Presented by Robin Buchanan
& Ross Campbell
Origin: Dutch – Netherlands, Belgium and Taiwan.
Similar to: Netball and Basketball
Team set up: 4 girls and 4 boys (8 total players)
Players on the court: 4 (2 boys/2girls)
Court: Indoor or Outside
Net: Pole with hoop on the top located between center and baseline.
(Foul shot circle in basketball key)
Ball: Soccer Ball
Game Play:
*Jump ball to start at center circle. (same as Basketball)
*Offence Ball Movement - No dribble, Passing (bounce/chest) Pivoting with
ball, Moving into open space to receive the ball
*Shooting – underhand or overhand shots using both bands on the ball, no
steps allowed for shots outside of Key area, 2 steps allowed
when shooting inside of Key area.
*Defense – No Contact, Allowed arm length between defender and offensive
player, Allowed to intercept the ball in the air or off the ground,
shooter is not allowed to shoot when defender is within one arm
length away
Gender Defense – players can only guard the same gender, boy/boy, girl/girl
*Penalty Shot – Violation occurs – Dribble, contact, defending wrong gender
of player (boy/girl)
Inbounding – after a basket is scored or ball crosses out of bounds line.
Origin: India
Similar to: Volleyball
Players on the court: 4 (2 boys/2girls) (1 boy and 1 girl per team)
Court: Indoor or Outside Badminton Court
Net: Badminton, Tennis or Volleyball
Ring: Ringette Disc or Cloth/Plastic Frisbee
Game Play:
*Serve – player stands behind the back boundary line and tosses the ring upwards and over the net to the player diagonal to them.
*Tosses – must have upward trajectory.
*Catching – Receiving the ring using one or two hands. Receiver then throws the ring back over the net. Teammates do not pass the ring back and forth to each other.
*Point Awarded – When the ring touches the court on the opponent’s side of the net. When the opponent tosses the ring out side of the boundary lines.
*Sets – Best of 3 to 21 points.
(Modified Version)
Origin: Basque Pelota, Cuba, Caribbean
Similar to: Squash
Players on the court: 4 (2 boys/2girls) (1 boy and 1 girl per team)
Court: Indoor or Outside Badminton Court with back walls
Net: Badminton, Tennis or Volleyball
Ball: Bouncing/Soft ball
Equipment: Scoops
Game Play:
*Serve – player stands behind the back boundary line and tosses the ball upwards and over the net to the player diagonal to them.
*Tosses – must have upward trajectory.
*Catching – Receiving the ball using the scoop. Receiver then throws the ball back over the net. Teammates do not pass the ball back and forth to each other.
Wall: The ball can touch the back wall and it is still in play until it hits the floor. If the ball hits the wall and then lands inside the court, it is considered a point.
*Point Awarded – When the ball touches the court on the opponent’s side of the net. When the opponent tosses the ball out side of the boundary lines.
*Sets – Best of 3 to 21 points.
EQUIPMENT:Cones, Indoor Soccer Balls, Pinnies
- Using available Badminton Courts, students play small-sided Soccer keep away games.
- Place cones at the baseline corners for an endzone. Each team places 1 player in the opposite teams endzone.
- Points are scored by flicking the ball in the air and being caught by the endzone player.
- Players are then instructed that they can flick the ball to another player and if caught by a teammate it can be thrown to the endzone player for a point.
- Students are divided into 2 teams with pinnies.
- Each team will select players to be goalies/guards.
- Cones are placed at the baseline corners of the basketball courts.
- Game starts with a jump ball and at any point in the game if the ball touches the floor, Soccer rules apply….Soccer goals can be scored through or below the height of the pylons.
- If the ball is caught in the air of flicked up, Ultimate or European Handball rules apply…zero steps with the ball, pivoting is allowed.
- Handball points are scored by passing the ball to a teammate in the opponents endzone.
- Same rules apply but if a ball is caught in the Basketball key, an offensive player can take two steps for a lay up. Or shoot a jump shot.
- If a guard knocks down a throw in their endzone, or if body contact / infraction occurs during the game. Then a penalty shot is awarded.
- Shooter has a choice of throwing the ball in the endzone, kicking the ball in the endzone or shooting a foul shot.
- The shooter is allowed as many of his/her teammates in the endzone as defending guards.
Net (Sepak) Takraw
Multicultural Games
List the countries where it is played and its origin.
Games like Takraw were played in 7th century Japan (Kemari) and China but this game actually comes from Thailand. Takraw is mainly played in Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines
Describe how your game is played. State the object of the game. Clearly describe the rules.
There are variations of Takraw. One is Sepak Takraw, also called Net Takraw
- The object of Takraw is to keep the ball in the air.
- To score the ball must hit the floor.
- The first to win 2 sets of 15 wins the match.
- Version 1: Cannot use arms.
- Version 2: Cannot use hands, but arms above wrists.
- 3 hits to get ball over net
- Can play 4 v 4, 5 v 5 or 6 v 6.
List the equipment needed.
