TELEPHONE: 020-7629 1196 FACSIMILE: 020-7641 4920


Head teacher: Mrs Judith Standing

September 2017

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

Welcome to the new academic year. I hope you and your child have had an enjoyable and relaxing summer holiday.

Form Two Curriculum Information Autumn Term

Our topic in Form Two until Half Term is ‘Animals and their habitats’.

We will explore a broad range of animals and their habitats all over the world. Students will work towards presenting an exhibition of the class’ learning throughout the term. Students will be given a range of different animals from a variety of different habitats that they will display in their first assembly and within a classroom exhibition where they can share their learning with you. Through the end of term project, the children will have had the opportunity to research, explore and discover a range of endangered and non-endangered animals.

Areas of the curriculum that will be covered throughout the topic are English, Science, Geography, History and the Arts. Mathematics objectives within the project will cover measurement although the majority will be taught separately to ensure the full coverage of the Year Two curriculum.


  • Homework – Maths and English homework will be handed out on a Friday and is to be returned on Wednesday. Homework will be set the week commencing the 15th September.
  • Reading and Spelling – students will be grouped over the comingweek and groups sent home on Friday 15th September. Students will change their reading books and spelling words based on the day they do Guided Reading and testing throughout the week. Three books will be sent home on that day for the week and new spelling words given to your children. Please ensure that they are brought back the next week according to your child’s group day. Please try and read with your child for ten minutes each day. The children will have different spelling (depending on which ones they need to learn) based on ongoing assessments. This will be sent home the week commencing 18th September.
  • Children are allowed to bring in a healthy snack which can be consumed during snack time and are also allowed a bottle of water which they can drink throughout the day. Please can I ask that drinks are clearly labelled and brought into the classroom at the start of the day so that they are easily accessible to the children at all times.
  • PE will start next week on Wednesday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure that your child brings their PE kit on Wednesday (which consists of a white t-shirt, white shorts, and plimsolls) and they can take them home on Friday.
  • Please ensure that all items of your child’s clothing are clearly labelled, including their PE kit and drink bottles. There can be a lot of confusion at the end of the day and it is easier for your child to identify their clothing and other personal school items if they are all clearly labelled. (Lost property is put in the box under the bench in the school playground).
  • Please check your child’s bag regularly as letters will be sent home from time to time.

Thank you for your support. I trust your child will have a wonderful, happy and healthy year in Form Two.

If you have any further questions, I will be available most afternoons after school. Alternatively, you can email me on

Yours sincerely,

Natalie Whittaker

(Class Teacher)