Western Yearly Meeting
For Pastoral Year (July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017)(Calendar Year 2017)
The Western Yearly Meeting Pastoral Ministry Excellence Project (PME) provides an additional layer of economic support and ongoing education for pastoral ministers serving in Western Yearly Meeting.The Pastoral Ministry Excellence Fund has been designated for these purposes:
1)Health Care Expense Grants
2) Retirement Contribution Grants
3) Educational Grants: (Annual Pastors Retreat and other financial education opportunities)
The PME Project also provides financial information, training, consultation & education for pastors and Meetings.
PME Grants are funded by Western Yearly Meeting through the Board on Christian Ministries and Evangelism. The source of the funding is the income from the Bone Ministry and Leadership Fund along with additional funding that is being raised by the Pastoral Ministry Excellence Sustainability Task Group with the assistance of the PME Project Director. The administrative costs for the PME Project are currently funded through a supplemental grant received from Lilly Endowment.
Review and approval of grant requests for health care and retirement contributions will be done by the Board on Christian Ministry & Evangelism through the sub-committee on Spiritual Life. These grant requests are reviewed at the regularly scheduled meeting in May of each year. Grant requests need to be submitted to the Yearly Meeting Office by the due date each year. Actions of this sub-committee are reported to the Board on Christian Ministries and Evangelism. Educational Grants are automatically provided through registration for Pastors’ Winter Gathering and by acceptance into the WYM Training & Recording process.
Qualifications for Application for Health Care Expense Grants and Retirement Contribution Grants
1.Pastors, assistant pastors, directors of CE and youth pastors, who serve a WYM Monthly Meeting in paid ministry, but not as volunteers, are eligible.
2.The pastors must attend a2017Western Yearly Meeting financial training sessions. If circumstances do not allow the pastor to attend scheduled financial trainings prior to May 1, 2017, the pastor is required to make other arrangements with WYM to receive the annual financial training.
3.The Monthly Meeting must complete the written approval from their Monthly Meeting approving the Monthly Meetings’ willingnessto
- allocate the Health Care Expense Grant as outlined by IRS rules for compensation. If the Meeting and pastor elect to place the grant in an HSA, check IRS information regarding the regulations for the HSA which include that the pastor has a high-deductible health insurance coverage;
- allocate the Retirement Contribution Grant into a pension, retirement or IRA account for the pastor in accordance with the grant request;
- record in the Monthly Meeting minutes the receipt and disbursement of the grant(s);
- approve inviting a representative from Western Yearly Meeting visit the Meeting to talk about stewardship and pastoral support.
4.Complete and submit this application by April 15, 2017.
Please note that this application has two parts. Part I must be completed and approved by the Monthly Meeting. Part II must be completed by the pastor.Please return by 4/15/2017to:Western Yearly Meeting, P. O. Box 70, Plainfield, IN 46168.
Chose One or More
Pastoral Ministry Excellence Grant(s)desired: [ ]Health Care Expense Grant[ ] Retirement Contribution Grant
PART I: To be completed and approved by the Monthly Meeting.
1. Monthly Meeting ______
2. Pastor’s Name:______
3. Check one: _____ Pastor _____ Associate Pastor ______Youth Pastor ______Director of CE ______Other
If this grant request is approved, this Monthly Meeting of Western Yearly Meeting agrees to the following
- to allocate the Health Care Expense Grant as outlined by IRS rules for compensation.
- to allocate the Retirement Contribution Grant into a pension, retirement or IRA account for the pastor in accordance with the grant request
- torecord in the Monthly Meeting minutes the receipt and disbursement of the grant(s).
- to invite a representative from Western Yearly Meeting visit the Meeting to talk about stewardship and pastoral support.
Signature of Monthly Meeting Clerk:______Date: ______
Part II: To be completed by the pastor
1.Name: ______
2.Address: ______
3.E-mail: ______Best method for contact ______
4.Marital Status: ______Number of members in household: ______
5.Current total Pastoral compensation from Monthly Meeting (do not include reimbursement items):______
Check one: Is pastoral position Part Time ______or Full Time ______?
Other current employment: Position: ______Organization ______
Address ______
Check one: Is other employment Part Time ______or Full Time ______?
7.Please indicate the total pastoral family income for 2015:
Check one: Less than $40,000 _____ Between $40,000 and $50,000_____ More than $50,000______
8Recorded minister? ______Date of recording ______Where: ______
9.Current church membership: ______
10.Have you or will you be attending the 2017 annualWestern Yearly Meeting financial management training?______
Signature of Pastor ______Date: ______
Please address questions regarding PME to Della Stanley-Green, Project Director at or 317-838-0499.