Civil War 150 Webquest

Look at all 6 of the areas listed below (these are in the circles at the top of the website) at and answer the questions that follow. You will learn some facts about the war and also explore sources that will help you learn about the person you’re researching. This is at

1.  Who They Were

a.  How much did the average soldier weigh? ______How tall was he? ______

b. What was the difference in white and black Union soldiers pay?

c. How many African Americans served?

d. How many women disguised themselves to serve?

e. Which part of the military was closest in size between North andSouth?

2.  Weapons of War

a. How much did a repeating rifle cost to purchase?

b. How many miles of telegraph wire did the Union ______and the Confederacy______have by 1865? Why did this matter?

c. Why did the new minie ball cause so much damage?

d. What percentage of casualties were from the rifle and minie ball?

e. How much did a field gun weigh? ______How do you think these moved?

3.  How They Died

a. What was the most deadly disease for soldiers?______

b. How many people died in prison camps? ______What percent is this?______

c. What part of the body had the highest death rate for amputations?______

Why do you think this is so?

d. What percent of all soldiers died in the Civil War?______

4.  5 Deadliest Battles

a. Which of the deadliest battles was the longest?

b. Name the state with the most battles?

c. Name Grant’s campaign that was the bloodiest in history.______

d. What does the name Chickamauga mean?

e. Which battle had the largest number of forces engaged? (total Union and Confederate?)

f. Name the battle and general in which troops shot and killed their own leader?

g. In which battle did Robert E Lee lose a staggering number of his troops?

5.  Paying for the War

a. How much did the cost of flour in the Confederacy go up over 4 years?

b. Who printed more money to pay for the war--Union or Confederates?

c. What happens when you print money without an increase in goods and services produced?

d. How much would the war have cost today?

6.  West Point Warriors

a. Who was the general who graduated 6th in his class?

b. Who was the goat who led a famous(and disastrous) charge at Gettysburg?

c. What is a demerit and who got lots of them?

Then explore the 6 Civil War 150 Topics (button in the center of the 6 topics titled alternately “Civil War 150 Topics” or “Explore and Vote”). To move around the Civil War 150 Topics, click on the headings from the list below or click on “Back to main” at the upper left corner to return to the first screen. Under each of the 6 topics, there are 25 linked subtopics arranged under pictures. To examine a topic, click on it and then click on any subtopics you wish to explore. From a subtopic, to return to the topics, click on the arrow at the top center of the screen (^). You can also vote on how important you think the subject is to the outcome of the war.

Write your subject’s name after the categories where you think you might find info on them.

1. Technology -

2. Union -

3.  Confederate -

4.  Battles -

5.  Places/Events -

6.  Culture -

You must look at a minimum of 3 of these areas and:

1.  Find your character or something that discusses your person and his or her links to the war. For example: Harriet Beecher Stowe is likely listed under “Culture”. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain could be listed under “Union” or under “Battles”. An inventor is likely under “Technology”.

2.  Explain where you found your character, e.g. Listed under “Confederate” or mentioned in “Bleeding Kansas” and “John Brown’s raid” both under “Events”.

Topic where found: ______

Subtopic: ______

3.  You must also find something else that you are just curious about. List what you looked at here; ______

4.  You may also want to check out the Related Contents links under the subtopics for more details on your character. Some connect to video clips, others to audio or photos.

5.  Have fun exploring!