Courses and Workshops
Parents and Educators
Dear Colleagues and Parents
I am very pleased to send you our programme of professional development workshops for 2015.
In offering this programme of courses and workshops, we hope to promote participation,engagement and achievement by children and young people.
I hope that by accessing our 2015programme you will enjoy learning and sharing alongside other parents and professionals.
We are repeating some of the courses we put together last yearand we have some other exciting courses, which we hope will inspire you to enrol.
The courses and workshops are designed to support and strengthen your work routines.
Please complete the enrolment form in the end of this booklet, Pg 28. Once receipted and attendance is confirmed, this will become a taxable invoice. Payment must be sent with the course enrolment form.
Cheques should be made payable to Ministry of Education.
Refunds will only be accepted and processed if a cancellation is advised two days prior to course date.
Any enquiries regarding enrolments/cancellations, contact Ph: 0-7-867 9520 (Thames office)
We would appreciateenrolments to be made more than two days before the course date. However, as there is a limit on course attendance numbers, we do recommend early enrolment.
We very much look forward to seeing you.
Sue Irwin
Service Manager
Ministry of Education, Special Education
MOE Courses & Workshops for Parents & Educators – 2015
Course Title / Facilitator/s / PageStudents with Hearing Loss6 March
ACourse for Teachers and Teachers’ Aides / Anne Shorland
Kelston Deaf Educ. / 56
Taumarunui Cluster Bringing Assistive Technology to the Main Trunk LineTerm 1 – 4, Week 7
Specific dates to be confirmed following discussion with host school / Robyn O’Neill,
Jenny McIntyre / 7
Welcome to My World13 March
Completion of this Workshop is a pre-requisite for ‘Polyvivor’ / Kapeli Iulio Martinez / 8
Polyvivor27 March / Kapeli Iulio Martinez / 9
Children with Diagnosed Hearing Loss19 March; 14 May
A Course for Early Childhood Educators
/ Advisers on Deaf Children, Waikato / 10
Teachers and Teachers’ Aides Working Together 19 March
This workshop is for the school leaders. / Sue Irwin / 11
Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NVCI)
9-10 April; 23-24July; 8-9 Oct. / Peter Reid / 12
Much More Than Words15 April;9 September
A workshop aimed at Early Childhood Teachers and ESWs. / Ruth Brehaut
Aimie Stowers / 13
Autism – Friendly Schools, Homes & Communities
Principals, DPs, SENCOs, teachers, teachers’ aides, professionals, and parents29 April / Thomas Antony / 14
Social & Emotional Skills Training for Children & Teens
DPs, SENCOs, teachers, teachers’ aides and parents 4 May / Thomas Antony / 15
Managing a Traumatic Incident6 May;12 August
A Course for School and ECE Service Managers / Neil Bleaken / 16
Writing Assistive Technology Applications (AT) Workshop
Teachers, ORS Teachers, RTLB SENCO’s 11 May / Garth Ritchie & Robyn O’Neill / 17
Language & Literacy12 May
Working with students with high learning needs – Teachers & RTLB / Kershni Naidoo
Anna Harrison / 18
Inclusive Practices Development Programme (Tms 2 & 3)
Paeroa 5/526/54/81/9 (4pm – 6:45pm)
Hamilton 6/527/55/82/9(1:30pm – 4:15pm)
Taumarunui 7/528/56/83/9(4pm – 6:45pm)
Putaruru 12/52/611/88/9 (4pm – 6:45pm) / Ian Coatsworth
Gill Dowson
Peter Reid
Sue Irwin / 19
Talk to Learn13 May
Target Group: Teachers of Junior classes, teachers’ aides and SENCOs / Ruth Baumberger Melissa Bird / 20
Contd. over
Course Title – Contd. / Facilitator/s / PageHanen – Teacher Talk Training15 July
Target Group: Early Childhood Educators / Aimie Stowers
Ruth Brehaut / 21
Assistive Technology for Māori Students
24 July / Garth Ritchie / 22
Incredible Years Programme for Parents(IYP) / Jeanette van der Wal / 23
Incredible Years Programme for Parents (IYP)
Enrolment Form / 2425
Incredible Years Teacher (IYT) Programme Outline / 26
Incredible Years Teacher (IYT) Classroom Management TrainingExpression of Interest Form / 27
Course Enrolment Form – return to Ann Luxton, Thames / 28
Students with Hearing Loss
A Course for Teachers and Teachers’ Aides
This course is designed to give you an understanding of basic audiology, support services for Deaf and hearing impaired students, communication and classroom management, listening technology and an awareness of challenges to a Deaf student’s language development.
