira from the canteen has broken her ankle and we wish her a speedy recovery.

Becky from the canteen has had a baby girl – welcome Harriet to the Mulbuie and Ferintosh school community.

We also welcome Mrs Vivien Carmichael, our new permanent teacher at Mulbuie.

Classes for next year are likely to be:

P1-2 – Mrs Carmichael

P3-4 – Mrs Bilsland/Mrs Fraser

P5-7 – Miss Reid

There will be a moving up afternoon on Thursday 23rd June when children from P1 to P6 will have the opportunity to spend some time in their new class.

SuperHero Day

Thanks to all who supported SuperHero Day – a truly terrifying experience…

We raised £27.20 for Cash for Kids.

School Hours

An increasing number of children are arriving at school late after the bell at 9am, missing the first part of the day when instructions are often given, and disrupting the smooth running of the classes. All pupils should be at school ready to start at 9am except under exceptional circumstances.

Mulbuie Market –

Mulbuie Market, organised and run by Mrs Bilsland and the children in P4-5, made an incredible £410. Well done and a huge thanks to all who supported this enterprise.

Community Coffee

Many thanks to all who supported our community coffee: those who baked, those who served and those who came along. Thanks to Mrs Bain for leading this event and thanks too to the children who did such a wonderful job of serving the local community.

Close of Session 2015-16

School closes for the summer break at 12 noon on Friday 1st July and reopens to pupils on Tues 16th August.

And Finally

A huge good bye and good luck to our P7 pupils who are leaving us for the Academy – to Dion, Lean, Amy, Max, Finlay, Farquhar, Steven and Jake. You have been a credit to Mulbuie and I wish you all the very best in the next step in your journey. I look forward to hearing about how well you continue to do.

Head Teacher: Ms R Hammond, Mulbuie Primary School, Mulbuie, Muir of Ord

Ross and Cromarty IV6 7RB

Tel/Fax: (01349) 861289 E-Mail: