Weekly communication of all open positions in the entire company is sent to all team members electronically. This process allows for current team members to apply for a new opportunity or refer someone to our company. For internal candidates interested in any of these vacancies, the following guidelines are to be followed by those team members, their current supervisor and the hiring manager.
Current Team Members follow these procedures for application for a new opportunity:
- In order to be eligible for a transfer, internal applicants must meet the following Eligibility Criteria:
- Have been employed for at least 6 months with the company as well as with the current work location.
- Have acceptable work performance and attendance record in current position.
- Team Members must inform their current supervisor about wanting to apply for another position internally and discuss their eligibility for transfer.
- If the Eligibility Criteria have been met, the applicant should contact the hiring manager, as indicated on the vacancies list, and submit their resume through for the new position.
- Team Members will interview for the position, understanding that Treat America is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, and the most qualified candidate will be selected.
- Team Members must give at least 2 weeks’ notice before the transfer can occur. Only the current supervisor can authorize an exception to that timing. Training of transferring team member’s replacement may be required in some cases.
Supervisors follow these procedures for the internal Transfer of Team Members:
Current supervisors will not and cannot stand in the way of a current team member pursuing another opportunity and must also be prepared to find a replacement with the assistance of HR if a transfer occurs.
- Current supervisors should be prepared to discuss the eligibility of their Team Member and to work on coaching toward improved performance if they are not eligible due to performance deficiencies.
- Hiring Manager should confirm with current supervisor on eligibility, as defined above, and skill set based on prior performance.
- If the decision is made to hire an internal candidate, it is the responsibility of the hiring manager to inform the current supervisor and complete the Team Member Status Form and provide it to HR in a timely manner.Team Member Status Form should include team member name, pay rate, job title, job location, start date and supervisor name.
- The hiring manager is responsible for getting the ‘desk file’ from the current supervisor, to include but not limited to: attendance tracker, coaching forms, any other relevant performance or employment information.
- New and current supervisors may arrange a transition process that starts before the two weeks’ notice is complete, but the current supervisor must be in agreement.
Any questions should be directed to your supervisor or your Region Human Resources Manager.