Oregon Dept. of Education – Diploma Requirements Survey – Final Report

Diploma Feedback Addendum

--Over 400 additional surveys were received between January 8, 2007 and January 17, 2007. Below is a summary of the feedback from those additional surveys.

Overall response to changes in the diploma was positive.

§  In this first question regarding perceptions of the changes to the high school diploma, generally, respondents showed a higher frequency of “positive” ratings (4 or 5), than “negative” ratings (1 or 2) – 58.2% positive to 9.2% negative. The overall mean average response was 3.71. Average ratings above 3.5 are considered to be pretty strong Yes votes. This is a clear indication of majority support for a change to a more rigorous diploma.

§  Ratings for “Second Language / Arts / Applied Arts” were similar, coming in at 3.62, respondents showed a higher frequency of “positive” ratings (4 or 5), than “negative” ratings (1 or 2) – 58.2% positive to 16.6% negative. Again, a very strong show support for upping this requirement to three credits.

§  “Science” and “Math” changes rated somewhat lower, with ratings at 3.40 and 3.20, respectively. However, both are above the 3.0 mark, and even with “Math,” 46.8% of the respondents gave it a positive rating (“4” or “5” on a 1 – 5 scale), showing good support for the changes. 30.4% gave it negative ratings (“1” or “2” on a 1 – 5 scale).

Respondents felt that the most appropriate method for assessment was “Course grades and portfolio of essential skills by the local districts.”

The largest percentage of respondents preferred that the Second Language /Arts / Applied Arts credits be structured requiring them taken in any combination, not having to demonstrate a proficiency in a second language.

§  Over thirty five percent (35.3%) of the respondents voted for the “any combination” structuring of the “Second Language / Arts / Applied Arts” credits. Next most popular, with 22.4% of the responses, was “Students should be required to take at least two credits of second language. The other credit would be an arts/applied arts option.” Right behind that one, with 20.4% of the responses, was “Students should be required to take at least one credit of second language.”

Findings show that “Funding” is the top challenge facing the State Board’s increasing graduation requirements. The following list shows the level of difficulty respondents feel will need to be overcome for each of the challenges listed. Each challenge was rated on a 1 to 5 scale, the higher the number the greater the challenge.

Challenge / Overall Mean Rating
Funding / 4.47
Adequate number of teachers / 4.30
Adequate number of classrooms and labs / 4.43
Support services for students who need additional help meeting new requirements / 4.11
Impact on students with disabilities and students with limited English proficiency / 4.08
Loss of vocational and elective options / 3.96
Strong majority support from teachers, parents and community / 3.40
Educator preparation and phase-in period / 3.35

Respondents seem to feel that a four to five year phase-in period is about right. Forty four percent of respondents indicated a response in favor of a four to five year phase in period.

Demographic Profile

Age / Percentage
24 or under / 21.1
25 to 34 / 11.9
35 to 44 / 15.2
45 to 54 / 20.1
55 and over / 9.7
Occupation / Percentage
Educator / 65.4
Non-Educator / 34.6
Children in Oregon Public Schools / Percentage
Yes / 40.5
No / 59.5
Location / Percentage
Southern Oregon / 12.8
Central Oregon / .3
Eastern Oregon / 7.3
Portland Metro / 19.0
Coastal / 7.8
Willamette Valley / 52.8
Other / .3

January 2007