April 2009VOL. 42, NO. 1
Dear SCOLAS Members:
Thank you to all who came to Santo Domingo and participated in the 42nd Annual Southwest Conference of Latin American Studies Conference. For those who were unable to attend, I’d like to report that it went wonderfully.
We had the Opening Reception at the renowned Casa de Teatro, with its founder, Freddy Ginebra, and the former Dominican Ambassador to the United States, Bernardo Vega, helping to kick off the conference. For those who stayed on after the reception, DR jazz newcomer, Sabrina Estepan made the wait worthwhile. At the V Centenario Hotel, across the Malecon from the sparkling blue sea, we enjoyed three days of panels covering a wide range of disciplines. SCOLAS hosted nearly 150 presenters from three continents. These panelists developed conference themes as well as presented their own research findings on a variety of topics. As well, at the luncheon in Thursday, we enjoyed a lively talk on the arts in the Dominican Republic by Freddy Ginebra and profited from a thought-provoking keynote address from the outgoing Ambassador to the United States, Flavio Dario Espinal, as part of the Friday night dinner. At the dinner as well, John Hart, author of The Silver of the Sierra Madre: John Robinson, Boss Shepherd, and the People of the Canyons, published in 2008 by the University of Arizona Press, received the Harvey L. Johnson Book Award. Further, the membership brought Pauline Warren and Mike Ward to the Board as new members.
It is a bit hard to believe, but we have begun planning next year’s conference, which will be in Santa Fe, NM, March 23- 27, 2010 at the La Fonda Hotel on the Plaza. We intend to kick off this conference with another memorable Opening Reception on Wednesday night (the 23rd), for those of you marking your calendars. We have negotiated a fantastic rate at the hotel, which you may remember from the 2001 Conference -- $119/single, $139/double including breakfast in the La Plazuela Restaurant, not including taxes. As we discussed at the business meeting, one way that we can keep the conference registration fees low is all SCOLAS participants stay at the conference hotel, so we encourage you to take advantage of this super rate. As well, rumor has it that American Airlines soon will be flying direct into Santa Fe from Dallas, which may help those who don’t want to rent cars or take the train or shuttle in from the Albuquerque Airport. (Please watch for transportation information.)
While we celebrate Santa Fe’s 400th anniversary, our conference theme is: Rediscovering the Americas in a “Post-American (?) World.” As most of us are experiencing personally as well as professionally, the global economic crisis has tremendous potential to rearrange “truths,” not to mention retirement plans. Books that prognosticate on a “Post-American World” are spending months on the New York Times best-sellers list. These changes have the potential to affect all sorts of relationships, including those among the states of the Americas. Given existing economic, cultural, social and political ties among these countries, we hope at the Santa Fe conference to consider what historical alterations in power, economic, social and state relations have meant, as well as what current transformations may mean, for the people, cultures, governments and economies of the Americas. This affects us across many dimensions, and we welcome paper proposals that are equally varied across the disciplines. For the formal Call for Paper and application deadlines, please check the SCOLAS website ( or look for our mailed Call for Papers in early September.
Again, thanks to all who helped to make the 42nd Annual Conference “One World Many Worlds, Composing the Americas” such a great event! Please mark your calendars now and plan on joining us in Santa Fe for the 43rd Annual Conference.
Janet Adamski
Queridos Miembros de SCOLAS:
Muchas gracias a todos aquellos que pudieron ir a participar en la Cuadragésima Segunda Congreso Anual de la Conferencia Suroeste de Estudios de América Latina (SCOLAS). Todos ustedes que no pudieron asistir, es mi gusto informarles que nos fue maravillosamente bien.
