As a student in my class, you are responsible for knowing and following these procedures in addition to the policies and procedures outlined in the student handbook.

Entering the classroom:

When you enter the classroom, take your assigned seat unless instructed otherwise. Please check the white board for bell work. Copies will be located on a shelf of the red bookcase. It is imperative that the student come to class prepared.


If you are tardy, please enter the class quietly. If you are tardy with a pass, please place the pass on my desk. Please do not interrupt instruction or discussion. The tardy policy outlined in the Student Handbook will be strictly followed.


The bell/tone does not dismiss class. Remain seated until you receive all remaining instruction and are dismissed.

Listening and Responding:

It is important to listen to all lecture and instruction. In addition, a question asked by your peer may contain information that applies to you. Individual conversation during lecture or instruction will not be tolerated. There will be ample opportunity for group work and discussion. When responding to a question, please raise your hand and wait to respond. This allows each student the opportunity to hear your question, answer, or comment.


When returning from an absence it is your responsibility to obtain missed assignments. Because you cannot make up missed instruction, it is to your benefit to come and see me before or after school for additional information. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain make-up assignments and return them within the allotted time. Additional days are not extended to assignments missed for activities. It is recommended that the students secure assignments prior to departure. Students will be allotted one day in addition to each day missed to make up work. If a student is absent one day, they have the day they return and one additional day to turn in work. Work will be considered due in class the third day.

Late Work:

Work is due in class on the date assigned. Any and all work not turned in when due is considered late. This includes work left in lockers, other classes, or at home. The student will be allotted one late assignment per six weeks. The work will be due the next time the class meets. Once the student has exhausted their late assignment, zeros will be allotted for work not turned in when due. This late work policy does not apply to AR, tests, or projects.

Cell Phones and Telecommunication Devices:

Cell phones and telecommunication devices are not to be displayed, turned on, or used during the school day. Any incidents involving cell phones will result in their being confiscated and remanded to the principal’s office.

Additional Help:

If additional help is needed, please arrange a specific time before or after school. I try to make myself available, but prior arrangement is preferable.

Moving About the Room:

If it is necessary to leave your desk, please raise your hand and wait for an opportunity to speak to me. Restroom passes will be given for emergencies only. Please take care of those situations during passing periods and lunch.


The handbook states that food, drink, and gum are not allowed in classroom or hallways. Detentions will be given for candy and gum in the classroom.

Heading on Work:

All work must reflect the correct heading in the upper right hand corner. Failure to do so will result in a deduction of points.

Name (last, first)

Class – class-period

Date – MM.DD.YY