Phage Prospecting in the Classroom

Welcome to the wonderful world of phages. There is a lot of cool biology as you and your students begin discovering these tiny entities. Their genetic, evolutionary, and ecological impact is staggering, so be prepared to hold on to your hats!

To actually find phages, the student requirement is to bring in a dirt sample. We ask each student to bring a dirt sample in a sealable new plastic bag. The volume of dirt need only be small amount, about the volume needed to fill a 35mm film canister. Dirt is the most common sample, but it need not be the only source. Bacteriophages will be found where bacteria grow. Moist soil seems to fare well. We have found lots of phages in mulch samples. Water sources will also work well; stagnant puddles that seem to be supporting growth would be acceptable. Advise students to stay away from biohazard (human waste) kinds of sources. Safety is a key to the success of the project. Creative samples are most appreciated.

Since this is an Howard Hughes Medical Institute sponsored program, we report directly to them. Our goal is affect student understanding of scientists and science. To that end, we ask that you participate in our measurement of the program by having you and your students complete a survey of attitudes and understanding of science. In addition, we want the world to see the enthusiasm of your students as they do ‘real’ science, so we may videotape our time with you. Those images may be used in presentations that promote and evaluate the program. Attached you will find a release form to completed by the students and their parents.

Attached you will find the following:

  1. Classroom information sheet – to be completed by the classroom teacher concerning numbers and demographics of the class prior to our arrival in class.
  2. Participation permission slip – to be completed by the student’s parent or guardian prior to our arrival in class.
  3. Lab equipment and supplies checklist – to be completed by the classroom teacher as soon as possible.