PowerPoint (XP)

http://ou.blackboard.com IT Courses: PowerPoint

Note: # refers to lesson under IT Courses - PowerPointXP Basics

1-2: New Presentation [Ithink07] (Apply a Design Template): Choose ‘From Design Template’

·  Select File > New & Choose New Presentation – From Design Template ( from menu of the Right)

·  Make changes by Selecting Format > Slide Design – choose from menu on the Right

·  NOTE: Choose Design based on output – Dark Backgrounds printouts may waste ink!

2: Title Slide, New Slides & Text Boxes:

·  Title Slide – titles your slide show

·  New Slide – Select Insert > New Slide - Apply a Slide Layout – choose from menu on the Right

·  Text Boxes – Title Box – labels Slides under Outline Tab

3: Text & bullets: If you choose a new text color, be consistent on all slides. Text size should be 24 – 28

3: AutoShapes: Lower left corner. Click & drag to select one. Or Select Insert – Pictures - Autoshapes
4: Use of Views: - To View a Slide Show – Select Slide Show > View Show

·  Normal View – default/standard editing view

·  Slide Sorter – good for rearranging slides; you can add & delete slides too

·  Slide Show View – starts viewing from current slide – Hit ECS to return to Normal View

·  Notes Page – when you need to add comments and notes for you to read only.

5: Add Images: You can choose from clip art or pictures from the Web:

·  To add Clip Art – Select Insert > Picture > From Clip Art & choose (you can search for an idea also!)

·  To add a Web Picture: Right-click on Browser Image and select Copy from Popup menu.

o  On your PowerPoint slide – Select Edit > Paste & picture should appear on slide.

·  To make a Screen Capture Image: Hit the Prnt Screen Key (on keyboard - upper right row)

·  To Compression all Images: View > Toolbars > Picture Compression

6: Add a Chart:

·  To add a Chart: Insert > Chart

o  (Click outside chart to return to Slide editing & Double-click chart to edit)

·  To change Chart type - Right-click on selected chart & select Chart Type

·  To add Spreadsheet data: Select Edit > Import File

7: Add a Hyperlink: Copy a web page link & paste it.

·  Highlight Text or Object – Select Insert > Hyperlink & paste or type in full web address.

·  To change the Link Color – Select Format > Slide Design > Color Schemes > Edit Color Schemes

8: Add a Diagram: Great for showing steps or relationships

·  To add a Diagram: Insert > Diagram – Choose one from the Diagram Gallery

o  To add special effects: Click on Diagram & the Auto format Icon

9: Use the Master Slide: If you have text or objects that appear on every slide,

·  To View Master Slide: View > Master > Slide Master - Change the Font sizes & colors or Add a logo

·  To Add Headers: View > Header & Footers – Setup page #s, dates & footer info

10: Add a Slide Transition: Select timing & advancing options (mouse click or automatic)

·  Slide Show > Slide Transition – Choose from Right menu choices

11: Add Custom Animation: Can be very effective in showing info/pics as you talk about it.

·  Choose Text, Picture or Object & Select Slide Show > Custom Animation

·  Choose the Effect button for Entrance, Exit etc. options

·  Right-click on New Effect & you can choose additional options (like # of seconds in automatic times)

12-13: Add Sounds: Can be effective for an opening or a particular slide (not all the time!)

·  Insert > Movies & Sounds > Sound from Clip Organizer

·  Ongoing - Under Slide Transitions - Sound - Other Sound & Browse local computer. Check Loop until next sound

14: Printing Options: Choose from many options – Slides, Handouts, NotePages

·  Print – Handouts – great for audience use; 3 on a page lets them take notes

15: Saving PowerPoint as a web page: PowerPoint saves an HTML file & a folder of images. Both of these need to be uploaded to your web space. File > Save as Web Page

PowerPoint 1: Presentation TIPS!!

Developing a presentation is more than just creating a slide show. It is important to think about presentation skills before you get started with writing your material. These are just some guidelines to help you make a creative and effective presentation:

Tip 1 - Background

Before you begin to develop the content of your presentation, you need to know some basics:

Who are you presenting to & where?

·  What is audience knowledge level? Will you need to tailor your presentation to beginners in your subject matter or perhaps another higher level of understanding?

·  What is the disposition of the audience? It is good ahead of time to know if they will be friendly, supportive, neutral or hostile.

·  What is the room setup? Very important for you to know this! What kind of projection equipment will be available and who will set it up?

·  What is the room size? This is critical to know so that your text and images are the appropriate size for the room. You want everyone to be able to read and view your material from anywhere in the room. Audience handouts of your slides can be an alternative if you need to use smaller text or images.

Tip 2 - Content/Visuals

Once you know your background specs, you are ready to develop your content. Be knowledgeable and organized. Give practical ways to apply your message. You don't want to write out sentences of your topic, but rather use bullet points to guide you in your presentation. You, as a presenter, can use the Notes Pages to give you more detail on what you want to say.

Separate your slides for each topic and provide a good meaningful visual to support your key points. A table, chart, diagram or photo can provide more information and enhance the retention of the subject matter.

Use sounds and animations appropriately! Don't overdo this, it can be very irritating. On the other hand, it can also help develop a mood or effect that can be very effective.

Tip 3 - Delivery

Once you have created your presentation, it's time to practice your delivery skills! Let's think about this as Bad and Good habits:

Not so good delivery habits to avoid:
·  Fillers: 'ah", "um", ...
·  Annoying movements, too many gestures or turning your back to the audience
·  Screaming clothing
·  Sloppy editing / Good Delivery habits to strive for:
·  Visuals, visuals, visuals
·  Use eye contact, focus on your audience and not your presentation
·  Ditch the podium
·  Be who you are! ...Smile... Often... :)

Tip 4 - Final Preparation

Don't let technical difficulties ruin a good and successful presentation. Be sure you have everything you will need for your presentation. Do you know who will setup the equipment? Or do you remember how to setup the projector and connect it to your computer? Have you a backup copy of your presentation on disk?

And, may be most importantly, have you practiced? This can be the most important step you do to ensure you know your material well and can present it effectively.

Well, now we are ready to get started with PowerPoint. Good Luck!