Southend & Leigh Bridge Club
Committee Meeting – 7th October 2015
PresentGraham Randall / Chairman
Terry Wise / Tournament Director
Pat Clark / Secretary
Mike Parry / Treasurer
Joan Simmons / Social Secretary
Ann Craig
Ron Misell / Ass.Treasurer
Mary Perkin
Item / Description / Action
1. / Apologies
Graham Foster
Chris Parmenter
Pat Elliot
2. / Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Were read and agreed. The Chairman requested that a copy of the minutes be placed on the notice board in a more timely fashion, MGP did not realise that she was responsible for that and promised to ensure that the minutes were displayed as soon as they were agreed.
3. / Matters Arising
3.1 / Radiator Quotes
We have two quotes and are awaiting a third before making a decision
3.2 / Kitchen Floor
MGP has made arrangements for the kitchen floor to be lifted as soon as the last luncheon has taken place,that will be the 14th October.
3.3 / Table Cloths
JS wanted some assistance with the choice of material, the meeting agreed that the club would be happy for her to make the choice. The cost of replacement is estimated at c. £300. As far as the tea cloth material is concerned the gingham used is no longer made and therefore a different type of material will be purchased.
IT WAS AGREED that JS should purchase the necessary materials and make arrangements for the clothes to be made.
3.4 / Tumblers
IT WAS AGREED that JS will buy new tumblers and arrange to responsibly dispose of the old ones.
3.5 / Roof Update
MGP has been dealing directly with Peter Lewin and is awaiting dates for the work to begin on the flat roof, she will report back to the next meeting.
3.6 / Members Booklet
Work to begin on this; addresses to be checked, MGP will produce a form for members to complete if they have changes and/or amendments to the last entry.
PC has confirmed that the booklet printed, folded and stapled without a hardcover will be c.£140.
3.7 / Defibrillator
The question was asked, ‘do we need it’ and if the club does have one on the premises what is the liability to the club ?
IT WAS AGREED that PC would write to the BMA and our insurers regarding our liability.
3.8 / Teaching Boards
This item to be carried over to the next meeting
3.9 / Competitions
The TD was asked to confirm the standard required to qualify to play in the various up-coming competitions;
NICKO – Ace/King/Queen – NGS Rating
Fletcher – Master & Above
Club Pairs – no players have come forward and GR wants to make an announcement and TW will put a notice on the website
See minutes of November meeting
3.10. / Photo Competition
Committee members are going to submit photos
4. / Chairman’s Report
The chairman was very pleased to read out a letter received from Gerry Seal. Gerry commended the club for the warm welcome he received when he first joined a year ago and he also wanted to thank the club for the wide variety of tournaments on offer, in particular Gerry enjoyed the ‘instant’ gratification of seeing the results on screen at the end of sessions and hoped that in the future all of the master pointed events would be scored this way.
A copy of Gerry’s letter is attached to these minutes.
5. / Secretary’s Report
Following a meeting of the disciplinary sub-committee on the 22nd September, Peter Bertorelli was suspended for six weeks. The sub-committee included AC/GR/RM.
A get well card was sent to Sandra Poole who is due to have her long awaited operation.
Membership applications have been submitted for Ann and John Davidson and Iris Gladstone.
John Davidson has asked that, once his membership is approved he be considered for director, he has experience and so this has been referred to TW.
A thank you card was received from Ruby’s family and PC will ensure this is placed on the notice board.
6. / Tournament Director’s Report
The TD reported that not many people had signed up for the ladies and mens team event and the cut off date was Friday.
The EBU have made available, free to all clubs, this scoring program based on Jeff Smith's programs. At present SLBC use Scorebridge, the support package for which has been paid for until May 2016.
The TD thinks that as scorers are familiar with Scorebridge suggests we continue to use Scorebridge until the support package is due for renewal.
In the meantime the TD suggest that all scorers download the EBUscorer and familiarise themselves with it and that a review of the situation takes place next year. It may be that the EBU in future will charge for support for EBUscorer or that they will give some sort of preference to uploads from EBUscorer.
Children In Need
The TD questioned whether or not this was wanted, the committee agreed that it was and the date has therefore been set for 9th November
Joan Parr Memorial/Open Pairs
This is a two session event with refreshments £6 per entrant and will take place on Sunday 1st November, open only to club members.
