Department Aims
The KS3 curriculum at Shaftesbury High School reflects our philosophy and aims. It is broad and balanced, recognises national guidelines and fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum and beyond in a positive and supportive learning environment.
KS3 Curriculum Map
We provide education that is suited to enabling all students and there is great emphasis on holistic development and enriching the curriculum with personalised interventions. Students are encouraged to develop high standards and work towards re-integration at main stream provision. Parallel to the curriculum we work in partnership with parents and agencies, to foster an ethos which promotes high achievement and raised self-esteem. We firmly believe that the value of our curriculum goes beyond purely what is examinable. We believe every learner is entitled to a curriculum that is rich and varied, challenging and inspiring, which enables every individual to fulfil her or his potential to the highest possible standard. We promote the view that learning should be experienced as something which is enjoyable, engaging, rewarding and confidence building.
The curriculum aims to enable all young people to become:
- Successful learnerswho enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
- Confident individualswho are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
- Responsible citizenswho make a positive contribution to society
It is our intention to lay secure foundations for re-integration, progression and retention into a provision suitable for each individual.
Our curriculum includes a wide variety of enriching activities and intervention stratagem and we encourage students to take full advantage of these. Lessons are taught by highly qualified and motivated staff, all of whom are experts in their subject. All departments are well resourced and use the latest computer technologies.
Marking and Assessment
Please access the documents below,Assessment Policyand specific Assessment Criteria for each Core Subject below.
KS3 English Reading / Year 7/ Year 8
/ Year 9
KS3 English Writing /
KS3 Maths /
KS3 Science /
Interventions & Partnerships
To enjoy and achieve in learning KS3 offer interventions for individuals which cater to their prescribed needs. On entry to Shaftesbury High School every child has the opportunity to be base line assessed. Following this, all pupils receive quality first teaching. If your child needs additional support, the school will follow the waves intervention model to ensure your child receives the appropriate support to enable them to make progress. We use a RAG (Red, Amber and Green) system to identify each wave.
Wave 1 / -Inclusive quality first teaching for allWave 2 / -Targeted intervention: Additional interventions to enable pupils to work at age related expectations or above
Wave 3 / -Specialist intervention: Additional and highly personalised interventions
As a short stay school we build partnerships between families, surrounding schools and agencies to support each young person’s development. Please access this link to view the list of agencies we work with.
How Parents can Support their Children
All teachers at Shaftesbury High School are passionate about education. Excellence is a habit that is repeatedly strived for. We will encourage and engender high expectations throughout school, but we would appreciate your support in helping pupils enhance their own learning. Your support in helping pupils access the vast array of information and research available will help inspire pupils and raise attainment. The school values the support and cooperation of parents in ensuring pupils attend school on time and ready to learn, complete classwork and homework to the highest possible standard and in meeting personalised standards consistently follow the schools code of conduct. We would always recommend own learning time and recommend that pupils are able to access revision guides and APP’s to aid in consolidating their learning. We can recommend: BBC Bitesize (all subjects), Exampro (English), Success maker and My-Maths (Mathematics) and Doc Brown, Collins Connect (Science), as useful support tools.
At the end of Key Stage 3 students select their GCSE courses. All Year 9 students are provided with advice to help guide them about their GCSE and Vocational options, if they are to remain at Shaftesbury High School. This advice ensures that the mix of courses taken by each student is balanced, leaving open maximum options for reintegration and future career choices.
Staff List
Mrs S. Moffatt – Assistant Head teacher/Intervention
Mrs V. Lundstrom- KS3 Teacher
Miss D. Tilley- KS3 Teacher
Miss L. Rutherford - Higher Level Teaching
Shaftesbury High School, Weldbank Lane, Chorley, PR5 6ZF | 01257 249803