La recepción de apertura tomo lugar en la reconocida Casa de Teatro con la presencia de su fundador, Freddy Ginebra, y Bernardo Vega, ex-embajador dominicano a los EE.UU., quienes nos ayudaron a celebrar el comienzo del congreso. Para los que se quedaron después de la recepción, Sabrina Estepan, una recién llegada al escenario de Jazz Dominicano, hizo nuestra espera valer la pena. En el Hotel V Centenario, al otro lado del Malecón con su agua cristaliza, disfrutamos de tres días de mesas que cubrieron un largo espectro de disciplinas. SCOLAS tuvo el honor de ser anfitrión de cerca de 150 académicos de tres continentes. Esos participantes desarrollaron temas de conferencia y al igual presentaron sus propios encuentros de investigación de varios puntos de interés. Durante el almuerzo del jueves disfrutamos una plática animada sobre las artes dominicanas dada por Freddy Ginebra y sacamos provecho del discurso de cierre provocante del presente embajador de la República Dominicana a los Estados Unidos, Flavio Darío Espinal, como parte de nuestra cena el viernes. En la cena, John Hart, autor del libro The Silver of the Sierra Madre: John Robinson, Boss Shepard, and the People of the Canyons publicado por la prensa de la Universidad de Arizona en 2008, recibió el premio de Harvey L. Johnson para el mejor libro del año. Tambíen dimos bienviendos al Pauline Warren y Michael Ward como miembros nuevos de la junta ejecutivo de SCOLAS.
Es difícil de creer pero hemos comenzado a planear la siguiente conferencia que tomará lugar en Santa Fe, Nuevo México del 23 al 27 de Marzo del 2010 en el hotel La Fonda en la Plaza. Es nuestra intención de abrir esta conferencia con otra Recepción de Apertura inolvidable la noche del Miércoles 23, para que marquen la fecha en su calendario. Hemos negociado un buen precio con el hotel, del cual podrán recordar de la Conferencia del 2001 fue $119/sencillo y $139/doble que incluye el desayuno en el restaurante La Plazuela, los impuestos no vienen incluidos. Como discutimos en la junta de negocios, una de las maneras en las cuales podemos mantener la cuota de registro del congreso a bajo precio para todos los participantes de SCOLAS es que todos tomemos ventajas de los bajos precios ofrecidos por el hotel de congreso. Ha habido rumores que American Airlines pronto tendrán vuelos directos a Santa Fe desde Dallas, Texas, algo que pueda ayudar a aquellos que no quieran alquilar automóviles o tomar el tren o el servicio de ida y vuelta del aeropuerto de Alburquerque. (Por favor manténganse al tanto sobre la información de transporte visitando el sitio
Al celebrar el cuarto centenario de Santa Fe, nuestro tema de congreso será: Redescubriendo las Américas en un mundo “Post-Americano.” Muchos de nosotros estamos pasando por una experiencia personal al igual que profesional de los efectos de la crisis económica global y nos damos cuenta de que esta crisis tiene un potencial tremendo de redisponer “verdades”, y sin duda alguna planes de jubilación. Varios libros que pronostican un “mundo post-americano” pasan meses en la lista de los mejores vendido del New York Times. Estos cambios tienen el potencial de afectar todo tipo de relación, incluyendo aquellas entre los estados de las Américas. Dado los lazos entre lo económico, cultural, social, y político entre estos países, es nuestra esperanza que durante la conferencia en Santa Fe podamos considerar las alteraciones históricas en las relaciones de poder, económicas, sociales y estatales han significado y también averiguar el como estas transformaciones afectaran a las gentes, culturas, gobiernos, y economías de las Américas. Estos cambios nos afectan en varias dimensiones y por eso invitamos propuestas de varias disciplinas. Para el Solicitud de Ponencias y Mesas formal y la fecha de entrega de la aplicación, por favor visite el sitio de red de SCOLAS o espere nuestro llamado por correo a principios de septiembre.
¡De nuevo, les agradecemos a todos los que ayudaron hacer la Cuadragésima Segunda Congreso Anual “Las Américas: Compuestas de Un Mundo, Muchos Mundos” un gran éxito! Por favor marquen sus agendas ahora y hagan planes para acompañarnos en Santa Fe para la Cuadragésima Tercera Congreso Anual.
Janet Adamski
Presidenta 2009-2010
It is with great regret that the President informs the membership of the following: On May 7, 2009, Members of the SCOLAS Executive Board received a letter from Dean John DeCastro of SamHoustonStateUniversity withdrawing the university’s bid to house the SCOLAS Secretariat. Under these trying circumstances, BaylorUniversity has agreed to house the Secretariat for one more year, but will relinquish those duties at the end of the 43rd Annual Meeting. As a result, bids for the Secretariat from universities is solicited. If your university is interested in submitting a bid to be considered by the Executive Board at its November meeting please review the following:
Invitation to Bid on the Southwest Council of Latin American Studies (SCOLAS) Secretariat 2009
The Executive Board of the Southwest Council of Latin American Studies will be accepting bids on behalf of the Council’s membership to house the SCOLAS Secretariat for a period of five (5) years and renewable for additional periods with approval by a majority vote of the membership.
