Pre-Connectathon Internet Testing of PIX/PIXv3/PDQ/PDQv3
Vendors registered to test PIX or PDQ in Chicago are invited to participate in optional internet testing prior to the connectathon.
The purpose of this testing includes:
1. Familiarize participants with use of HIMSS patient registration tool prior to the connectathon
2. Perform simple tests to receive HL7 v2 or v3 messages from the HIMSS patient registration tool, and to exchange HL7 patient messages between PIX/PDQ ‘servers’ and ‘clients’
3. Identify interoperability problems earlier; fewer headaches on Monday in Chicago
4. This is not XDS testing; this is not HIMSS demonstration practice.
This testing will be coordinated by connectathon managers (Moore, Felhofer) during four 1-hour webex sessions (two for v2 testing, and 2 for v3) during which testing/troubleshooting will occur. Vendors must indicate in advance their willingness to participate. We plan to assign test partners for each session to coordinate testing; otherwise we fear thatten consumersmay converge on one PDQ supplier. This will also allow usto pre-configure the HIMSS patient registration tool in preparation for the internet testing sessions, and enable you to pre-configure your system.
Recommended reading
o Powerpoint presentation explaining use of Patient Identifiers at the connectathon: http://ihewiki.wustl.edu/wiki/images/2/23/Connectathon_Patient_Identifiers-1.ppt
o Notes on Patient Identifiers and Assigning Authority values for PIX/PDQ/XDS: http://ihewiki.wustl.edu/wiki/index.php/Connectathon_Testing_PIX_PDQ_XDS
o Jan 19 – deadline for signing up to participate in internet testing; send an email to and include your kudu system name
o Jan 21 – Felhofer publishes spreadsheet with partners assigned for internet testing
o Jan 21 - PIX Managers and PDQ Suppliers publish their configuration information on http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pWfKxFAQxm-wD2ax5OanHfA&hl=en
See ihe.webex.com Meeting Center; the password for these webex sessions is “meeting”.
o Jan 26 9am CST – webex training – Using the HIMSS patient registration tool. If you have not used this tool in past connectathons, attending this webex is a pre-requisite to participating in internet testing.
o Jan 27 10am CST – V2 PIX/PDQ Internet Testing Session 1
o Jan 29 10am CST – V2 PIX/PDQ Internet Testing Session 2
o Feb 3 10am CST – V3 PIX/PDQ Internet Testing Session 1
o Feb 5 10pm CST – V3 PIX/PDQ Internet Testing Session 2
PDQ Query Test (v2 & v3):
Participants: PDQ Supplier, PDQ Consumer, HIMSS Patient Registration Tool
Test Steps:
- PDQ Consumer uses HIMSS patient registration tool to send one patient to the PDQ Supplier. Patient’s Last Name (Family Name) is the same as the PDQ Consumer’s Kudu System Name (eg patient name EHR_XYZ^Mary). Use the ‘master’ assigning authority for the Patient ID.
2. PDQ Consumer queries PDQ Supplier (ITI-21 or ITI-47).
PIX – Patient Identity Source to PIX Manager (v3 & v3):
Participants: PIX Manager, PIX Patient Identity Source, HIMSS Patient Registration Tool
Note: If your PIX Patient Identity Source is also a PIX Consumer, you should skip this test and do the PIX Query Test instead.
Test Steps:
- Patient Identity Source sends one patient registration message (ITI-8 or ITI-44) to PIX Manager. Use your ‘local’ assigning authority for the Patient ID. Patient’s Last Name (Family Name) is the same as the Patient Identity Source’s Kudu System Name (eg patient name EHR_ABC^Joe).
- Patient Identity Source uses HIMSS patient registration tool to send one patient to the PIX Manager. Use the ‘master’ assigning authority for the Patient ID.
- Verify that PIX Manager has properly matched the two Patient IDs.
PIX Query Test (v2 & v3):
Participants: PIX Manager, PIX Consumer, HIMSS Patient Registration Tool
Test Steps:
- PIX Consumer sends one patient registration message (ITI-8 or ITI-44) from your system to PIX Manager. Use your ‘local’ assigning authority for the Patient ID. Patient’s Last Name (Family Name) is the same as the PIX Consumer’s Kudu System Name (eg patient name EHR_GHI^Bob).
- PIX Consumer uses HIMSS patient registration tool to send one patient to the PIX Manager. Use the ‘master’ assigning authority for the Patient ID.
- PIX Consumer queries PIX Manager (ITI-9 or ITI-45), using its local assigning authority, asking for the affinity domain Patient ID (ie with ‘master’ assigning authority).
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