Windows 10 update
TW reported that he has had a number of issues with this update, as have other members of the committee, and therefore has decided not to update either computer at this time.
7. / Social Secretary’s Report
The SS has suggested a change to the social calendar next year; JS said that she has struggled to fill the tables this year and a great deal of that is due to the death of so many of our members this year, all of whom were great supporters of the lunches. JS suggests that holding one lunch every other month, beginning in March should be sufficient. The SS was happy to confirm that there will be a Christmas Dinner (all of this dependent upon the progress of the kitchen re-fit).
IT WAS AGREED that lunches for 2016 be held every other month beginning in March.
8. / Treasurer’s Report
The current balance is £20,780, reflecting various payments to contractors for roofing, electrical and repair works undertaken.
The Treasurer reported that table money was slightly higher than August but still lower than September of previous years.
The Treasurer wondered if an in depth study of strength/weakness/opportunities analysis to compare to other clubs in the area should be undertaken.
The Treasurer was happy to report that all of the accounts were now computerised and that RM would be performing an internal audit to confirm the accuracy and completeness of the figures.
The Treasurer has kindly donated at her own expense money pouches which are far sturdier and easier for her and the directors to use.
The Treasurer has agreed with AC that she pays the tea personnel directly. AC will have a continuous float of £400 which allows her to pay staff for two weeks and also enables her to be reimbursed for any cleaning/grocery shopping.
Finally, the Treasurer reported that a Resolution by the committee needs to be passed so that bank signatories can be altered; the Chairman read out the following resolution.
This resolution must be passed at a meeting of the members or relevant management committee of the organisation;
It was resolved that a banking relationship will be maintained with National Westminster Bank Plc (the Bank) in accordance with this mandate and that;
The individuals identified as authorised signatories may, in accordance with the signing rules, sign cheques and give instructions for Standing Orders, Direct Debits, Electronic Payments, Banker’s Drafts and other payments on the accounts even if it causes an account to be overdrawn or exceed any limit.
Any authorised signatory may give other instructions or requests for information to the bank in relation to the accounts; opening accounts with the same signing rules and authorised signatories; closing accounts; or other banking services or products.
The Bank may accept instructions that do not have an original written authorised signature provided the Bank is satisfied that the instruction is genuine and subject to any other agreement the Bank may require for those instructions.
The organisation will provide to the Bank a copy of its constitution and any amendment to the constitution, certified as correct by the Secretary.
This mandate will continue until the organisation gives the Bank a replacement mandate
IT WAS AGREED that the above resolution be passed and that the signatories are; Petra Bromfield, Ron Misell, Graham Randall and Ann Craig.
The chairman expressed some concerns that information was held by individuals and not known throughout the committee – MGP has offered to complete an ‘Operating Manual’ specifically for the club outlining all of the details that ensure the smooth running of the committee; incorporating information such as bank details, insurers, electrical contractors, key holders etc.
IT WAS AGREED that MGP prepare an Operating Manual
9. / Honorary Membership
AC has been asked if honorary membership be considered for certain members. There have been in the past, members who were given Honorary Membership status but, largely that practice has fallen away.
IT WAS AGREED that no changes to membership would be made at this time.
10. / Payment for Tea Personnel
The issue of who pays for tea personnel was previously discussed and agreed – GR to check the minutes but felt satisfied that previously it was agreed that if teachers wanted a tea lady, they paid for it themselves. AC also wanted to reiterate that any bookings for sessions are done through her, teachers should not book the staff directly.
IT WAS AGREED that AC is responsible for the Tea Personnel Scheduling and all bookings must go through her.
11. / Club Supplies
One of the committee members had noticed that club supplies were taken out by a person who was going to teach at another location; the committee wanted to ensure that all members are aware that the contents of the cupboards are the property of the club and are there for club use only.
12. / Club Parking
The committee understands that parking generally is a problem for all members, however, cannot understand how it came about that Len Hobbs has been allowed to park his car at the ‘corner’ of the building, off the street.
There has been an objection to Len parking like this and the committee agreed that he may not park there.
IT WAS AGREED no parking on the club forecourt was to be allowed.
13. / A.O.B.
There being no further business – the meeting concluded
14. / Date of the Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Wednesday, 4th November 2015 at 17:45pm at Leigh.
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SLBC Minutes 071015