Date: / Friday 6 March 2015Venue: / Ministry of Education
19 Home Straight, Te Rapa
Time: / 9:00am – 3:00pm
Target Group: / Professionals working in mainstream settings with students who have hearing impairments.
Costs: / $50.00 per person, per course and a group discount is offered at $25 for each extra person attending from the same school.
A light lunch is provided.
Any enquiries please contact Anne Shorland 0-9-827 4859 or
Registrations close with Kelston Deaf Education Centre at least one week prior to the course date.
Enrolment form next page
Terms and Conditions
1.Kelston Deaf Education Centre requires that advice of cancellation must be received at least 5 clear working days prior to the day of the course to allow for a full refund. If we do not receive this notice, full fees are payable and refunds will not be given.
2.If you are unable to attend you may send a substitute member from your school in your place.
3.Payment of fees is expected for non-attendance with the above criteria.
4.These conditions apply to all withdrawals or non-attendance for any reason.
5.Enrolment in a course constitutes acceptance of this policy.
6.Kelston Deaf Education Centre reserves the right to cancel a course should it fail to attract the minimum number of 6 participants required. Registered participants will be notified via e-mail. In this instance, we will provide a full refund or offer an alternative course, where applicable. Kelston Deaf Education Centre will not accept responsibility for travel and accommodation costs incurred by participants.
7.Kelston Deaf Education Centre reserves the right to add, withdraw, reschedule or substitute speakers and/or vary advertised programmes and venues.
Students with Hearing Loss – Hamilton
Register now forTeachers and Teachers’ Aides
(Please complete all details below)
Student(s) Name(s): For student’s audiological information
Number attending: ______
$50 for one person
$____ for others attending from the same school
($25 per extra person, eg $75 for two, $100 for three etc.)
Cash/Cheque payment included
Direct Credit - date payment was made _____ /_____ /_____
Please note: An invoice will not be issued to your school.
Cheques payable to Kelston Deaf Education Centre
Payment can be made by direct credit to acc. 02 0184 0321246 000
Please use payment reference: Deaf 6 Mar
GST # 52-265-795
Keep a copy for your records then return your registration form to:
Anne Shorland
Kelston Deaf Education Centre
Private Bag 93008
New Lynn
Auckland 0640
Taumarunui Cluster
Bringing Assistive Technology to the Main Trunk Line
Using technology to support learning – Clicker 6 and other frequently used apps
Course presenters
Robyn O’Neill, Assistive Technology Advisor
Jenny McIntyre, Occupational Therapist
Course designed for:
Teachers and teachers’ aides
Intended outcomes of course:
- Participants will develop an understanding of the Assistive Technology process and havethe opportunity to share ideas and problem solve together.
- To make technology work for their students. Course content and outcome for each session will be determined at the end of each workshop to make its need specific to the students of Taumarunui.
Course Requirements:
- Participants will need to bring:
Windows based tablet / laptop/ IPad / Case studies as determined by the topics / issues / need.
Term 1 – 4, Week 7, 2015
Specific dates to be confirmed following discussion with host school and topics to be confirmed the last week of each term.
Course venue:
Taumarunui Primary School
10.30 am – 2.45 pm
Course cost:
Free of charge
Tea, coffee and biscuits available.
Bring a plate for a shared lunch.
To attend RSVP to:
Jenny McIntyre–
Welcome to my World:
Understanding Pasifika students in the New Zealand classroom
Completion of this workshop is a pre-requisite for ‘Polyvivor’
Talofa, Bula Vinaka, Fakalofa lahi atu, Malo lelei, Talofa Ni, Kia Orana and warm Pasifika greetings.
Welcome to my World focuses on the worlds of Pasifika students in the New Zealand classroom.
You will develop ideas and knowledge that will challenge and inspire you to make a difference when working with Pasifika students.
