Master’s Degree in Teaching and Curriculum Program Plan
College of Education
Each student and his/her advisor must prepare a program plan before the student completes 10 semester hours. Degree candidates must obtain final program approval from their advisor before the semester in which they enroll for the final course in their program. This will help ensure that the final degree certification is not delayed due to an outdated program plan on file.
All requirements (including transfer credits) must be completed within five calendar years from the date of the first course accepted toward the degree requirements. The final twenty credits must be completed while the student is accepted to a degree program (not a lifelong or grad cert student).
Courses Constituting Student’s Master’s Degree ProgramCourse
Number / Title / Credits / Course
Number / Title / Credits
Professional Development and Inquiry Core / 9 credits / Concentration * / 9 credits
* Nine credits of course work selected from 1) Three 3-credit courses at the 400-level or above from approved list in department; or 2) Three 3-credit courses at the 400-level or above from an approved area of concentration list available in the department.
One of the following
TE807 or / Professional Development and Inquiry / 3
TE808 / Inquiry into Classroom Teaching and Learning / 3
One of the following
TE801 or / Professional Roles and Teaching Practice I / 3
TE818 / Curriculum in Social Context / 3
One of the following / Electives * / 12 credits
TE870 or / Curriculum Design, Development & Deliberation in Schools / 3 / * Nine credits must be 400-level or above from approved elective course list. Interns who completed TE802 and 804 in the Internship Year Studies program may use those to fulfill these requirements. Three additional elective credits as approved by advisor.
TE872 / Teachers as Teacher Educators / 3
Total Credits
/ 30Courses Taken at Other Institutions as Partial Fulfillment of Program Requirements: Limit of 9 credits
Number / Course Title / Credits
on transcript / MSU Equivalent Credits
Total Transfer Credits (limit of 9 semester credits)
Have transfer credit evaluations been processed?
Advisor Signature/Date: ______Coordinator/Chair Signature/Date: ______
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