Support Work:

Choose your own path!!

Careers in Disability Services

A career in Disability Services is one that makes a difference. The Disability Services sector is dynamic and full of dedicated, empathetic and innovative people. What makes it so dynamic is that its roles and opportunities are practically limitless, depending on your interests and skills. In addition to the different types of roles within the sector there are also a number of diverse environments in which you can work, non-government organisations (NGOs), hospital based services, client or family support organisations, vocational and employment services to name a few, with new settings for services emerging all the time.

The most commonly known jobs in Disability Services are clinical roles: psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, social workers and nurses.

But alongside these are many other job opportunities involving social support services, such as housing, daysupport and employment. For example, we offer supported housing and day services community support to service users along with employment and business programs. The roles involved in this kind of work include: disability support workers,managers, team leaders, administrators, coordinators, project workers, quality and risk coordinators... and more! Experience with us will be very beneficial whatever other paths you take whether it isclinical education, occupational therapy, counselingor social work.

Interests and skills

What are your interests and how do they fit with a future career in Disability Services?Experience in Support Work can take you in many different directions.

Interested inscience?
Enjoy analysing, investigating and problem solving?
Have you thought of: Clinical psychology, Psychiatry orNursing?

Interested in the arts?
Enjoy being artistic, creative and innovative?
Have you thought of: Art or Music therapy orDiversional therapy?

Interested in how people function physically?
Interested in anatomy?
Have you thought of: Occupational Therapy, Psychiatry, Nursing?

Interested in human relationships and how people relate?
Good at relating to other people in a non judgmental way?
Have you thought of: Counseling, Social work orNursing?

Interested inadvocacy and problem solving in a practical way?
Interested in community and social issues?
Have you thought of: Social work, Advocacy, Community support work, Occupational therapy orNursing?

Interested inmanagement and leadership?
Enjoy setting up projects, influencing, managing? Ready to take the clinical, cultural or client knowledge you have to a new level?
Have you thought of: Management roles such as Operations Manager, Program Manager, Project Worker, Team Leader or Coordinator?

Career Path: Support Worker