The institution that is selected to host the Secretariat will accrue the following benefits:
-the institution’s name will feature prominently on all SCOLAS publications and conference materials
-the institution will receive additional exposure through the location of the website on the institution’s home page
-the institution’s profile among Latin American experts on both sides of the border will be raised
-the institution’s members will enjoy enhanced possibilities for collaborative research among faculty members from different disciplines, different institutions and across national borders
-the institution’s graduate and undergraduate educational offerings will be strengthened through contact with Latin American scholars through the Secretariat
-the institution’s
-enhanced access to resources to improve the teaching of Latin American courses across the curriculum
Bids should include the following information:
1. Name and curriculum vitae for an Executive Director. Duties of this position are provided in the SCOLAS constitution posted on the SCOLAS website at BaylorUniversity.
2. Name and curriculum vitae for an Editor of the Bulletin. Duties of this position are provided in the SCOLAS constitution posted on the SCOLAS website at BaylorUniversity.
3. The successful proposal will address the following items and will indicate for which items the institution will assume responsibility and for which items it expects SCOLAS to provide resources.
-webpage and web support
-email site
-mail address and mailbox
-secure banking site for online credit card dues and registration payments
-office support
-office space and supplies
-computer and printer
-office furniture
-printing and mailing (this would include expenses for the Bulletin)
-telephone and fax access
-course reductions for the Executive Director and/or Editor of the Bulletin
-travel budget for the Executive Director and Editor to attend Executive Board meetings and the annual meetings
4. Signed letter(s) of intent from the institution’s chief academic officers supporting the proposal.
5. Preliminary bids should be received email by the President by 1 November 2009. The Executive Board will make recommendations regarding the bids at the annual meeting in 2010 and the membership will vote by majority to accept a bid.
Newly formed committee or elected officials
President 2009-11): Dr. Janet Adamski, Mary Hardin Baylor U
In-coming President 2011-13: Dr. Paul Hart, Texas State U
Immediate Past President 2006-8: Dr. Mark Saad Saka, Sul Ross State U
Executive Director: Dr. Joan Supplee, Baylor U
Secretary/Treasurer Emerita: Prof. Bertie Acker, U of Texas/Arlington
Treasurer/Webmistress: Linda Conlon, Baylor U
Mexican Liaison: Prof. Yolanda Bache Cortez, UNAM
Harvey L. Johnson Committee: Geni Flores
Scholarship Committee: Michael Ward, Jeanna Paul-Ureña, and Teresa San Pedro
Awards: Juan Carlos Ureña
Graduate Representative: Sonia Hernández
Art & Literature Liaison: Dr. Linda McManness, Baylor U
Business & Social Sciences Liaison: Dr. Douglas Richmond, UT Arlington
Culture Liaison: Mario Montaño, ColoradoCollege
Bulletin/Boletín Ed.: Dr. Debra D. Andrist, Sam Houston State U
Executive Board Meeting, 42nd Annual Meeting
V Centenario Intercontinental Hotel
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Meeting began at 7:15 pm as dinner was served. In attendance: Janet Adamski, Joan Supplee, Debra Andrist, Elizabeth Willlingham (for Mark Saka), and Linda McManness.
- Old Business
- Approval of Minutes—Minutes approved as amended, Elizabeth Willingham on Book rather than the Scholarship Committee
- Committee Reports
1. Book/Article Award—Norma Mouton was not at the meeting to report
2. Scholarship Award—No report
- Conference Update
1.Schedule of Events—Information on Opening Reception at Casa de Cultura plus walking tour to start from the Hotel at 5 pm
2.Registration Table Schedule—Linda McManness, Janet Adamski and Beth Willingham volunteered for shifts as well as did the Baylor students who are attending the conference.
