- Tolerant
- No looting or burning
- Religious Freedom
- Cyrus’s Cylinder – rights
Ahura Mazda
Paradise dualism
Ahriman C/C with Christianity
dark / Darius
- Provinces
- Satraps – governor, bureaucracy
Royal Road
Increased trade
Increased use of unified currency
Paid laborers built the road b/c Zoroastrianism forbade slavery
Established a system of mail
(very reliable mail system) /
- Lived on Island of Crete
- Major City of Knossos
- Fine pottery produced and exchanged in Mediterranean Trade (dominated trade)
- Influenced Greek Culture
- Architecture
- Burial customs
- Religion
- Polis – city-state & surrounding land
- Fundamental political unit of Greece
- Independent governance, varied in social structure and economic activity BUT shared culture (gods, goddesses, language..etc)
- Mountainous
- ¾ of the land had mts.
- Only 20% of land was arable
- Harsh Physical Geography (mts)and Limited Resources resulted in:
- Seeking resources via trade and colonizing
- Formation of independent city-states within Greece
- Surrounding Seas – influenced culture & trade
- Takes place after the Trojan War
- Odysseus (A King)
- Difficult journey returning home to Ithaca to reunite with his wife and son
- Involvement/Interference of various Gods/Goddesses
- Heroic figure for Ancient Greeks
- “Author” Homer
- Epic about the Trojan War
- Achilles – Greek Warrior
- Hot Headed (ill tempered)
- Son of Peleus & Thetis (nymph)
- Kills Hector, Trojan Warrior
- Admired by Athena
- Gods meddle & instigate the war to continue
- Heroes & story reflect arête– Greek concept of virtue & excellence
- Focus on military strength and discipline – Boys & Men (Agoge)
- Women have no political rights BUT have more responsibilities and freedom
- Helots (conquered peoples – treated as slaves)
- Farmers make up majority of population
- many Gods & Goddesses
- address questions abouthuman behavior, life events, and mysteries of nature
- Ex. Achilles Heel (weakness)
Goddess of Love & Beauty
- Mentioned in The Iliad
- Goddess of Marriage
- Married to Zeus, She was very jealous
- Queen of the Gods
God of Metallurgy,
who gave Achilles
his armor
- Citizens – landowners
- Non-citizens – free people worked in commerce, industry
- Helots– little more than slaves, servants
- Slaves – bottom of society, not free
- Oligarchy – ruled by a few
- Council of Elders – proposed laws
- Assembly – land owners, voted on laws
- Ephors -enforced the laws
- Two Kings
Kings -Monarchy
-rules by noble elite
-Nobles alienated the majority people
Eventually this led to peasant revolt
-Cylon, a noble attempted to takes over
-Pisistratus, noble/military leader – tyrant
Democracy – Cleisthenes & Council of 500
**”All Citizens directly voted in the Assembly /
- Boys trained from age 7 began the “agoge” training
- All training & education was focused on producing the best warriors
- Harsh, rigorous, competition, floggings
- Girls were training was focused towards physical fitness so they were fit for motherhood
- All children were taught loyalty and to put the good of the City-State above themselves
- Greek Lawmaker
- Created Greece’s first legal code
- Contracts
- Land ownership
- Debt slavery
- Did resolve conflict between nobles and peasants
- Statesman selected by the aristocrats to address class conflicts *he did not make land reform that could satisfy the common people
- Outlawed debt slavery
- All citizens could participate in the Assembly
- Citizens could bring charges against wrongdoers
- He took actions that promoted trade
- Council of 500 – proposed laws
- All Citizens (free-males, at least age 30) was eligible to be selected for the council
- Assembly – debated and voted on laws
- All Citizens (free-males, at least 30) were expected to participate in the group of no less than 6000 to debate/vote
- Council of Elders – proposed laws
- The Assembly – free adult males (did not debate) ONLY voted yay/nay
- Ephors elected officials that enforced the law (edu & court)
- Citizens - Free Adult Male
- Non-citizens – women, slaves
- Battle of Marathon (battle near the sea)
- Athenians vs. Persians
- Attack came from across the Aegean
- Darius (Persian), Pheidippides runs 26.2 miles for warning & dies (Greek)
- Battle of Thermopylae (land battle)
- Xerxes (Persian
- Spartans (lose!) vs. Persians
- Greek City-States feel free & confident!
- Athens’s victory near Salamis leads to them becoming the leader of a 140 City-State Alliance, Delian
- Delian alliance drives out the Persians from all surrounding areas *Greeks (esp. Athens) control the Aegean Sea
- Athens controls other Greek City-States with their powerful Navy
- Beginning
- Persians conquer the Ionian Greeks settled in Anatolia
- Athens came to help free and defend their fellow Greeks
- Darius “vows revenge” against Athens
- The End
- Athens ships trap the Persians in the narrow canal near Salamis
- Spartans used battering rams to sink 1/3 of the Persian Fleet