Cobb County School District

School Assistant Administrator Evaluation Instrument – Instructions


Annual Evaluation for School Year: Self-Explanatory.

Name, SSN, School: Self-Explanatory.

High Priority School? Title I?: Circle “Y” for Yes or “N” for No, as appropriate.

Current Position: Place an “X” or “Ö” on the line indicating current position of individual being evaluated.

School Administrative Experience: Count only years of school administrative experience. Separate experience by where it occurred. (You may have to ask the individual being evaluated for information to complete this section). Do not count non-school administrative experience (i.e. Central Office, private-sector companies, etc.) Enter whole numbers (.5 and above, round up).

Total Years in Education: Count all years (teaching, administrative, etc.) at any location.


This section is divided into two parts: A. Instructional Leadership and District Strategic Goals

B.  Professional Goals, Plans, Projects

A.  Instructional Leadership and District Strategic Goals

1. Using the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) “Standards for School Leaders” handbook, refer to the Knowledge, Dispositions and Performances rubrics for the Performance Factors in this section. For your convenience, you may also wish to reference the “ISLLC Standards for School Leaders” available on PASS. Rate the administrator by circling the appropriate letter for each Performance Factor.

2. Compare each administrator to the ISLLC Standards, rather than to each other. Base your ratings on direct observation, evidence

reviewed (if required or requested), etc. throughout the School Year.

3. A “Proficient” rating does not require written justification. Ratings of either “Unsatisfactory” or “Exceptional” require specific explanation in the space provided below the Factor.

B.  Professional Goals, Plans, Projects

1. This section allows the Evaluator to document and rate performance in three areas: 1) Leadership Development, 2) Contributions to School Improvement Plan (Meeting the Student Achievement Goals), and 3) This goal is to be tailored to the individual being evaluated. Goal # 3 (individually tailored) and specific measures of accountability for all 3 goals should be established early in the school year.

2. For Goal 3, the Evaluator will write a short description of the item next to the number 3, similar to the format in Sections “A” above.

3. All ratings in this Section – including “Proficient” – require specific written comments explaining the rating in the space provided below the short description.


1. This Section summarizes the ratings of the two parts in Section II, and provides a final, Overall Evaluation for the report.

2. For each Section (A & B) circle the appropriate letter corresponding to the Overall Rating.

Ø  For an Overall Rating in either of the two Factors to be “Unsatisfactory”, the majority of the individual factors on the previous pages in that Section must be rated “Unsatisfactory”.

Ø  For an Overall Rating in either of the two Factors to be “Exceptional”, the majority of the individual factors on the previous pages in that Section must be rated “Exceptional” (excluding any “N/A”), and no single factor can be rated “Unsatisfactory”.

Ø  No further written explanation of ratings is required in Section III.

3. The Overall Evaluation (C) is the final summation of the administrator’s performance for this school year.

Ø  For the Overall Evaluation to be “Unsatisfactory”, either the Overall Rating in A. Instructional Leadership and District Strategic Goals must be “Unsatisfactory”, or the Overall Rating in B. Professional Goals, Plans, or Projects must be “Unsatisfactory”.

Ø  For the Overall Evaluation to be “Exceptional”, no “Unsatisfactory” rating can occur anywhere on the report, and Overall Ratings for A. Instructional Leadership and District Strategic Goals and B. Professional Goals, Plans, or Projects must both be “Exceptional”.


This section is divided into two parts: A. Readiness for Increased Responsibilities

B.  Recommendation for Additional Training and Assignments, and Appropriate Timing

A.  Readiness for Increased Responsibilities

1. The Evaluator uses this section to indicate the administrator’s readiness to assume positions of increased responsibility in the District and, if so, when. This information will assist the Superintendent and Human Resources in succession planning for District leadership positions.

2. The Evaluator should consider the administrator’s potential for increased responsibility separately from his/her current performance. While performance in current position is an indicator of potential, other factors, to include experience, personal goals, professional qualifications, etc. should be weighed by the Evaluator when making a recommendation in this area. The Evaluator places an “X” or “Ö” next to “Ready Now” or “Ready in Future”, as appropriate.

3. In some cases, the Evaluator may believe or know the administrator is not interested in, or will not be ready in the foreseeable future for, a position with increased responsibilities. For example, the administrator has indicated plans to resign, retire, or relocate outside the District, or does not desire a position with increased responsibilities. In this case, the Evaluator should “X” or “Ö” “Neither of the Above” and briefly explain in the space provided.

B.  Recommendation for Additional Training and Assignments, and Appropriate Timing

Evaluators use this space to recommend any specific training opportunities and/or broadening or developmental reassignments that will benefit the administrator and the District. Indicate when this type of training or assignment would be most beneficial.


1. Evaluator signs and dates form the day it is signed; Principals evaluate their local school administrators.

2. Local school administrator being evaluated signs and dates the form the day it is signed.

3. Final Reviewer: Area Assistant Superintendents review all local school assistant administrator evaluations.


1. Use this space to continue comments from any Section in the report. The administrator being evaluated may also use this section to

comment on any aspect of the evaluation. Use a plain sheet of paper if additional space is necessary and attach to report.

2. While written comments from the administrator being evaluated are optional, they must be received by the Evaluator within 10 school

days of the day the administrator received the report.

Report may be typed or hand-written. Administrator, Evaluator and School Personnel file each get a copy of the report once the Final Reviewer has signed it. The original is sent to CCSD Human Resources Leadership Management and filed in the administrator’s District Personnel Folder.


Created 10/2003; Revised 10/06; 7/07; 3/09