Proposed Changes to the Wallace Memorial Baptist Church, Inc. Constitution and Bylaws

August 18, 2015

  1. Add to section V. CHURCH COVENANT of the Wallace Memorial Baptist Church, Inc. Constitution:

We establish this Statement on Marriage as the foundation for all matters relating to the issue of interpersonal relationships: “Biblical teaching is clear that human sexuality is expressed most nobly and appropriately as a monogamous marital relationship between one man and one woman totally and freely committed to one another for life.”

  1. Delete “- May 8, 1963” from section IV. ARTICLES OF FAITH of the Wallace Memorial Baptist Church, Inc. Constitution.
  1. Deletesub-points 1. & 2. in ARTICLE VI. DEACONS, Section Election, of the Wallace Memorial Baptist Church, Inc. Bylaws:
  1. The deacons shall be nominated by a secret ballot from a list of the male membership of the Church, who as of January 1 of that year, are 21 years of age and above. The men listed shall have been members of this Church for at least one year as of the date of the election.
  2. The nomination election will be held the first or second Sunday in June. Each member shall be given an opportunity to vote for the number of men specified. In case of anticipated absence on the day of the nomination election, a member may secure a ballot and vote at the Church office up to two weeks prior to the day of the election. A committee appointed by the Deacon Chairman shall count the ballots, interview the nominees, and present to the Church for election the names of the men receiving the highest number of votes, who are willing to serve, and who meet the qualifications stated below to fill the specified need.

And replace with:

  1. The deacons shall be nominated by a secret ballot. Nominees shall be men, who as of January 1 of that year, are 21 years of age and above, and shall have been members of this Church for at least one year as of the date of the election.
  2. The nomination election will begin the first Sunday in June and will be open through the third Sunday in June. Each member shall have the opportunity to submit one ballot for the number of men specified. The Deacon Chairman and/or his delegates shall count the ballots, interview the nominees, and present to the Church for election the names of the men receiving the highest number of votes, who are willing to serve, and who meet the qualifications stated below to fill the specified need.