
All text marked as red requires officers input

The Responsible officer is to ensure all conditions are applicable.

Assessment Officer:



Insert date/Month/Year

Insert name of event

Att: applicant

Insert mailing address

Dear (insert name)

Insert address of the event (name of reserve/building)

Place of Public Entertainment– (insert name of event)

I refer to your application to Council for an ‘Occupancy Permit’ in relation to use of the subject land for a ‘Place of Public Entertainment’ in accordance with Division 2, Part 5 of the Building Act 1993.

City of Casey has considered the proposal in relation to the National Construction Code to be satisfactory.

The attached document is not evidence of compliance with the Building Act 1993, and does not exempt the owner from obtaining approvals from any other council departments or governing authorities(eg. Vic Roads, Country Fire Brigade, etc…).

It is the responsibility of the event organiserto ensure compliance with the occupancy permit and associated conditions in the best interest of the public. Please ensure that all the amenities are appropriately maintained and that staff are appropriately trained and briefed to ensure the safety of the public at all times.

Should you have any queries in regard to the attached permit, please do not hesitate to contact the assessment officer.


(Insert Name)

Municipal Building Surveyor

Copy to: (Owners Representative)

(Insert name of Event)


(For a Place of Public Entertainment)

BUILDING ACT 1993 - Division 2, Part 5

Building Regulations 2006 - Regulation 1005 - Form 6








The Place
Municipal District / City of Casey
Name of Entertainment
Type of Temporary Structure/s / N/A
Type of Public Entertainment / Show
Period of Operation / 25th March 2016 – 27thMarch 2016
Time of Operation / 11:00am – 9:00pm
Maximum Number of Patrons


In the case where this permit is issued in relation to a place of public entertainment, it is evidence that the place to which it applies is suitable for occupation for the purpose of the public entertainment or class of public entertainment for which it is issued. This occupancy permit is not evidence of compliance with the Building Act 1993 or the Building Regulations 2006.

(Insert name and registration)Date of issue:24 March 2016


(Insert name of Event)


  1. All pages of this Permit are to be displayed on the site for the duration of the event. (Information Tent at front entry and in a prominent location for public viewing)
  2. Maximum number of persons attending the event to be 3200at any one time.
  3. The Safety Officer to be engage and in attendance at the Place of Public Entertainment for the duration of the event to provide for the Safety of the Public as required by Regulation 1105 of the Building Regulations 2006 is (Name, surname Ph:)

Note:The responsibilities of the safety officer include but are not limited to –

  1. the operation of fire safety elements, equipment and systems;
  2. the establishment and operation of evacuation procedures;
  3. the safety of barriers and exits;
  4. the exclusion of the public from unsafe areas;
  5. the location and designation of passageways and exits;
  6. the availability of public toilet facilities and the condition of those facilities;
  7. Ensuring compliance with all conditions of this Permit
  1. A copy of all pages of this Permit and attachments must be provided to the Safety Officer prior to commencement of the event.
  2. The following toilet facilities are to be provided on site in the location indicated on the attached site plan:

Location / Female / Male / (Accessible)
Closet Fixtures / Washbasins / Closet Fixtures / Urinals / Washbasins / Closet Fixtures / Washbasins
See Site Map / 30 / 30 / 30 / - / 30 / 1 / 1
TOTAL / 30 / 30 / 30 / - / 30 / 1 / 1


  • The toilet facilities as described above to be designated for male and female use.
  • The above facilities if not permanent facilities, shall be provided in the form of portable units.
  • 600mm length of urinal = 1 urinal.
  • All toilet locations to be provided with overhead external lighting.
  • All toilet facilities listed above to be regularly cleaned and serviced for the duration of the event.
  1. A minimum of sixteen (16)fresh water drinking fountain/s or drinking taps to be provided in suitable convenient locations on site.Event organiser has advised that taps are fit for human consumption and connected to the town water.
  2. Portable fire extinguishers to be provided as follows:
  • One 2A20BE (or equivalent) and one fire blanket at each food marquee/van (without deep fryer).
  • One 40B(E) (or equivalent) and one fire blanket at each food marquee/van (without deep fryer).
  • One 2A40BE located 1.5m from electrical switchboard/power source.
  • One 2A40BE located 1.5m from all power generators.
  • Note the above listed fire extinguishers to:
  • Be mounted on hooks/brackets with the base of the extinguisher not less than 100mm above the ground/floor and the top of the extinguisher not more than 1.2m above the ground floor.
  • Have identification /instructional signs located directly above the extinguishers and at least 2m above the ground floor.
  1. All metal structures to be connected to an electrical earth.
  2. All power connections to be waterproofed
  3. All temporary water and power services to be run separately.
  4. All power cables to be either:
  • Covered with matting or similar; or
  • Flown overhead at least 3m above ground level (for pedestrian access). Note: Higher levels may be required for heavy vehicle access.
  1. All structures to be anchored/ballasted to prevent wind uplift.
  2. Adequate refuse facilities must be provided to prevent the incidence of littering or attracting vermin.
  3. Any person of organisation intending to sell food during any of the proposed events must obtain a food act registration from Council’s Environmental Health Department. 9705 5200
  4. Noise from activities proposed at all events must not impact on neighbouring residential properties.
  5. Crowd Controller/Security to be the responsibility of Security Company (Name of company - Ph) to be:
  • In attendance for the duration of the event.
  • Clearly identifiable.
  • Competent in carrying out the duties of Crowd Controller/Security Officer.
  • Issued with portable radio connected to event communications.
  • Constantly patrolling the site.
  • Provided with wire cutters suitable to make openings in the perimeter fence in the case of an emergency.

