CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting

January 21, 2009


Ø  Budget final numbers submitted for CMS

Ø  Criteria for being Marine Science faculty

Ø  Other items

Meeting Minutes

Members Present:

Dr. Dan Baden (CMS/Director)

Dr. Jack Hall (EVS/Chair)

Dr. Steve Kinsey (BIO/Non-Resident, 2007-2009)

Dr. Lynn Leonard (GLY/Chair, 2007-2009)

Dr. Curt Moyer (PHY/Chair)

Dr. Martin Posey (BIO/Chair)

Dr. Sonya Pyott (Marine Science Research Faculty, 2008-2010)

Dr. James Reeves (CHM/Chair)

Dr. Ronald Sizemore (CMS/Associate Director)

Dr. John Taggart (EVS/Non-Resident 2008-2010)

Dr. Craig Tobias (GLY/Resident 2008-2010)

Dr. Joan Willey (CMS/Associate Director)

Ex-Officio Members Present:

Members Absent:

Dr. Ami Wilbur (BIO / Resident, 2008-2009)


The majority of this meeting was spent in discussions involving the budget cuts, and their impact on CMS. The university is expected to take a 7% reduction for FYI 2009-2011. The group discussed the Chancellor’s memo to all academic units regarding 2009-2011 budget planning. This memo emphasized that “Strategic” modifications will be taken, vs. across the board cuts. Dr. Baden stated that these 7% reductions are going to be hard to absorb, and will impact CMS operationally. Marbionc will be affected by this significantly as well.

Due to Craig Tobias leaving in the summer of ‘09, the IRMS position is effectively lost for this budget period (2009-1011) and the Mass Spec lab will not be operational until funding is restored.

Dr. Baden discussed endowments, as a means to fund pilot projects. (potential $300,000 a year for pilot projects). Endowments could provide for ongoing research, educational and outreach activities without the “stutter-stop of federal and state funding mechanisms”.

Some members expressed concern about increasing faculty’s work load with programmatic duties. The time faculty spends managing grants takes away from time for research. Studies are showing that faculty are working 50-60 hrs a week.

* Dr. Baden requested that Chairs at this meeting go back to their departments, and get one faculty member to write up a one-week schedule.

Dr. Baden discussed the Inter-institutional PhD Program in Coastal and Marine Science. This would establish a unified academic program, bringing together faculty from a large number of disciplinary departments across college and university boundaries within UNC System member institutions, and provide graduate training in all aspects of Coastal and Marine Science. Dr. Baden will distribute this document to CMS Extended Faculty.

The UNCW PhD in Coastal and Marine Science continues to move forward toward implementation.

This program would be part of a larger joint venture; with programmatic elements divided up amongst campuses in each individual PhD program. One challenge is ensuring resources are still there for existing programs. Some members expressed that the workload question very important. In addition, funds are needed to support TA and PhD students. Dr. Baden stated that Erskin Bowles has given his commitment to support this program, and get funding for it.

Other Announcements

Lynn Leonard mentioned UNCW looking to develop an Integrated Estuarine Network within the state.

Dr. Baden announced the potential for wave related research. Ocean Energy is being looked at for alternative energy sources.

In closing, Dr. Baden reminded the group to get one faculty member from their departments to produce a summary of their workweek. He also requested feedback from the group regarding the Coastal and Ocean Policy PhD Program.

The discussion of Criteria for being Marine Science faculty, will be postponed till the next meeting.


The meeting adjourned at 12:00pm. The next IAC meeting is scheduled for February 18, 2009.

*Action Needed