3.Possible Sanctions for members (staff or participants) who schedule a presentation or agree to fulfill other duties, but do not attend the conference and fail to give timely and appropriate notice (in the absence of a medical problem or other emergency).—Agreed to bring this up at the Business Meeting. Board decided to make October 31 the paper proposal deadline and 5 December the date for sending out acceptances.
- New Business
- Conference in 2010
- Venues—President Adamski made a presentation on the three venues in Santa Fe for next year—La Fonda, Bishop’s Lodge, and Eldorado. Strengths and weaknesses of each were discussed and the general opinion was in favor of returning to La Fonda
- Financial Issues—President Adamski brought up the issues of conference participants not staying at the hotel and perhaps charging them more for registration because of the danger of not making our room commitments. Also, brought up issue of conference participants who were not members but who registered at the member rate for the meeting. Finally, the Board discussed the cost of audio-visuals and catering costs.
- Constitutional Changes
- Adding a Graduate Representative to the Executive Board—the Executive Board agreed to bring this constitutional amendment before the General membership for approval.
- Slate of Candidates—
Harvey L. Johnson Committee—Geni Flores
Scholarship Committee—Michael Ward, Jeanna Paul-Ureña, and Teresa San Pedro
Awards—Juan Carlos Ureña
Graduate Rep—Sonia Hernández
- Transition Report from SamHoustonStateUniversity—Boletín Editor Debra Andrist indicated that the office for SCOLAS and the other resources promised were now in place.
- Other New Business
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.
Business Meeting, 42nd Annual Meeting
March 5, 2009
V Centenario Intercontinental Hotel
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Members present: Janet Adamski, Joan Supplee, Beth Willingham, Humberto García, , Mario Montaño, Yolanda Bache, Blanca Santibáñez, Geni Flores, Steve Sloan, Lee Daniel, Michael Ward, Mark Ebel, Cristine Nix, Ariel Alexander, Nancy Noguera, John Hart, Paul Hart, Pauline Warren, Norma Mouton, Linda McManness, Debra Andrist, Teresia Taylor, Ulyses Balderas, Guillermo Valencia, T.J. Cheavens
Non-members present: Susan Hutchinson, José Pino, Rafael Saumell-Muñoz
Meeting called to order at 11:05 am
- Old Business
- Approval of Minutes from 41st Annual Meeting –Amended for spelling and grammar errors noted by Boletín Editor Debra Andrist in the Boletín--Approved
- Committee Reports
1. Book/Article No report (will be made later)
2. Scholarship No report
- Conference Update President Adamski gave a summary of the number and variety of panels and panelists. She commented on the problem of no-shows and late registration and asked for member suggestions on how to resolve these issues. After discussion, membership agreed that for participants to be guaranteed listing in the program they must be registered for the conference by 31 January. President Adamski also reminded those in attendance that SCOLAS membership was by calendar year as per the vote taken at the Business Meeting in 2008.
- New Business
- Conference in 2010
- Venues—President Adamski gave a report on a recent site visit by herself and Executive Director Joan Supplee to Santa Fe to examine three possible venues for the 2010 conference: La Fonda, Bishop’s Lodge, and Eldorado. Joan Supplee added that there where photographs of the venues on the website. The membership seemed pleased with the La Fonda site. Many had good memories of the 2001 conference there.
- Financial Issues—President Adamski again brought up the importance of conference attendees staying at the conference hotel, the tie-in to the hotel fees for meetings rooms with catering fees, and the issue of raising conference registration fees.
- Constitutional Changes—President Adamski introduced the amendment, approved at the Board meeting of adding a Graduate Representative to the Executive Board. This motion was approved by acclamation.
- Adding a Graduate Representative to the Executive Board
- Other Changes—there was an extensive debate regarding the issue of no-shows at the conference and the cost to the organization. After several failed motions the membership agreed that the cut-off date for registration would be 31 January with a grace period of two weeks. If not completed by then, the person would be eliminated from the program. It was also decided that the deadline for membership would be 31 January with a two week grace period. All other motions regarding actions to be taken in case of no-shows failed.
C. Elections
- Slate of Candidates
Harvey L. Johnson Committee—Geni Flores
Scholarship Committee—Michael Ward, Jeanna Paul-Ureña, and Teresa San Pedro
Awards—Juan Carlos Ureña
Graduate Rep—Sonia Hernández
This slate was approved by vote of the membership.