NOTE: event organiser has advised that the Victoria Police are satisfied with arrangements of Crowd Control/Security.

Local Police (Narre Warren Police Station - Ph: 9705 3111)

  1. Access to the following unsafe areas to be restricted to exclude the Public.
  • Power Generators
  • Any area deemed unsafe for the public by the Safety Officer.

Note: Adequate fencing and marshalling of unsafe areas must be provided to satisfaction of the Safety Officer.

  1. All ‘prescribed temporary structures’ being:
  • Tents, marquees or booths with a floor area greater than 100sq.metres
  • Seating stands for more than 20 persons.
  • Stages or platforms (including sky borders and stage wings) exceeding 150square meters in floor area, or
  • Prefabricated building exceeding 100square metres other than one placed directly on the ground;

must have an Occupancy Permit issued by the Victorian Building Authority; and be erected by Building Practitioners who are registered under the categories of:

  • Erector or supervisor (temporary structures) Class I – stages, seating stands, equipment platforms/towers;or
  • Erector or supervisor (temporary structures) Class II – special structures – tents, marquees as applicable.

Note: Upon completion of the erection and prior to occupation of all Prescribed Temporary Structures (if any) a Certificate of compliance – inspection must be issued by a Registered Building Practitioner in the category of Building Surveyor, Building Inspector, Civil Engineer or Supervisor (Temporary Structures Class I & II as appropriate) stating that all conditions within the Relevant Occupancy Permit have been complied with following the supervision of erection of the structure/s.

  1. If applicable – a copy of all relevant Victorian Building Authority permits for ‘prescribed temporary structures’ (as described in condition 18) must be:
  • Forwarded to Council prior to commencement of the event.
  • Displayed at the entry of the subject structure/s in a weatherproof container prior to commencement of the Event.
  1. If applicable – Certificate of compliance – inspection for all relevant Victorian Building Authority permits for ‘prescribed temporary structures’ (as described in Condition 18) must be:
  • Issued prior to commencement of the event
  • Displayed at the entry of the subject structures in a waterproof container prior to commencement of the event.
  • Provided to the Municipal Building Surveyor of City of Casey by the holder of the occupancy permit issued by the Victorian Building Authority or the holder of this occupancy permit for a place of public entertainment.

Note: Certificate of compliance – inspection to state that all conditions of the Relevant Occupancy Permit issued by the Victorian Building Authority have been complied with following the supervision of the erection of the structure.

  1. The following Essential Services are required to be maintained to the level of performance as specified.

Essential Services to be Inspected or Tested / Installation Standards/Level of Performance / Nature of Inspection or Test Frequency
Fire extinguishers (portable) / BCA E1.6 AS 2444 / 6 monthly to AS 1851.1
Paths of travel to exits / BCA Section D / Inspections to confirm travel paths are intact as per Section 63 of the Building Act 1993.
  1. Access to be provided for disabled persons, to and within all areas of the venue that are accessible to the public.
  1. Clear access for Emergency Services must be maintained at all times during the event to the site and to all areas of the venue which are accessible to the public.
  2. A minimum of 1metre clear access/space to be provided to all Fire Extinguishers, Fire House Reels and Fire Hydrants (lay flat hoses).
  3. Emergency exits must not be locked during the event (Refer to attached site plan for location of emergency exits).
  4. Emergency/Evacuation procedures to be in accordance with the agreed evacuation policy determined in accordance with the Risk Assessment Guide provided by the event organiser
  5. A copy of the Emergency Evacuation Plan/Assembly Area Plan to be located in the Secretary’s Office/Caravan.
  6. First Aid:
  • Insert name and onsite telephone number
  • An adequate method of direct communication between event communications and first aid and Brigade to be achieve prior to commencement of the event.
  1. Any scaffold for Stage/Platform to be:
  • Constructed in accordance with Australian Standard Code AS 1576.1 1995.
  • Erected by Scaffolders holding an Australian National Qualification/Ticker to Erect Scaffold.
  • Covered by Insurance for Stage/Platform.
  1. Water Tanker with suitable fire fighting equipment (fire tanker) with appropriate crew, together with supply pumps and equipment in accordance with arrangements agreed to by the local Country FireBrigade shall be provided for the duration of the event.
  2. After daylight hours (if applicable) adequate overhead lighting must be provided in the following areas to ensure safe egress by all persons: All arenas, public areas, tiered seating stands, toilets, exit paths and any other areas accessible to the participants and/or public.
  3. Discharge of fireworks (if applicable) to be in accordance with all relevant Victorian Worksafe Authority requirements and Council Local Laws requirements.
  4. All amusement rides and devices to be designed, constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with AS3533.1 (latest edition) & AS 3533.2 (Latest edition), AS 3533.4 (latest edition) and as required by Victorian Worksafe Authority requirements.

In the case where this permit is issued in relation to a place of public entertainment, it is evidence that the place to which it applies is suitable for occupation for the purpose of the public entertainment or class of public entertainment for which it is issued. This occupancy permit is not evidence of compliance with the Building Act 1993 or the Building Regulations 2006.

(Insert Name & Registration)Date of issue:23 March 2016