Business Meeting & Opening Session
Battle House HotelMobile, AL
2016 AASFAA Spring Conference
Call to order: President, Phillip Nelson – 1:30 pm
Phillip Nelson introduced the Vigor High School Color Guard to present the colors and led Pledge of Allegiance.
Phillip Nelson introduced the Spring Hill College Acapella Choir to lead the singing of the National Anthem.
Phillip Nelson welcomed everyone to Mobile, AL for the 2016 AASFAA Spring Conference and explained purpose of business meeting.
Phillip Nelson introduced special guests, Amy Berrier, 2015-2016 SASFAA President, and Joan Bailey, 2015-2016 FASFAA President-Elect. Phillip presented gifts from the state of Alabama to Amy and Joan for their attendance at the conference.
Reading of Executive Board Reports:
President report presented by Phillip Nelson
Secretary report presented by Randi Bozeman
Treasurer report presented by Debra Moody – Financial Report voted on at Fall 2015 Workshop
Vice President report presented by Amy Rowell
President Elect report presented by Kelley D’Eath – asked membership to please provide feedback on surveys at end of each session and to complete a volunteer form at end of conference
Past President report presented by Stephanie Miller
Presentation of Committee Chair Tokens: Phillip Nelson
ACHE Liasonand Legislative Relations (State) – Cheryl Newton
Archives Coordinator – Randi Bozeman
Awards & Recognition, Nominations & Elections, Spring Local Arrangements, and Communications – Stephanie Miller
Budget Chair – Jim Theeuwes
Bylaws, Policies & Procedures, and Scholarship – Dr. Bill Wall
Conference and Legislative Relations (National) – Kelley D’Eath
Diversity and Charity – Theresa Mayes (Betty Edwards – co-chair)
Electronic Services – Breshawn Skinner
Fall Program and Spring Program – Jennifer Epperson
Financial Review – Clark Aldridge
Long Range Planning – Brian Quisenberry
Membership – Lissa Powell
Sponsorship – Shannon Cross
Professional Development – Amy Rowell
Public Relations – Donna Bass
Special Liason to the President – Kevin Ammons
Site Selection – Steve Smith
Two Year Concerns – Joan Waters
Old Business:
New Business:
Stephanie Miller announced candidates for the 2016-2017 Executive Offices:
-President Elect: Brian Quisenberry, Birmingham Southern College
-Vice President: Amy Rowell, Alabama Southern Community College
-Secretary: Marcus Byrd, Alabama State University
-Treasurer Elect: Lane Smith, Samford University
Stephanie reminded membership that voting would conclude at noon Wednesday, March 16th.
Stephanie Miller announced that voting for a Bylaws change was also being conducted and would end at noon Wednesday, March 16th as well.
Proposed Bylaws change:
-Article IV, Section G2, which regards the duties of the Treasurer Elect, states “Not serve on the Executive Board, but be included in their meetings”. Article IV, Section G3 states “Effective July 1, 2015 the Treasurer-Elect will serve on the Executive Board as a voting member”. Proposed to remove Article IV, Section G2.
Board discussed honorarium amount to be awarded to Vigor High School Color Guard and Spring Hill College Acapella Choir for presenting colors and singing the National Anthem.
Kelley D’Eath – motion to pay $250 to Spring Hill College Acapella Choir and $100 to Vigor High School Color Guard. Jay Powell 2nd. Approve:7 Not Approve:0 Abstain:0 Approved
Charity Introduction:
Theresa Mayes announced the Ronald McDonald House Charities and encouraged membership to donate generously and bid on the silent auction items. She invited Ms. Mary McAleer, Development Director, to come up and speak about the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Mobile, AL.
Stephanie Miller made housekeeping announcements and reminded membership to complete surveys on each session and volunteer forms. Also, reminded membership to vote for candidates of Executive Offices and proposed Bylaws change; voting to conclude at 12:00 noon Wednesday, March 16th and results to be announced Thursday morning, March 17th.
Adjourn until AASFAA Luncheon and Banquet Wednesday, March 16th – 1:55 pm
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Randi Bozeman, Secretary