SAFDA Meeting Minutes:
Meeting Opened: 8:30pm
Attendees: Annalee Alexander, Tom Barbala, Sam O’Connell, Rex Johnson.
Absentees: Conor Fletcher, Jade Tremaine, Rob Wighton.
Leagues Next Year
-Finding fields for Tuesday nights may to be a big challenge. We could look at combining State Leage and City Scoial League and having them on the same night.
-Look at running State League with only Div one so that players get the chance to play high level ultimate, and the less experienced players play Social League instead of Div 2 and 3. Will potentially still have issues with field room so we need to look into separate fields that are close to Sam Johnson for CSL on the Wednesday night.
-Each club would get a secured position in the leagues, Men’s 8 teams, and Women’s 8 teams. Mixed 16 teams.
-Monday nights Phoenix and Adelaide would run a hat league at SAWSA park.
- UniSA are still looking for fields: should not have issues securing fields out north.
-SAFDA will need to make a profit on the leagues, potentially charge more for social leagues in the city and less for South and North to increase attendance there.
-ACTIONABLE ITEM: Exit survey for State League, Sam and Conor to write exit surveys for CSL and State League.
-CSL Summer
- Start on the 20thth of November Monday Nights in the city, break for Christmas for 3 weeks, and the wrap up on the 19th of Feb. Will be run at SAWSA Park.
-ACTIONABLE ITEM – Rob to put out an update email for everything that is coming up in the next month
Youth and Development:
-Gala days – looking at changing the structure with how they are currently run potentially offer less coaching on the day, but provide a coach in the weeks leading up to teach the students the basics. This would allow for more time to play on the day.
-Look at doing a shirt order for the volunteers.
Disc Order:
-Still investigating options for a disc order, Sam has liaised with Aria who are sending out some sample discs so that we can decided if we will put an order in with them.
SAFDA Speaker:
-Looking to have a guest speaker at SAFDA’s, we need to stress the community the importance of supporting everyone in their endeavours to improve SA Ultimate at the moment we are seeing issues where instead of supporting people who are stepping up people are tending to tear them down.
-It would be valuable to have a speaker who is external to SA Ultimate, Jade is currently looking into what options we have. Joel Pillar-Rogers would also be a valuable choice for a speaker.
-Due to short notice we will have limited options, and we do not have the budget to pay for a speaker.
Vanguard Application
-Applied for $9000 grant to cover the costs of the World Qualifiers entry. They would pay the full amount back to SAFDA.
-Alana motioned to approve the Grant, Seconded by Sam – All present in favour of approving the grant.
Meeting close: 9:30pm
ACTIONABLE ITEM: Exit survey for State League, Sam and Conor to write exit surveys for CSL and State League.
ACTIONABLE ITEM – Rob to put out an update email for everything that is coming up in the next month