CEO Diary Update w/c 21st June 2016

To all members

The update from last week:-

  • Meeting with UU about the Higher Apprenticeship programme – UU are expecting to have confirmation of DEL funding for about 25 places for training for the independent sector– as soon as confirmation is received this information will be provided to ihcp members with a view to setting up a short overview session on what the programme includes.
  • Directors meeting and strategy workshop
  • NCHOD on Friday – any feedback from those participating please?

This week:-

  • conference call with UKHCA
  • ihcp /pwc event – information has issued to all members about this event and it is important that you register your attendance
  • Letters to issue to the Minister about the 5 nations care forum and also letters to welcome the new CEO RQIA and the Commissioner for Older People
  • Progressing international nurse recruitment –further information on progress will issue in due course
  • Agenda for Dom Care to issue
  • Date for your Diary – Please register your attendance by return mail

Short Seminar with PWC and O’Kane Commercials

Date: 24th June

Time:9.30 – 12.00

Location: PwC offices Waterfront Plaza Belfast

Who is the Seminar for: owners/Financial directors in care home or domiciliary care businesses.

Due to the Amount of Content we will tailor input to what members want and therefore anyone wishing to attend should advise us which areas are of most interest.

1. Operational reviews - James Davidson, Senior Manager, Business Recovery Services
2. Procurement efficiency and benchmarking - Stephen O'Kane, Manager, Risk Assurance Services
3. National Living Wage - Craig Harrison, Senior Manager, Human Resource Services

4. Staff retention and motivation - Lois Stapleton, Manager, Human Resource Services
5. Effective financial reporting - Peter Kelly, Senior Manager, My Finance partner
6. Capital allowances - Michael Heinicke, Senior Manager, Corporation Tax
7. VAT reviews - Alan Martin, Senior Manager, Indirect Taxes
8. Data Protection - Natasha Fitzsimmons, Manager, Risk Assurance Services

1.Value of Care Homes

  1. Acquisition/Disposal of Care Homes
  1. Market Trends
  • Did you Participating in the Care Home open Day last Friday?Please remember to send me your photos and any press releases so ihcp can celebrate you successes on our Website
  • REPORTS WHICH CAN BE DOWNLOADED via our website (click on below link)

Congratulations to:Yvonne Diamond Registered Manager Bohill Bungalows Craegmoor who is shortlisted for the Manager of the Year Learning Disabilities Award hosted in Birmingham in July. The team are all so proud of the work Yvonne has done since coming to Bohill and well deserves this award.

2. Email on behalf of Mary Hinds, Director of Nursing & Allied Health Professionals, PHA & Dean Sullivan, Director of Commissioning, HSCB.

Dear Member

Please see attached for your consideration a letter and draft guidance for care at the end of life from the Department of Health. We would be grateful if you could review the attached guidance within your respective organisations.

This guidance comes at an opportune time, as you will be aware the Palliative Project Team supported by the AIIHPC held the NICE NG31 Care of dying adults in the last days of life Regional Workshop yesterday (15th June).

In order to allow us to collate a response to the Department in August, we would be grateful if you could forward your comments regarding this draft guidance to Diane Walker by Friday 29th July 2016,

Kind regards

Mary & Dean

Sent by:

Diane Walker

Project Manager

Palliative Care in Partnership – Marie Curie Support Team

Tel: +44 (0)28 9088 2081

Mob: +44 (0)7738 802797


3. Implementation of NICE NG31 Care of dying adults in the last days of life

As discussed at our meeting last week, the NICE NG31 Care of dying adults in the last days of life clinical guideline was published in December 2015 and endorsed by the Department of Health (previously DHSSPS) in February 2016. The Regional Palliative Care Programme held a regional workshop on Wednesday 15th June bringing together HSC Trust (community & acute), hospice, nursing home, primary care, independent providers, RQIA and GMC stakeholders to review the guideline and consider:

  • If the statements in the guideline (72 statements across 6 recommendations) are currently being achieved in care settings across Northern Ireland?
  • If not, what are the perceived barriers to implementation and how could these be overcome? and
  • Whether implementation of the recommendations could be achieved within 3 months, 9 months or need commissioning?

Over 70 stakeholders attended the workshop (around 8 from the Nursing Home sector),however, as around 20% of all deaths in NI occur in Nursing Homes we are keen to get as many views as possible from across the sector to input into the final report which will be submitted to the Department of Health later this year.

Therefore, as discussed, I would be grateful if you could please circulate this information to the members of your My Home Life Programme and encourage them to complete the attached Participant Booklet with regards to their Nursing Homes. All the Participant Booklets completed and returned to me will be considered when collating the final report and it would be helpful for us to have as wide an understanding as possible of Nursing Home sector practices.

Please find attached some information which may be helpful to those who wish to participant:

  • The Participant Booklet (for completion and returning)
  • NICE NG31 Guidance
  • Slide outlining the NICE NG31 report process to the Department of Health
  • Regional Palliative Medicines Group: Guidance for the management of symptoms in the last days of life which supports recommendation 1.5 Pharmacological Interventions.

In order for all views to be considered when collating the report, we would be grateful if the completed Participant Booklets could be returned to no later than Thursday 30th June 2016.

Thank you for your support of the work of the Regional Palliative Care Programme and for assisting us to gather the views of the independent healthcare sector.

Kind regards


Diane Walker

Project Manager

Palliative Care in Partnership – Marie Curie Support Team

Tel: +44 (0)28 9088 2081

Mob: +44 (0)7738 802797

  1. Draft Domiciliary Care Workforce Review NI 2016 – 2021Development (attached)
  1. Dear Colleagues,

Please note:

“The Joint Committee on Human Rights, chaired by Rt Hon Harriet Harman MP, has announced an inquiry into human rights and business. This considers progress by the Government in implementing the United Nations Guiding Principles on business and human rights, by means of the National Action Plan published in 2013 and revised in May 2016.”

“The inquiry looks in particular at:

  • What steps the Government takes to monitor compliance with the UN Guiding Principles
  • How far the Government is able to enforce the UN Guiding Principles
  • Whether, and if so what, progress British business has made in carrying out its responsibility to respect human rights
  • Whether victims of human rights abuse involving business enterprises within UK jurisdiction have access to effective remedy

For the purposes of the inquiry, the Committee will adopt the Government’s definition of British or UK companies, businesses and business enterprises as all enterprises domiciled in the UK.

The inquiry will focus on the following industries in relation to the proposed terms of reference:

  • Extractive industries
  • Textiles
  • Agriculture/Food and Beverages
  • Financial Services
  • Manufacturers”

The Inquiry is accepting written submissions. The deadline is Friday 8 July 2016.

The Inquiry has detailed questions it will consider -

To send a written submission – please follow the instructions at -

Kind Regards,

Daniel Morris

Research Assistant ║Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission║+44 (0)28 9024 3987



Pauline Shepherd
Chief Executive
independent health & care providers
Mobile 07703754574