From: minister Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger August 8, 2010 A.D.
In the county of Parkland on the land mass known as Canada.
Non-Domestic Mail
C/O The Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International
no code non commercial
non statutory Asseveration/Affidavit of Criminal complaint
Alberta )
) Subscribed, Sworn, Sealed
Parkland County )
I, Me, My, or Myself, also known as minister Edward-Jay-Robin : house of Belanger, having been duly sworn, depose and say to be true as far as I am capable of knowing and expressing.
1 All the Facts stated herein are true, correct, complete, are not hearsay, are not
misleading, but are admissible as evidence, if not rebutted and proven inaccurate, and if
testifying, I shall so state, and further,
2. I have standing in God’s law in capacity as God’s minister to act and profess as a watchman as to all the lawful matters herein, and further,
3. I have personal, executive and documented knowledge of the Facts stated herein, and
4 I am a living on the land known as Alberta, and further,
5 I am a sovereign living soul, a minister of Yahushua/Jesus the Christ, and further,
6 I am not in the military, nor defined in all capitals as a nom de gerre and further,
7 I am not a Canadian citizen or US citizen, (so-called) 14th Amendment citizen, or other fictitious entity, as found in the Edmonton Vital statistics registry of live births as a legal fiction registry of an event recorded as EDWARD JAY ROBIN BELANGER and the mention of US case law is per the 11th amendment to the US Constitution and the registry in 1934 of the corporation called CANADA ceded into the US securities registry as a subordinate corporation of the United States and the provisions of Ezekiel 33:6-10 wherein I act as the watchman making no use .of the dead law of corporations.
"Therefore, the U.S. citizens [citizens of the District of Columbia] residing in one of the states of the union, are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an "individual entity."
Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193, 80 L.Ed. 1143, 56 S.Ct. 773.
“A “US Citizen” upon leaving the District of Columbia becomes involved in “interstate commerce”, as a “resident” does not have the common-law right to travel, of a Citizen of one of the several states.” Hendrick v. Maryland S.C. Reporter’s Rd. 610-625. (1914)
and further,
8 Even though I am not a Canadian citizen , I am a man born upon, living and ministering on the geographical land mass known as Canada, and further,
9 Neither the men or woman listed herein and acting as the judge in Stony Plain on August 4th 2010 named Caffaro, The man acting as the Judge Ayotte in Stony Plain,The man acting as the Judge Fuller in Stony Plain The man acting as the federal crown prosecutor for CANADA named Adam Halliday The man acting as the federal minister of Justice for CANADA Robert Nicholson, the woman acting as the minister of health for CANADA Leona Aglukkaq with authority over the civil legislation The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act Ultra Vires of the Biblical gift of Genesis 1:29, The man acting as the, Minister of Public Safety for Canada in charge of the RCMP Vic Toews, The minister of Justice and Attorney General for THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Alison Redford, and the chief prosecutor for the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Steven Bilodeau, and Malina Rawluk prosecutor for THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA Stony Plain nor the Superintendent of Canada Border Protection Services Agency, , nor any other government entity, nor any BAR member, nor any “person” anywhere is competent in any of My affairs, and further,
It is my belief with witnesses affidavits confirmation the afore mentioned did criminally conspire without authority of law and did intend to intimidate thereby breached their trust as Allegiants of the Christian Defender of the faith to save my faith harmless from reproach. I asked the man named Caffaro on August 4th 2010in Stoney Plain Alberta at 10:00 AM if he was aware I could not violate my sincerely held faith of not associating my name with a dead entity in law a legal fiction all capital letter version of my name used as a pledge to trade as value on the stock exchange. My diligent efforts have been rewarded with intimidation, insults, discrimination, assault kidnapping and unlawful confinement. I have by the herein so included excerpts of letters cases etc. do provide so as to provide clarity to effect clear cause for my complaint.
so as to provide clarity to effect clear cause for my complaint.
Type / Company Name / AddressBR / Government Of The Province Of Alberta / 1A Sir Winston Churchill Sq NW Suite A, Edmonton, AB, CA /
BR / Government Of The Province Of Alberta
Also Traded as Provincial Archives of Alberta / 8555 Roper Rd NW, Edmonton, AB, CA /
BR / Government Of The Province Of Alberta
Also Traded as Provincial Court of Alberta / 237 Jasper St W, Hinton, AB, CA /
BR / Government Of The Province Of Alberta
Also Traded as Provincial Court of Alberta / 237 Pembina Ave Fl, Hinton, AB, CA /
BR / Government of the Province of Alberta
Also Traded as Provincial Courts / 5210 49 Ave, Camrose, AB, CA /
BR / Government Of The Province Of Alberta
Also Traded as Provincial Court / 190 Chippewa Rd, Sherwood Park, AB, CA /
BR / Government Of The Province Of Alberta
Also Traded as Provincial Court / 4711 44 Ave, Stony Plain, AB, CA /
BR / Government Of The Province Of Alberta
Also Traded as Provincial Court Alberta Criminal Div
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The Crimes of The man acting as judge named Caffaro as is evident by his actions on the 4th of August 2010 wherein it was observed by witnesses undersigned that I as God’s minister attended the Court room 01 in Stony Plain Alberta to fulfill a promise to appear on that date that was obtained on June 21st at Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Centre obtained by intimidating me that if I told the truth on that document and signed that appearance notice with a false version of my name on it under protest of threat duress and intimidation they would not let me out of incarceration at the Ft. Saskatchewan Correctional Centre.
(Please think for a moment…Who has any authority to form my name other than what I dictate?)
