
September 17, 2015


The Spartanburg District Three Board of Trustees met on Thursday, September 17, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at the District Administration Building.

The following Trustees were present:

Mr. Shannon Gault, Chairman

Mr. Don Kennedy, Vice Chair

Mrs. Ann Brown, Secretary

Mrs. Jodi Gilmer, Trustee

Mrs. Holley Jolley, Trustee

Mrs. Kaye Kesler, Trustee

Mr. Tracy Schultz, Trustee

District personnel present included Superintendent Mr. Kenny Blackwood, Dr. Susan Little, Greg Mack, Rodney Goode, Bill McPherson, Ladson Berry, Donnie Elder, Jean Brewington, Karen Grimm, Windy Hodge, Cindy Snead, Allison Berry, Max Deaton, Cynthia James, Rodney Graves, Bill Price, Sherri Horton, and Kelley Smith.

Chairman Gault asked for a motion to go into executive session to discuss legal and personnel matters. Mrs. Keslermade the motion and was seconded by Mrs. Gilmer. The vote was unanimous in favor.

Chairman Gault asked for a motion to return to open session. Mrs. Jolley made the motion and was seconded by Mr. Schultz. The vote was unanimous in favor. Chairman Gault stated that no action was taken while in executive session.

Mrs. Horton conducted student recognitions. She expressed appreciation to students from all schools for artwork on display in the District Three Boardroom.

The following additional recognitions were made:

Christie Hayes, Clifdale Elementary School, and Catherine Huffstetler, Pacolet Elementary School, received Donors Choose Grants.

Sarah Justus, Cowpens Elementary School, received a full scholarship to the Train-the-Teacher Nutrition and Obesity Prevention Education Program. She was also selected as the 2015-16 Healthy School Project School in partnership with Partners for Healthy Living.

Stephanie Fisher, Cowpens Elementary School, was selected to attend the South Carolina State Museum’s Summer Boeing Workshop.

Sasha-Kay Matthias, Cowpens Middle School, was selected to attend the Science P.L.U.S. Institute during the summer of 2015.

Ben Sinnett, Cowpens Middle School, was selected as a state-level finalist for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching program.

Mr. McPherson gave apresentation on Summer Capital Projects.

Dr. Little, Mr. Goode, and Mr. Mack presented the district organizational chart and included staff for each department.

Mr. Goode and Mr. Mack discussed the affidavit, non-resident, and close proximity enrollments.

Dr. Little discussed instructional updates.

Mr. Elder discussed district technology updates.

In the Action Agenda:

Mr. Schultzmade a motion for approval of the agenda and was seconded by Mrs.Gilmer. The vote was unanimous in favor. Mrs. Gilmer made a motion for approval of the minutes of the August 20, 2015, Board meeting. The motion was seconded by Mrs.Jolley, and the vote was unanimous in favor.

Mr. Goode presented the following personnel recommendation for Board action:

New Employment of Certified Personnel Effective

Lauren TaylorGrade 1 TeacherCES8-31-15

Mr. Goode then presented the following personnel items as information:

New Employment of Non-Certificated Personnel Effective

Erin Helms.4 Teacher AssistantCES9-9-15

Catrina Epps.73 Teacher Assistant/.27 TeacherCES8-31-15

Shirley NicholsTemporary Special Ed AssistantCLIF9-1-15

Wanda AdamsonISS Coordinator/ Teacher AssistantMSP9-1-15

Mrs. Brown made a motion to approve the personnel recommendation and was seconded by Mr.Kennedy. The vote was unanimous in favor.

Mrs. Horton recommended for approval the district’s Mission and Purpose Statements, Values, and Guiding Principle. She also recommended that both statements, values and principle be reviewed annually. After a brief discussion, Mr. Schultz made a motion to remove the word, “knowledge” from the Mission Statement and was seconded by Mrs. Jolley. The vote was unanimous in favor. Mrs. Gilmer then made a motion to approve the revised recommendation and was seconded by Mrs. Jolley. The vote was unanimous in favor.

Mr. Blackwood presented for approval policy revisions required by federal or state statutes and regulations. Mr. Schultzmade a motion to waive second readings and approve revisions. Mr. Kennedy seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous in favor.

In other action, the Board elected Mr. Leeas the 2015 delegate for the South Carolina School Boards Association Assembly and named Mr. Dearybury as the alternate.

There being no further business, Mrs. Gilmer made a motion to adjourn and was seconded by Mr.Schultz. The vote was unanimous in favor.


Secretary, Board of Trustees

