TERM: Spring, 2016

COURSE: CSCI 111 CS1: Foundations of Computer Science 11-11:50 MTWR WS120

TEXT: C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures 7th Ed. by DS Malik



OFFICE HOURS: M 12-1:50 TWR 1:00– 1:50

TELEPHONE: 248-1906

WEBSITE: www.coloradomesa.edu/~lpayne


The grading in this course is based upon the following weighted percentages:

Programs & problems; Attendance/participation 40%

Quizzes 40%

Final Exam 20%


Catalog: Introduction to problem solving techniques with emphasis on modularity, abstraction, analysis, and correctness of algorithm design. Using C/C++ language as a tool, topics covered include data types, control structures, I/O, and functions. Co-requisite: MATH 113 (may be taken concurrently) or consent of instructor.


Course Objectives:

At the end of this semester, a student will be able to :

·  define key concepts in Computer Science such as abstraction, top down programming

·  Use data types such as int, char, double, string, array and structs

·  Understand and be able to use basic control structures

·  write an algorithm to solve a basic problem

·  code a C++ program following a basic algorithm

·  debug a C++ program

CSCI 111 helps students to meet these Student Learning Objectives for the AS in Computer Science and the BS in Computer Science

Associate Level Students will be able to:

·  Write programs in a general purpose programming language

·  Develop a software solution to a problem given a technical specification

Baccalaureate Level Students will be able to:

·  Write programs in multiple programming languages, and be able to translate concepts between languages.

·  Develop the technical specification, and develop, design and test a software solution for a given problem.

·  Analyze and measure competing hardware and software components and defend a choice for a given situation.


·  No makeup tests or quizzes will be given in this class. If you miss a quiz for some reason, you must take that quiz before it is handed back to the class or it is too late!

·  No late programs will be accepted. If your program has a bug, turn in the completed portion of the program for partial credit.

·  Please be courteous to your classmates. Be on time for class. Be ready for that day's material. Do not play on the computer during lecture.

·  FINAL EXAM: The final exam for this course is scheduled for Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. You are expected to be here at that time.

·  “In coordination with Educational Access Services, reasonable accommodations will be provided for qualified students with disabilities. Students must register with the EAS office to receive assistance. Please meet with the instructor the first week of class for information and/or contact Dana VandeBurgt, the Coordinator of Educational Access Services, directly by phone at 248-1801, or in person in Houston Hall, Suite 108.”

·  Statement of Student Engagement: An undergraduate student should expect to spend on this course a minimum of two hours outside of the classroom for every hour in the classroom. The outside hours may vary depending on the number of credit hours or type of course. More details are available from the faculty member or the department office and in CMU’s Curriculum Policies and Procedures Manual.

·  The TLC is a FREE academic service for all Colorado Mesa University students. Tutors are available on a walk-in basis for many courses. Do you have a quick question? Do you need homework clarification or feedback on a paper? Are you reviewing for a test? Help is available at the TLC! At the main campus, come to Houston Hall 113 to meet with one of our friendly peer tutors. We are open on Monday through Thursday from 8am-6pm, and Fridays from 8am-5pm. We are also open Sundays from 1pm-6pm! Tutoring at branch campuses and distance tutoring is also available. Check out the website for schedules and locations at www.coloradomesa.edu/tutoring or call 248-1392 with any questions.

CS 1

Schedule of Topics

Tentative Dates Chapter Topics

Jan 19 - 20 1 Introduction and Terminology

Jan 21 – Feb 3 2,3 Terminology, Methodology, Data Types & Operators

Feb 4 Quiz I

Feb 8 – 17 4,5 Ifs, Looping, Files & Formatting

Feb 18 Quiz II

Feb 22 – Mar 2 6,7 Functions

Mar 3 Quiz III

Mar 7 – 24 8 Arrays – 1 & 2 dimensions

Mar 14 - 18 Spring Break

Mar 24 Quiz IV

Mar 28 – Apr 6 9 Structs, Arrays of Structs

Apr 7 Quiz V

Apr 11 - 20 7 Strings, string manipulations, macros

Apr 21 Quiz VI

Apr 25 – May 5 10 Classes

May 11 Final Exam (10-11:50)