I did put my name to those fraudulently formed documents with the letters U.D.I. of notation at the end of everyplace I was intimidated to put my name in ink.. U.D.I. means under Duress and Intimidation. Section 55 and 57 of the Canadian Bills of Exchange act
Holder in Due Course
Holder in due course
55. (1) A holder in due course is a holder who has taken a bill, complete and regular on the face of it, under the following conditions, namely,
(a) that he became the holder of it before it was overdue and without notice that it had been previously dishonoured, if such was the fact; and
(b) that he took the bill in good faith and for value, and that at the time the bill was negotiated to him he had no notice of any defect in the title of the person who negotiated it.
Title defective
(2) In particular, the title of a person who negotiates a bill is defective within the meaning of this Act when he obtained the bill, or the acceptance thereof, by fraud, duress or force and fear, or other unlawful means, or for an illegal consideration, or when he negotiates it in breach of faith, or under such circumstances as amount to a fraud.
R.S., c. B-5, s. 56.
Right of subsequent holder
56. A holder, whether for value or not, who derives his title to a bill through a holder in due course, and who is not himself a party to any fraud or illegality affecting it, has all the rights of that holder in due course as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill prior to that holder.
R.S., c. B-5, s. 57.
Presumption of value
57. (1) Every party whose signature appears on a bill is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, deemed to have become a party thereto for value.
Presumed holder in due course
(2) Every holder of a bill is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, deemed to be a holder in due course, but if, in an action on a bill, it is admitted or proved that the acceptance, issue or subsequent negotiation of the bill is affected with fraud, duress or force and fear, or illegality, the burden of proof that he is the holder in due course is on him, unless and until he proves that, subsequent to the alleged fraud or illegality, value has in good faith been given for the bill by some other holder in due course.
R.S., c. B-5, s. 58.
10 I as God’s minister am not a bankrupt entity like the debtor criminal corporations UNITED STATES, or CANADA, and I
have in My possession, much more than one hundred dollars in lawful money (twenty each,
one ounce silver maple leaf coins with a face value of five dollars each), and further,
11 I have recently converted some silver to land with all of the rights and privileges of the
original land patent, therefore I have absolute ownership in land, and further,
12 I am not a beneficiary of your trust as per the definitions of the Canadian Ownership Control and Determination Act ,an Act of the Canadian parliament, I have always waived and continue to waive all alleged benefits and DEMAND that My servants honor their oath of office by protecting My
unalienable rights, and further,
13 My name so all here so noticed can never be confused or under any assumption otherwise,is private and the property of Yahushua/Jesus Christ, My Christian given name is Edward-Jay-Robin: house of Belanger and
My proper address is;
with a postal address of;
Non-Domestic Mail,
C/O 10620-112St #2,
Edmonton Alberta
No code non commercial
and for anyone who wishes to communicate with Me, my name shall in respect for my sincerely and deeply held faith and beliefs shall be shown in exact form with no alterations whatsoever as my name is ecclesiastically Copy written as per the |Notice in the 2004 Quesnel Observer, unless they want to be guilty of mail fraud, conversion and coercion and further become consenting and contractually bound debtors to the Church.
Private copyright notice to all private parties acting as private commercial enterprise and all public officials, regarding the religious beliefs of defending the ancient right of name’s and physical place’s, spiritual or temporal, or corporations sole, being:
Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International©,
The Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International© being the copyright holder, of all it’s members copyrights so listed below, has appointed Minister, Donald Christopher Carter©, as trustee for all the copyrights of the Church, who herein does formerly declare notify and make known that the names as provided, are not to be altered in whole or in part, by anyone man or woman, corporation or corporation sole, or machine on this planet earth, ,or edited, revised, abbreviated, reversed, uppercase capitalized or copied for commercial use, incorporated into any computor, ticket, government registry, court docket, any mailing program, any contractual offer ,publication, electronic recording, broadcasting system, theatrical performance, display or any other formats of communication or formed upon any paper for record or offered for sale or access or as any assumptive inducement as in a bill of exchange of any kind via mails or private/public hand service , and or any utilization of any of the Church’s copyrights in any other format not specified, as in forever, without the written permission of the appointed trustee for the copyright holder. Requests for permission must and shall be made in writing and addressed exactly as herein provided and delivered as registered non commercial mail, to the Church’s appointed trustee: Minister, Donald Christopher Carter © for copyright holder: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International © address indicated below, . and beneficiaries of:
International copyright protection:
The Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International©,(Copyright Holder)
The State Of Awareness©,(Local)
Donald Christopher Carter©(Trustee)
Daniel Carter©, Cole lionel Tyson cole Carter©, Tyler Christopher Ryan Carter©, Maria Jane Carter©, Helen Irene Clark©,
Herbert Radau©, Ellis Goodland©, Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger© Trustee, Amber-Lee-Belanger©, Terra-Michelle: Belanger, Sherwood-Theodore: Rodrigues©, BrianGary Seaba©,
having indicated the names as indicated, all take notice, they may not be used, altered in whole or in part, edited, revised, reversed uppercase capitalized or copied
Violation penalties range from $5,000.00-$25,000.00 (fivethousand to twenty five thousand)Canadian Dollars in Gold maple leaf coin for each private abuse and $25,000.00 to$1,000,000.00 (twenty five thousand to one million )Canadian Dollars in Gold maple leaf coin for each and every corporate commercial abuse.
Full defense of all Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International© copyrights is intended and a statement of claim will served upon any and all offending parties their heirs, assigns, and or beneficiaries. Any and all costs incurred by the copyright holder, trustee,or assigns and or beneficiaries as a result of copyright infringement damages shall and will be born by all the offending parties and or their heirs, assigns and beneficiaries, as per penalties specified and provided forever in perpetuity. Unauthorized Usage of any and all of the Church copyright’s is tacit contractual agreement by any and all offending parties, as per signature acceptance of this notice ,to allow the copyright holder to decide the amount of damages also as defined by the copyright holder, appointed trustee’s and or, assigns.