Application form: EST project ”Systems Biology” – full-time PhD projects


A complete application should be structured according to the headings given below and should contain all information requested.

The completed form should be sent as e-mail attachment in a single PDF file to the following address (do not use this address for questions concerning projects):

The header of the e-mail message should read as such:

PhD project – first name, last name

And the name of the attached file should read as follows:

First name_last name.pdf

The application must be received no later than January 15, 2005 at midnight CET.

Do not include confirming documents such as certificates. You will be contacted in case those are needed.


Following the application deadline a pre-selection of suitable candidates will be done. Those will then be contacted and asked for confirmatory documents. During February candidates can expect to be asked for interviews, either by phone or on-site of the prospective place of work.

The first three appointments can start as soon as decisions are taken, i.e. potentially in March 2005. The final two appointments should start at the latest on January 1, 2006.

Any questions regarding procedures and formalities should be directed to . Any questions concerning the projects should be directed to the project supervisor (see project descriptions).

General rules.

Candidates must have completed their studies/exams before they can begin with their PhD projects and they must not have done full-time research for more than one year after having completed their studies.

Candidates must be nationals of the EU member states or associated states, but even nationals of third countries are eligible.

Candidates must NOT be nationals of the country in which they will perform their PhD studies and must not have undergone their main activity in that country for more than 12 months in the last 36 months at the date of selection (the mobility rule).

See the FAQ document on the project’s website for more common questions to these general rules.


Personal details

First name(s):

Last name:

Date of birth:



Married, yes/no, number of children:

Country of residence:

Full address:



I am applying for the following project (enter project number(s)):


(Explain in max one page your motivation to apply for a PhD project in this programme and your medium- and long-term carrier vision. This section is likely the most important of your application).

Strength and weakness

(Explain in max one half page where you see your own strengths and weaknesses)


(List your school education, including dates, schools and cities. List documents that you could provide as certificates).

Undergraduate studies

(The subject of your basic study, years, university. List documents that you could provide as certificates)

(List all courses you have done in the last two years of your studies (i.e. during your advanced studies, dates, university, grades. List documents that you could provide as certificates)

Last three years

(List your places of activity in the last three years)


(List your scientific publications if any)

Other qualifications

(List all other relevant qualifications, such as jobs, courses, acquired skills etc)


(List your hobbies and any other specific interests you have)

Knowledge of languages

(List your knowledge of languages and provide evidence for your proficiency in English)


(List the names and contact details of two or three persons that could provide information on your qualification)

Picture and passport

(Please enclose within the same PDF file a scan from your passport and a photo of yourself)