- A net 5 feet high (Badminton net)
- A rubber or cloth volleyball
Net Takraw Can be played on a court that is 44 feet by 20 feet. The net is stretched across the center line. There is a service circle 8 feet back from the net.
- Allow a bounce.
- Use walls/ceiling as in parts of court.
Other Version:
- Playground Jimboree and outdoor ball.
- 3 Hits to get it into the net to score a point.
- 2-4 teams of 3 or 4. Outdoor basketball net would work.
Roman Ball
Multicultural Games
List the countries where it is played and its origin.
You can probably guess that Roman Ball is from Rome and that is where it is mainly played. The game was first played in ancient Rome.
Describe how your game is played. State the object of the game. Clearly describe the rules.
- The game of Roman Ball is played on a court. The court has two circles, one in the middle of the other.
- Five or more players stand spread out around the bigger of the two circles. The player with the ball bounces it in the inner circle and it must go out of the outer circle.
- If the ball is caught by another player there is no point awarded to the thrower. If no one catches the ball, the ball throw receives l point.
- The first person to reach seven points wins the game.
- You may run around the circle in order to catch the ball.
List the equipment needed.
- tennis ball or Playground ball
- chalk and string to draw the circles
- Basketball Court Circles
- Have 2 games on the go and if the ball goes between 2 players and out of the circle the 2 players more over to the next game and this continues.
Saskatch Soccer
Multicultural Games
List the countries where it is played and its origin.
It is played in France, England and Spain. It originated in England.
Describe how your game is played. State the object of the game. Clearly describe the rules.
- 15 or 20 players link up into lines of 4. Teams of 6 (4 out 2 in the net)
- The players hold hands or put their arms around each other.
- There are usually as many goals as there are teams. The goals are designated around the field with pylons.
- Each goal is defended by a team of two players. The goalie pair may hold hands but they don't have to.
- Play until a team has scored 4 times.
- Any member of each team of 4 can shoot any ball in any net. But, before shooting the ball, each member must touch the ball. Usually this happens as they approach the goal and kick pass the ball to each other. If a member of another team touches the ball after that they must kick pass the ball to each team member again before a shot is taken.
- When a goal is scored the team that scores goes to their net and changes spaces with their goalies.
- Anything can be changed during the game: the number of balls, size of goals, number of points needed to win.
List the equipment needed.
- 15 to 20 players per team
- An agreed upon method of designating goals.
- Soccer, play ground ball.
- To take away competiveness and promote more cooperative game play the field unit that scores a goal switches places with the goalies that they scored on. Takes away team on team and winner and loser syndrome.
. Toli
Multicultural Games
List the countries where it is played and its origin.
Toli is played in the South East section of the United States. It is a traditional Native American game that has been played for at least 400 years. It was sometimes used to settle disputes among Native Americans. The modern game of Lacrosse originated from Toli.
Describe how your game is played. State the object of the game. Clearly describe the rules.
Traditional Toli
Toli has few rules. Each player has two sticks with a basket on the end to carry the ball (called the towa).Like lacrosse, the object of the game is to throw the ball into the goal using your sticks.
- To move the ball around you can run with it or pass it to a team mate.
- Over head passes are allowed depending upon age.
- Scoring happens when the ball hits a post at the end of the court (field).
- After each goal, the ball is brought back to midfield and tossed up in the midst of a circle of players.
- At the end of the game the team with the most points wins.
- Game 40 minutes long.
In the real game of Toli the defense is allowed to tackle the player with the ball.
Modified Toli
- To move the ball around you can run with it or pass it to a team mate.
- Over head passes are allowed depending upon age.
- Scoring happens when the ball strikes a target (Hoop on a wall, placed in a basket etc…).
- After each goal the defending team gets the ball.
- At the end of the game the team scoring 11 first.
- Instead of tackling, flags will be used. If you lose your flag you drop the ball and pick up the flag, the defender picks up the ball.
List the equipment needed.
- a lacrosse-like stick with a basket on the end.
- ball
Gaelic Football
Multicultural Games
List the countries where it is played and its origin.
The country where it is primarily played is Ireland. It also originated there. It is also played in England, Australia and the United States.
Describe how your game is played. State the object of the game. Clearly describe the rules.
- Gaelic football is played with 15 men trying to score by getting the ball into the goal or over a cross bar and between the posts. Over the goal is one point, under is three points. The game is played in 35 minute halves. The player may kick the ball, fist the ball, pass the ball from hand to hand, and bounce the ball. He is not allowed to carry the ball more than four steps.
- The object is to get the ball in the goal or over the bar. There is a goal post with a soccer goal under the crossbar.
- A player can't push, kick, trip, hold, strike or jump at an opponent; reach from behind a player who has the ball; charge a player from behind; or charge an opponent without the ball. In short: no kicking, pushing, punching, biting, eye gouging, fish-hooking, or tackling. Players who do not follow the rules are suspended from the game.
List the equipment needed.
- They play with a ball that weighs 320-425 grams and has a circumference of 69-74 centimeters (like a volley ball).
- The players wear shirts, shorts and socks in their team colors, and soccer cleats. A referee with a penalty flag is necessary