
Training Manual


i. Logging into the System 3

ii. Accessing Programmes 3

Chapter 1: Setting up a Programme 4

Chapter 2: Finding a Programme 6

Chapter 3: Programme Screen 7

3.1 Detail Screen 7

3.1.1 Programme Details 7

3.1.2 Provider 8

3.1.3 Eligibility 9

3.1.4 Spending 10

3.2 Activity 11

3.2.1 Programme Activities 11

3.2.2 Outputs 13

3.3 Clients 15

3.4 Site 18

Chapter 4: Reports 19

i. Logging into the System

The system is accessed over the internet. You will have been allocated a web address from your system administrator that will allow you to log in to the system. If not, please contact your system administrator. The web address will be in the format where ‘yourorganisation’ will be the name given to the partnership under which you work.

If you have access to the Hanlon Portal then a web site, such as the one below, will appear and you should click on the System User Login displayed at the bottom of the screen. If you do not have access to the portal then you will be directed to the Login screen shown on the next page.

Click on the 'System User Login' button in the bottom right hand corner.

You will be presented with the login screen where you need to enter your username and password. If you are unsure of your username or password, contact your system administrator or the Hanlon helpdesk.

Please Note: When logging in for the first time you will be required to change your password.

ii. Accessing Programmes

Once in the system you will be presented with various icons to access different parts of the system. To access the Programmes section click on the icon shown below:


Chapter 1: Setting up a Programme

Once in the programme module you will be presented with the programme menu:

Click on 'Add New Programme' to begin creating the programme. You will then be presented with a programme registration wizard.

When you add a new programme you are required to create a programme code and name as well as giving the programme a start date and end date. The other information is optional and you do not have to enter anything if you so wish. Click the floppy disc icon to save the programme or click the red return button to return to the programme menu without saving.

Programme Code: This is the code that represents the programme. If you don't have a code for the programme you can use an abbreviation of the programme name which will make the programme easier to find when using the search

Programme Name: Name of the programme

Start Date: The date the programme starts

End Date: The date the programme finishes

Financial Year Start Month: The month in which the programme starts its financial year

Objective: An outline of what the programme is aiming to achieve

Funding Type: The type of funding that funds the programme (Capital, Revenue, In Kind etc)

Source Type: Who funds the programme

Programme Group: The name of the group the programme belongs to if applicable

Available Funding: Amount of funding available to the programme

Add Default Forecast Breakdown: Splits the available funding between the months available

Target Area: The location the programme targets

Copy Eligibility From: Allows the copy of eligibility criteria from another programme

Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Finding a Programme

To begin searching for a programme, select 'Programme Search' from the programme menu. You will be presented with the following screen:

The programme search is very simple, it will check the programme code and programme code name to see if either match the entered text and will find any programmes that match.

To be able to work with programmes, you must be given access; if the programme is not available to a site to which you have access, it will not be shown in the list of matches.

Chapter 2

Chapter 3: Programme Screen

The menu at the top of the screen allows you to select different options for that programme:

·  Detail - Allows the programme details to be edited

·  Activity - Allows activities and outcomes to be linked to the programme

·  Client - Allows clients to be added to the programme

·  Site - Allows the programme to be shared with other sites

3.1 Detail Screen

Once you have selected the programme you wish to view you will presented with the detail tab.

3.1.1 Programme Details

The programme details section allows you to edit the details that are entered through the programme registration wizards. This includes the programme code, name, dates and funding type and source.

The REF Journey section at the bottom of the programme details page allows you to link objectives to the programme. These objectives are set up by an administrator and are the same objectives that can be linked to client activities.

3.1.2 Provider

The provider tab allows you to link providers to the programme. To set up the link click the 'Add' button. This will open up the following screen:

The provider field is an auto-complete text box and will bring up any provider that matches what you type. The provider you wish to add to the programme must be set as a provider in the Enterprise section and made available to the programmes module. Once you have selected the provider you must select the main contact from the list. Once done click the add button to attach the provider to the programme.

To remove the provider from the programme or change the main contact click on the edit button on the provider list.

To change the main contact use the main contact drop down and save. To remove the provider from the programme tick the delete box and save.

3.1.3 Eligibility

The eligibility tab allows you to set up eligibility criteria for the programme. The eligibility criterion is a list of criteria which a client must match to be eligible for the programme. If a client doesn't meet the criteria they can't be assigned to the programme.

