BUSI3330: Final Written ABR Criteria – 100 points

Title Page: Includes report name, who presented to, prepared by, the date 5 points

Table of Contents: Follows proper format including title, use of all caps, correct 5 points


Executive Summary: Follows proper format (SS, DS between paras), clearly 10 points

states purpose, recommendations, and reasons or findings. Edits made based

on feedback.

Introduction: Includes title of report, includes and addresses subheads as 10 points

discussed in rough draft – background, problem/purpose, significance,

scope, methods, organization, made edits based on draft feedback.

Research: Describes collection and analysis of primary data, Describes 15 points

Secondary research, both collection of and summary of important information,

made edits based on draft feedback

Conclusions/Findings: Provides an explanation of how the problem was 15 points

investigated and whether any alternatives were explored. Recaps findings of

both secondary and primary research. Edits made based on feedback.

Recommendations: States course of action to take to solve the problem 20 points

the problem. Includes an argument of why recommendation is the appropriate

course of action. Clearly and thoroughly spells out details of the action plan.

Action plan addressed the criteria. Edits made based on feedback.

References: Consistently and correctly formatted in either APA or MLA style. 5 points

Minimum of six references included.

Appendix: included and properly placed 5 points

Mechanics: No spelling errors, No grammar or punctuation errors, clear sentences 5 points

Organization: Proper placements (Title Page, Transmittal Memo, Table of Contents, 5 points

Executive Summary, Introduction, Research Section, Conclusions/Findings Section

Recommendations Section, References, Appendix)

12 pt Times or Arial

Used of headers and subheads for readability

Mechanics/ Org Deductions: Each typo = -2 points per; Not using appropriate font = -5 points overall; Grammatical / Punctuation Errors = -1 point per

Final Total Report 100 points