Course Date: / Friday 13 March 2015Venue: / Room Name: Te Ao Marama / Te Ihi
Ministry of Education
19 Home Straight, Te Rapa, Hamilton
Time: / 10.30am – 12 noon
Facilitator: / Kapeli Iulio Martinez
Pasifika Coordinator, Central North Region
Target Group: / Teachers, Special Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs), Teachers’ Aides, ORS Teachers, Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour (RTLB), ECE Teachers.
Cost (per person): / Course is FREE
Objectives of Welcome to my World:
- To have a better understanding of Pasifika students’ culture and aspirations.
- Developing positive relationships with Pasifika students by understanding the complexities and issues within Pasifika families and communities.
- Gain knowledge to successfully cater to the learning needs of all Pasifika students.
- Consider the teaching and learning needs of Pasifika learners and how it would apply to your role and the Pasifika Education Plan, 2013-2017.
In order to fully appreciate ‘Polyvivor’ it is important that participants first completed ‘Welcome to My World’.
“Polyvivor” is based on the popular TV programmes “Survivor” and “The Amazing Race”.
It is a fun and interactive way of unpacking the Pasifika Education Plan(PEP), 2013-2017, the Government’s strategy for raising Pasifika student achievement.
In teams, you must search through the PEP for the answers to take you to the next stage. But tread carefully, lest you stumble across a “ROADBLOCK”, or must make a “DETOUR”.
Out-wit, out-play, and out-think the other teams to be the first to complete all stages and WIN!!
Spaces are limited to35 people per workshop, so GET IN QUICK!!
Course Date: / Friday 27 March 2015Venue: / Room Name: Te Ao Marama / Te Ihi
Ministry of Education
19 Home Straight, Te Rapa, Hamilton
Time: / 10.30am – 12 noon
Facilitator: / Kapeli Iulio Martinez
Pasifika Coordinator, Central North Region
Cost (per person): / Course is FREE
Objectives of “Polyvivor”
- To have a better understanding of the Pasifika Education Plan, 2013-2017.
Children with Diagnosed Hearing Loss
A Course for Early Childhood Educators
Inclusion of children with hearing loss in Early Childhood settingsDeafness and hearing loss are now able to be identified in babies from birth.
Increasingly, staff who work in early childhood settings are involved with these very young babies and children and their families / whānau.
This introductory course aims to provide participants with:
- understanding of the hearing system and how it works
- understanding of deafness and hearing loss
- basic knowledge of listening devises,eg hearing aids, cochlear implants, sound systems
- awareness of implications especially for very young children
- knowledge of how these children develop speech, language and communication including communication options
- practical strategies for developing language and communication skills
- practical strategies and resources for inclusion in your setting, such as access to NZ Sign Language resources.
Course Date: / Thursday 19 March 2015
Venues: / Ministry of Education
19 Home Straight, Te Rapa, Hamilton
Time: / 9:30am – 3pm
Presenters: / Advisers of Deaf Children (AODC), Waikato
Target Group: / Those working with children birth to school age with an identified hearing loss, and fitted with hearing aid/s, or cochlear implant/s.
(Please contact our service if you are unsure about eligibility)0-7-850 8880, Hamilton Reception
Cost (per person): / Course is FREE
Bring your own lunch please
Tea and coffee is available
Teachers and Teachers’ Aides
Working Together
This programme is a professional development resource for schools. It has been designed for teachers and teachers’ aides to complete together to strengthen working relationships, improve role clarity, and build knowledge of inclusive practice.
Teachers and Teachers’ Aides Working Together will have the greatest impact if it is actively supported by school leaders.
This workshop is for the school leaders. It outlines the purpose of the programme and how to use it effectively in a school.
There are 2 coursesbeing held:
Course Dates: / Thursday 19 March 2015Thursday 14 May 2015
Venue: / Ministry of Education
19 Home Straight, Te Rapa, Hamilton
Time: / 9.30am – 12 noon
Presenter: / Sue Irwin
Target Group: / School Leaders
Cost (per person): / Course is FREE
Non-Violent Crisis Intervention (NVCI)
A two-day workshop for educators and parents to learn the safe management of aggressive behaviour – how to prevent incidents and how to mitigate them safely.
Course Dates: / Thurs/Fri 9 and 10 April 2015 (School holidays)Thurs/Fri23 and 24 July 2015 (Term 3)
Thurs/Fri 8 and 9 October (School holidays)
On-site training dates per negotiation –07 850 8913
Venue: / Ministry of Education
19 Home Straight, Te Rapa, Hamilton
Time: / 9.00am – 3.30pm
Target Group: / Teachers, Teachers’ Aides, Learning Support Teachers, School Management teams; Resource Teachers Learning & Behaviour (RTLB), SENCO’s
Requirement: / A minimum of two people per school need to attend
Cost (per person): / $80.00 for educators for the two days
(includes book and lunch)
You will come away from this course able to –
- identify behaviours which contribute to the development of a crisis
- apply non-confrontational, non-verbal and verbal techniques which can help to de-escalate acting out behaviour
- help prevent students from acting-out so physical restraint is not needed
- use safe and non-threatening physical control and restraint positions as a last resort to ensure safety for everyone involved
- find ways to use the time after a crisis as a step toward preventing future crises (postvention).
Co-ordinator: / Peter Reid, Registered Psychologist
for further information, contact Peter at:
To enrol see page 28
Much More than Words
Speech Language Development in Preschool Children
This workshop is aimed at Early Childhood Teachers and ESWs.
If you’ve ever wondered:
- How do children learn to talk? What’s normal?
- I can’t understand this child. What can I do?
- Should we do tongue exercises or blow bubbles or something?
- Are they just being lazy?
- How do language and literacy fit together?
- What do Speech Language Therapists do?
Then this is a great workshop for you!
There are 2 courses being held:
Course Dates:Wed. 15 April, 9:15am–3pm
& Times:Wed. 9 September, 9:15am–3pm
Venue:Ministry of Education,
19 Home Straight, Te Rapa
Presenters:Aimie Stowers and Ruth Brehaut
(Speech-Language Therapists)
Cost:Course is FREE
Bring your own lunch please
Enrol so you don’t miss out:
Contact: or Ph: 0-7-867 9520
Autism-Friendly Schools, Homes and Communities:
Strategies for dealing with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome
There are a number of children identified with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) worldwide. While there is no cure for ASD, several research studies have produced substantial evidence that early identification and intensive intervention can result in dramatic progress.
On the other hand, lack of ‘autism awareness’ among school personnel and significant others in the community can be a major barrier to achieving the expected progress for a student with autism. Poor understanding of the impact of specific impairments and skill deficits of autism can be a major stumbling block in providing an inclusive education for students with ASD.
Participants will be encouraged to discuss/brainstorm strategies to enhance an ‘autism friendly climate/atmosphere’ in our local schools, homes and in our local communities. Participants are to come to the course with some ideas of “Autism –friendly” approaches.
The course participants will be able to:
- give a basic overview of some of the specific impairments/skill deficits in ASD
- identify some of the basic behavioural characteristics of autism
- explain why students with Asperger’s syndrome might be bullied by class/school mates
- develop an understanding of the social skills deficits experienced by students on the spectrum
- develop an understanding of the utility of visual supports and schedules for individuals with ASD in school and at home.
- increase their knowledge regarding the following strategies:
classroom and playground strategies, managing transition difficulties, dealing with challenging behaviours, dealing with ‘insistence on sameness’, function-based interventions, enhancing motivation for learning, social story interventions, priming, choice-making, functional communication training, discrete trial training (DTT), use of assistive technology, and video modelling.
Course Date: / Wednesday 29 April 2015Venue: / Ministry of Education, Home Straight, Te Rapa, Hamilton
Time: / 9.30am – 3.00pm
Presenter: / Thomas Antony, PhD, BCBA-D
Registered Clinical Psychologist
Target Group: / Principals, DPs, SENCOs, teachers,teachers’ aides, professionals, and parents
Cost (per person): / $15 including lunch
Social and Emotional Skills Training for Children and Teens
Most students quickly acquire the basic social and emotional skills during their primary school years. The social skills learned/acquired during primary school years can also be a crucial asset later in adult life. These skills allow them to meet and greet, have friendships, and deal with conflict; but for some other students acquiring these skills can be difficult.
Research has shown that social and emotional training can be very effective. Early identification of these difficulties is crucial. In some children such difficulties can be glaringly obvious in their day-to-day interactions thus difficult to ignore. In some other students these social skill difficulties are very subtle and can be overlooked or misidentified as shyness, rudeness, anger, poor parenting, naughty behaviour or even giftedness.