Name: The name of the eligibility criteria you wish to create

Age From: The minimum age a client can be to be eligible for the programme

Age To: The maximum age a client can be to be eligible for the programme

Gender: Select male if the programme is for males, select female if the programme is only for females and leave blank if the programme has no gender eligibility

Unemployment Length From (months): The minimum amount of time a client must have been unemployed to be eligible for the programme

Unemployment Length To (months): The maximum amount of time a client can have been unemployed to be eligible for the programme

Ethnic Origins: The ethnic origins the programme is targeting. You can select more than one ethnic origins

Areas: The areas the programme is targeting. You can select more than one area. The client's post code must belong to one of these areas to be added to the programme

Profile Items: More than one profile item can be added here. The client must have all these profile items assigned to them to be added to the project

Parent Eligibility: Allows you to select another eligibility criteria already added to the programme as the parent of the criteria you are adding.

3.1.4 Spending

The spending tab allows you to see a spending breakdown for the activities against the programme. You are able to compare the forecast against the actual amount spent.

The spending breakdown goes through every month the programme is in existence. It shows the actual spending for each month which is calculated from the costs assigned to the client activities attached to the programme for that month. The forecast amount is inputted in the update forecast field (beneath the spending breakdown). Select the month you wish to update the forecast for and then enter the figure in the text box next to the date, click the 'Update' button to update the figure.

If the programme runs over numerous years you can filter the spending list by financial year to show you the results over one financial year. This is done by using the financial year drop down in the heading for the table.

You are able to export the spending breakdown into an excel document by using the 'XLS' button underneath the breakdown.

Using the drop down at the top of the page you can change the view from the spending breakdown to the activity list. The activity list shows the activities that have made up the actual spending.

3.2 Activity

The activity tab allows you to see which activities are linked to the programme, add new activities to the programme, view a breakdown of how each activity has been used and assign outputs to the programme.

3.2.1 Programme Activities

The programme activities screen is where you can see all the information about the programme activities.

For each activity added to the programme you can see the target for the amount the activity should be used against clients, the amount of funding for one activity, the total funding for the activity, the achieved amount against clients and the total amount claimed.

For each activity you are able to view a breakdown which will show when the activity was achieved and with which client. To view the breakdown click the breakdown link on the activity you wish to view.

If you wish to unlink an activity from a programme or edit any of the details you can do so by using the edit button (yellow pencil) on the activity list.

From this page you can change the target of each activity or the funding for an instance of each activity. You can unlink an activity from the programme by ticking the delete box of the activity you wish to remove and then clicking save.

If you wish to attach a new activity to the programme use the 'Add' button on the activity list. You will then be presented with the following screen:

There are two ways to add activities to programmes, individually or bulk. The picture above shows the individual method. To add an activity, type the name of the activity into the activity field, this is an auto-complete and will bring up a list of activities that match what you type. Once you have selected the activity you can add a target and instance funding if you wish, then click the add activity button to attach the activity to the programme.

If you wish to add more than one activity at a time click the 'Add Bulk' button to change to the bulk add screen:

To add activities through the add bulk section select the activities from the 'excluded' list and move them over to the 'included' list using the arrows in between the two lists. You can use the limit by group drop down above the lists to limit the amount of activities you are viewing in the lists. To attach target and instance funding figures to the activities use the fields beneath the lists. These figures have to be the same for all the activities you are adding. Once happy with your selection of activities use the 'Add Activity' button to assign the activities to the programme.

3.2.2 Outputs

The output tab allows you to create outputs that are associated with the programme. Programme outputs are a way of grouping activities into a single summary value.

To create a new output click, on the 'Add' button. You will then be presented with the following screen:

Output Name: Enter a name for the output you wish to create.

Per Instance: Outputs can be set to "Per Instance", where they count one achieved value per successful linked client activity, or not "Per Instance" where one achieved value is counted per client that successfully performs a linked activity. In general, you will expect Per Instance outputs to count more achieved values as clients can perform the same activity multiple times.

Target: Enter the target amount of this output the programme wishes to achieve.

Activities: Link the activities that have to be achieved for the output to be achieved. You can link in one or more activities to an output.

Once you have entered the output information click the 'Add' button to save the output or the 'Cancel' button to return to the previous screen without saving.

When an output is added it will appear on the outputs list.

You can see various pieces of information about the outcome from this screen, name, target, amount achieved, activities linked to output and whether the output is set to per instance or not. These details can be edited by using the 'Edit' link on the right hand side of the output you wish to edit.

For each output you are able to a breakdown of the activities that have contributed to the achieved outputs. To view the breakdown click on the 'Breakdown' link on the output you wish to view.

The breakdown shows you the date of the activity, activity name, client name and amount spent on the activity. You can filter the activity and client columns by using the drop downs in the heading. You can go to the client activity to view the record by clicking on the activity name. You can export the list to excel by using the 'XLS' button.

3.3 Clients

The clients tab allows you to view the clients associated with the programme and add clients to the programme.

To add a client to the programme click on the add button, you will then be presented with the following screen: