Integrated Math 1 2015-2016
Instructor / Mr. Giuseppe Basile
Phone / (619) 263-3009 ext. 4108
E-mail /
Website /
*All assignments are posted under classes/homework on the website.
Course Description
Textbook / Integrated Mathematics 2, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Topics Covered / Volume 1
  • Unit 1 – Quantities and Modeling
  • Unit 2 – Understanding Functions
  • Unit 3 – Linear Functions, Equations and inequalities
  • Unit 4 – Statistical Models
  • Unit 5 – Linear Functions
Volume 2
  • Unit 6 – Exponential Relationships
  • Unit 7 – Transformations and Congruence
  • Unit 8 – Lines, Angles and Triangles
  • Unit 9 – Quadrilaterals and Coordinate Proof

Resources /
  • HMH Dashboard –
  • HMH Player – Chrome Web Store
  • Khan Academy –

Materials Required Daily / Students are required to bring the following materials daily:
  • Binder (to keep all work)
  • Lined notebook paper
  • 2-3 sharpened pencils with erasers
  • TI-84 graphing calculator (or similar)
  • Assignment packet

Academic Grade /
  • 60% Tests
  • 15% Quizzes (lowest 3 scores are dropped each semester)
  • 5% Formative Daily Assessments
  • 20% Assignments/Homework

Grading Scale / A 100-90 / B 89-80 / C 79-65 / F 64-0
Homework Policy / Students are given homework on a daily basis. Work must be completed in pencil. All assignments are expected to be completed by the due date. Students are expected to make up all missed assignments if absent. NO late work will be accepted, unless the student was absent, in which case the student has 3 school days to turn in their missing work.
Students also have one test retake opportunity for each unit testto earn up to 75% on their test. This test must be completed within one week of receiving their graded test back.
Absences / It is the student’s responsibility to determine and make up assignments, quizzes, and tests that have been missed and update journal with required notes.
Attendance Policy / Students with 20 or more absences during a semester will receive a failing grade for that semester course.
Students are expected to be in class on time every day. The O’Farrell Charter School tardy policy is as follows:
  • 1st Tardy- Phone call home and Warning
  • 2nd Tardy-Phone call home and Detention
  • 3rd Tardy-Phone call home and Friday Night School/Saturday School
  • 4th Tardy-Phone call home and In School Suspension
  • 5th Tardy-Phone call home and Saturday Suspension

Classroom Discipline / The O’Farrell Charter School progressive disciple policy will be followed.
  • 1st Offense: Warning
  • 2nd Offense: Classroom Consequence with parent phone call
  • 3rd Offense: Detention with parent phone call
  • 4th Offense: Friday night school with parent phone call
  • 5th Offense: In-School Suspension with parent phone call
  • 6th Offense: Saturday Suspension with parent phone call
  • 7th Offense: Formal Suspension
Absolutely no use of cell phones, iPods, MP3 players or any other type of electronic device is allowed unless permission is given.
  • 1st Offense – Warning
  • 2nd Offense – Item is taken away and will be returned at the end of the school day and referral.
  • 3rd or higher Offense – Item is taken away and must be picked up by parent or guardian and referral.

I, , parent or guardian of ,

(Print Name) (Print Student Name)

acknowledge that I have read and reviewed the course syllabus with my student.

Student Signature Date

Parent Signature Date

Email Address

Home/Cell Phone Work Phone