July11, 2016

Time:3:30 P.M

Location:Grady Memorial Hospital

Corporate Board Room – Suite 1B

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Attendees in person:Dr. Annette Bernard; Frank Blake; H. James Dallas; Thomas Dortch; Henry W. Grady, III; Edward J. Hardin; Dr. Sharon Bent-Harley; John Haupert; Dr. Valerie Montgomery-Rice; Erica Qualls-Battey; David Stockert;Carol Tome; and, Sam Williams

Absent:Mark Becker; Lisa Borders; A.D. “Pete” Correll; Drew Evans; Lem Hewes;

Dr. Chris Larsen; and, Kelly Loeffler


  1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 3:50 p.m. by Chairman-Elect, Frank Blake in the absence of A.D. Pete Correll.

  1. Public Comment

Gunther Ruckl addressed quality of care issues at Grady. He will meet separately with Dr. Robert Jansen, Chief Medical Officer.

  1. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the May 9, 2016 meeting were approved with the correction of adding Dr. Valerie Montgomery-Rice to the attendance roster as present.

  1. Administrative Update
  1. Advances in the Treatment of Hepatitis C at Grady

Dr. Leslie Miller, Medical Director of the Grady Liver Clinic and Associate Professor of Medicine at Emory University School of Medicine provided a comprehensive overview of the Grady Liver Clinic which is a nationally recognized center for innovative hepatitis C care. During the presentation, Dr. Miller described the hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) which is a common, deadly and curable disease. She highlighted outcomes from Grady’s Liver Clinic programs including grant-funded screening and linkage to care initiatives, and also discussed the success rates of antiviral therapy. In conclusion, Dr. Miller shared a vision for the Grady Liver Clinic as a leader in national HCV elimination efforts.

  1. Quality & Patient Safety Update

John Haupert, president and Chief Executive Officer, updated the group on the most recent quality and patient safety data. For quite some time, the publicly reported data surrounding observed and expected mortality rates has been all consuming. As a result, Grady undertook a deliberate initiative to improve clinical documentation by physicians to accurately reflect the care that was given. Also, there was meaningful improvement realized in the implementation of a Grady hospice care program. In the past, hospice care was not readily available to our patient population which meant many of our patients spent their last days here in the ICU. Due to these changes, Grady has experienced significant growth in the clinical outcomes report as published by University Healthcare Consortium.

Dr. Robert Jansenprovided a comprehensive overview of Grady’s safety and quality journey as it relates to reaching the goal of zero patient harm. He discussed the inherent dangers in healthcare due to medical errors; but suggested that not many people think of harm in that manner. The question becomes how weare able to reach our goal of zero patient harm. Dr. Jansen then informed the group that Grady has undertaken a major journey to make safety and quality the Number One system priority. This will be accomplished in part through our mantra of “One Grady.” Grady must have the right people in place and provide them with the tools necessary to do the job. Part of Grady’s next steps include developing a ‘Just Culture’which will reduce variations in care as appropriate through balancing clinical care, education and research.

  1. Committee Reports
  1. Finance Committee

Sam Williams gave the committee report. There was a quorum and the minutes of the May 9, 2016 meeting were approved. Mr. Williams thanked Mr. Blake for filling in for him during the last meeting. The committee heard several updates beginning with the Grady Health Foundation and Revenue Cycle. Rick Rhine, senior vice president of Revenue Cycle, highlighted the monthly cash collections and noted that June 2016 was a record-breaking cash month with $68 Million collected. Mark Meyer, executive vice president/Chief Financial Officer, gave a detailed overview of the May 31, 2016 Financials. Mr. Williams informed the group that former Board Secretary, Robert “Bob” Miller remains as the liaison for the previous Fulton-DeKalb Hospital Authority pension. Other business items included a discussion led by Shannon Sale, senior vice president of Planning and Business Development, on the proposed Synaptive Bright Matter Neuro Robot capital funding project. This item was approved at the committee level due to total funding cost. Also, Ms. Sale presented to the Committee a request to approve a project funding cost of $2.5 Million in capital funding to enter into a lease agreement with Ackerman & Co. for the Camp Creek Ambulatory Lease project. This project was approved by the Committee with the assurance that the actual financials would be shared once the Proforma was completed.

  1. Quality Committee

Henry W. Grady III gave the committee report in the absence of Lisa Borders. There was a quorum and the minutes of May 9, 2016 were approved. Dr. Robert Jansen, Chief Medical Officer,gave a Great Catch Recognition which highlighted three staff members who discovered patient safety errors. These errors were considered serious events that could have caused harm to our patients.

Following the Great Catch recognition, Dr. Jansen presented the medical staff and advance practice providers for appointments and reappointment considerations(the providers are noted in the Board packet). The Committee approved the recommendations.

  • Grady
  • Initial Appointments – 24
  • Reappointments – 82
  • Advanced Practice Providers Initial – 11
  • Advanced Practice Providers Reappointments – 13
  • Extended Focus Professional Practice Evaluation - 28
  • Resignations – 40

• Hughes Spalding

  • Initial Appointments – 7
  • Reappointments – 29
  • Advanced Practice Providers Initial – 1
  • Advanced Practice Providers Reappointments – 1
  • Extended Focus Professional Practice Evaluation - 6
  • Resignations – 12

Frank Blakeasked for a Motion to approve the medical staff appointments as stated. The motion was MOVED by Dave Stockert, SECONDED by Jack Hardinand unanimously APPROVED by the full Board.

In closing, the Quality Committee heard a pillar update which was highlighted in detail duringDr. Jansen’s earlier presentation. Dr. Kelvin Holloway, Chief Patient Safety Officer,provided an Accreditation and Regulatory Activities Update.

  1. New Business

There was no new business to come before the Board.

  1. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings

Mr. Blake announced that the next meeting on September 12, 2016 would begin at 9:00a.m. with a follow-up strategy session.

  1. Adjourn

There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by Mr. Blake at



Timothy Jefferson, Esq., Secretary

Grady Memorial Hospital Corporation Page 1 of 3July 11, 2016