Lesson 01 – An introduction to Java and the Java Programming Environment

1.  background on the Java programming language

a.  JDK – Java Development Kit. Necesssary to create a Java class

·  JDK provides a compiler – javac.exe

b.  JRE – Java Runtime Environment. Also referred to as the JVM – Java Virtual Machine

·  JRE provides an interpreter – java.exe

c.  A Java program must first be successfully compiled, then it can be interpreted to run the program

2.  Java program types:

a.  application command line / GUI

b.  servlet runs on a web server

c.  applet application that runs inside a web browser

3.  introduction to Java Programming Concepts

·  class

·  global variables (aka fields or instance and class variables)

·  method(s)

·  method main – where execution always begins

·  method main header: public static void main(String args[])

·  statement(s)

4.  keywords: special keywords used in Java are: class, public, static, void, import, throws

5.  punctuation: ( ) [ ] { } , ; " " (String literal) ' ' (character literal)

6.  frequently used classes: System, Math, String, Scanner, PrintWriter, JOptionPane

7.  variables

a.  global not declared inside of a method (must be outside of all methods)

b.  local local variables are declared within a method (method level).

8.  Java Development

a.  code a source file
a source file is a file with an extension of .java that contains a class declaration

b.  compile a source file to produce a class file
a class file is a file with an extension of .class that contains compiled Java source code
the JDK (Java Development Kit) is required to do this

c.  a class file with a prescribed method main can be considered to be a program
the program must be run within the Java virtual machine (it is NOT the same as an executable program).

9.  translation

a.  compiling JDK command javac [ the JDK contains the Java compiler ]
example: javac HelloWorld.java [ produces HelloWorld.class ]

b.  Interpreting JRE command java [ the JRE contains the Java interpreter ]
example: java HelloWorld [ runs HelloWorld.class ]

bytecode a successful compile in Java produces a .class file which contains "bytecodes"

10.  platform independence ( "write once, run anywhere…" )

11.  Using the command line to compile/run programs

a.  javac [ used to invoke the compiler ] javac CarpentersCustomDesks.java

b.  Java [ used to invoke the JVM to run a program ] java CarpentersCustomDesks

12.  Check the version of your Java compiler (JDK) and interpreter (JRE)

a. Run cmd to bring up a command prompt

b. Enter the command “javac –version” to check the version of the compiler

c.  Enter the command “java –version” to check the version of the interpreter