Hampton Court Road A308 Proposals September 2014 – Frequently Asked Questions.
Whilst the Council has invested significantly in the shared-use schemes at either end of the proposed section an investigation of the area identified thatit is not possible for cyclists to travel continuously along the route without risking either their own safety having to join heavy fast moving traffic or that of pedestrians using narrow footway with poor visibility.
There are pre-existing National Cycle Route facilities coming across HamptonCourtBridgeas well as popular cycle usage of BushyPark. The scheme as proposed will serve to link all of these provisions into a unified network and reduce vehicle speed along the 30mph section of the A308, enhancing vehicle and pedestrian safety.
The proposed upgrades to the BushyPark entrance will improve traffic flow and vehicle safety by increasing the sightlines into and out of the Park as well as providing better access to and from the Park entrance.
Will I still be able to access my driveway?
Yes, properties with an existing dropped kerb and vehicle crossover provision will be able to access their driveways, the crossovers will be extended where necessary to reach the new kerb line. In most cases, this will give vehicles a safe place to stop whilst opening their gates.
Will vehicles be able to stop outside my property to load and unload?
There are no plans to alterthe existing timed 20 minute loading restriction and single yellow line in force along the length of the proposed cycle scheme along. Vehicles will therefore still be able to load and unload within these limits as they currently do.
Will coloured surfacing be used to mark the shared footway?
There is no current intention to use coloured surfacing to mark the cycle track. The coloured marking is purely for highlighting the area in the diagram.
I regularly use the shared footpath as a pedestrian, will I be in danger from cyclists?
Cyclists currently use a much of the proposed shared footpath unofficially to avoid having to join heavy fast moving traffic. The improvements will create a wider path that should lessen the risks that pedestrians currently experience. The Kingston to Hampton Court cycle lane will remain on the southern side of the A308 for cyclists who wish to travel faster.
How will cyclists cross the road at the BushyPark entrance? Will the existing Zebra crossing be converted to shared use?
The Zebra crossing will be widened and converted to shared use. The rebuilt junction should make crossing on all arms of this junction safer and easier.
Will the bus stops be affected?
Not significantly, the current bus stops will remain in their existing locations. However, the HamptonCourtGardens stop westbound will have its shelter moved onto the build-out, ensuring better access to and from the buses for passengers. Additionally the Park House north/eastbound shelter will be moved forward to provide for passenger and cyclist safety.
Will I have to stop for cyclists when driving out of my driveway?
Yes, cyclists using the shared use surface should be treated the same as cyclists using the existing cycle lanes or pedestrians, a vehicle crossing the footway should give way in normal circumstances.
Who is paying for this work?
Funding for this project is sourced from a combination of local developer funding and funding direct from Transport for London as part of their yearly allocation for transport improvements.
Have there been any cycle accidents?
Cyclists accounted for 32% (15 incidents) of all accidents (47 reported) in 2008-12 along the section of the A308 covered by this proposal, which compares poorly with the national average of 7.4%. There have also been several accidents involving vehicles in this area which would be prevented by the measures in these proposals.