· 1/2-inch PVC Pipe. You need six pieces. The measurements aren't critical, but I had 5 pieces about 2 feet long and 1 piece about 5 feet long. My hardware store cut them for me when I bought them.
· 1/2-inch PVC Pipe Joiners. You need the following 4 pieces:
· * 4-way joiner (1/2 joiner will need to be drilled in one direction)
· * (2) 45 degree elbows
· * 90 degree elbow
· duct tape
· 2-liter bottle (empty)
This is simple...I promise!
Here's the completed launcher with parts labeled, for any of you visual people. After the picture are instructions.
The launcher is made in two parts: 1-the actual launcher and 2-the supports.
1-To first make the launcher, twist the 2-liter bottle onto the 5-foot long PVC pipe. Duct tape it on to make sure no air can escape this joint.
2- Twist the 90 degree elbow onto the other end of the 5-foot long PVC pipe.
3- Twist one of the 2-foot long pieces into the 90 degree elbow. Duct tape this joint to make sure no air can escape. Your launcher is done! Yay! But it tips over. So, let's make the supports:
4- To make the supports, push the 4-way joiner onto the launcher (will need to drill out to to push it on; alternatively a ¾ inch 4-way joiner could be used). You now have 2 openings on the 4-way joiner exposed. Twist 2-foot long PVC pieces into those openings. You can duct tape them on so they don't fall off, but it is not necessary, and do not duct tape the 4-way joiner onto the actual launcher. You want this removable so it stores easily.
5- Twist a 45 degree elbow onto the ends of the 2-foot long pieces.
6- Twist the last 2-foot long pieces into the 45 degree elbow.
Ta da!! All done!
Now you can invite the kids to join you in making rockets!
Supplies for rockets:
· computer paper
· masking tape
· crayons or other decorative supplies
To Make a Rocket:
1. Decorate a paper!
2. Wrap the paper around the PVC pipe and tape it closed. Be careful to make it tight enough that it will catch the air, but loose enough that it will move on and off the pipe.
3. Tape the rocket closed. Tape over one end of the rocket several times so no air escapes the top.
To Launch a Rocket:
1. Place the rocket on the top of the launcher.
2. Stomp down on the 2-liter bottle, right on top of the duct tape!
3. Watch your rocket soar!!
4. You can blow up the bottle again by blowing through the top of the launcher. You can clean this off easily with baby wipes.
Note: If you want a launcher that doesn't need blowing up, you can attach a bicycle pump, air storage tube, and a valve instead of the 2-liter bottle. But I think that's unnecessary.