District 5130
Guerneville, California
President: Marty Bonocoso for Meeting of August 21, 2007
President Elect: Jill DeProto
Notes by Susan Moll
Pictures by Nick Lazazzera
President Marty called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Highland Dell Restaurant. Chuck led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and Sam led us in prayer. Ken Moulton, Governor for District 5130, and his wife Pam were welcomed. Gene Marcinkowski, Assistant District Governor, and his wife Carolyn also visited RRR for the evening.
It was good to have Bob Reeves visiting from the Sebastopol club. Maureen Berry attended as a guest of Mary Lou and Emilio Porta. Since Sam forgot to introduce his wife Opal, MT took the initiative and introduced her at HIS girl friend! Sam smiled.
1. Cazadero Old Time BBQ, Sun. Sept. 2, Noon, Tickets: Chicken $12, Steak $15. Rotary Info Booth will be present. See Mary Lou for tickets.
2. Donna read a note thanking Chuck for buying a pig at the fair.
3. Herman announced the Forestville Expo to be held 8/23, 6 p.m. Bob and Sue will host the Rotary Info Booth. All RRR are welcome and encouraged to drop by.
4. Board Meeting at the Sr. Center 8/18, 8:30 a.m. (meeting held, see following recap)
5. Fireside Chat was held at Lyn’s home 8/13. Those with red badges completed the orientation for new Rotarians. PLUS-a good time was had by all. Thanks Lyn!
6. Chuck encourage all RRR to attend the District Conference to be held May 15-18, 2008, at the Holiday Inn Golden Gateway. The theme this year is, “Mission Possible: Share the Dream.”
Ken Moulton, District Governor; Marty Bonocorso, President RRR; Gene Marcincowski, Assistant District Governor
Presentation of Club Plaques
Ken presented Jill with an award pin for sponsoring new Rotarian Ed Smith. Michael D. was awarded the “Quiet Rotarian Award” for his diligent work behind the scenes. Thank you to both of you.
Ken began his address with a quote from Bill Gates: “Who are you, and why are you here?” This reporter may not get all the stats correct, but I believe Ken said there are 2500 Rotarians in 44 clubs in our District 5130 and 1.2 members world-wide. He said that we are a fellowship of professions with “service above self” as our motto. In addition, Rotary International is invested in 200 countries.
Rotary International provides “water for the thirsty, food for the hungry, medicine for the ill, and literacy. Among the projects are polio eradication; fresh water in Africa, Rotoplast (corrective surgery for children in 3rd world countries); cancer clinic in Guadalajara; a kitchen for the hungry.
Ken challenged us to make the dream a reality and to grasp the “Power of One”—what one Rotarian can accomplish.
The Board met Saturday, 8:30 a.m. at the Sr. Center. A short recap follows:
1, Michael D. presented the board with a guide for parliamentary procedure to help in conducting our meetings smoothly. Not much has changed in the financial status.
2. Secretary’s report included thank you notes from scholarship recipients.
3. Membership and club roles or assignments were clarified.
4. Club will pay for two dinners of prospective Rotary members. The 3rd dinner will be paid for by the new member. Guests of Rotarians will be paid by their host.
5. Service projects included remodeling of the Sr. Center. Formulating idea is to build a kitchen. Cost is still to be determined.
6. Dictionaries will be presented to all 3rd graders soon. Number to students to be obtained.
7. Phase IV of the El Molino HS Snack Bar was mentioned.
8. Club Activities include the Forestville
Expo this Thursday, 5 p.m.-7:30 p.m. in
Forestville field across from the liquor store
All RRR are encouraged to attend wearing Rotary T-Shirts.
9. Jill is exploring the possibility of a “Moonlight Dance” at the Kendall Jackson Winery during the holiday season.
10. Mary Lou suggested a wine tasting event to be held in conjunction with the Highland Dell restaurant.
Tuesday, 8/21: Reg meeting at Sr. Center
Thursday, 8/23: Forestville Expo, 6 p.m.
Tuesday, 8/28: Reg meeting at Sr. Center
Sunday, 9/2: Cazadero Old Time BBQ, Noon – 5 p.m
Michael DeProto receiving “Quiet Rotarian Award” from District Governor Ken Moulton
UPCOMING SPEAKERS—Invite a Prospective Member
8/21 Kevin Osseldinger – Fitness
8/28 Bloomers Nursery
9/4 West County Community Services
9/11 Vesta Copestakes –Newspaper non-profit marketing
9/18 Dan Smith – Palm Drive
9/25 Bob Pesavento – Appraisals
10/2 Greg Jacobs – the Judicial system
10/9 Open
10/16 Drug Abuse Alternative Ctr.
10/23 Keller McDonald, W-County Superintendent of Schools
10/30 Halloween Party
11/6 Club Assembly
11/13 Open
11/20 Open
11/30 Dave Ogden-Consolidation of River Area